Thursday 11 July 2019

Day Two Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Three 

We did not have nice sleep ins today.

Not even Niamh. 

Because she had to go up to the busy street. So she could go to her nice dentist. 

On her very fast bicycle.

It is a not very sunny day today. 

It is just full of all grey everywhere clouds day. Not nice fat sheep clouds. Oh well. 

Zita and I had a nice before breakfast walk before she went to the rascal ladies office.

Then Craig and I had tasty toasts. With brand new jam. 

But we did not have our together breakfast outside today. 

Because it is a too sticky outside day. 

So we looked out my watching window and then I had a nice nap.

Now Emmet has to be in charge of some people talking all about way old things. 

In way far away Wales. And he did not even know that. 

They just told him this morning. Oh dear. That is not so right.

And Emmet’s friend Mister Florian is going to live in way far away England for a little while. 

At another university. Not his in way far away Germany university. 

And it is when Emmet will be in way far away Ireland.

Maybe they will find a very tasty food restaurant. Together. 

Because now they only talk to each other on the computer. Not just beside each other. Ha.

You cannot have a delicious dinner with your friends only on a computer. It is known. 

But we cannot have an altogether dinner tonight.

Because Emmet is playing his dragons game with his friends. In their little apartment.

And tonight is a work until late night for Niamh. Oh well.

Craig and I had very little croissants for our lunchtime. With Mister Paul too.

After lunchtime there was very loud thunder. And windy rain too. For a long time time. 

I do not like the loud thunderstorms at all.

So I went downstairs to my friend Niamh’s big bedroom. 

Thunder cannot get you if you have lots of pillows all over you. Ha. Good for me. 

Craig is not scared of thunderstorms. Too bad for him. 

When Zita came home we did not go on our before dinnertime walk. 

Because maybe there would be more scary thunder. 

So we just had our own dinner. And we were not even a bit soggy. 

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