Saturday 28 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Eight

We had to get up even a bit early today.

Because Niamh teaches toe dancing to lots of little girls. Early in the morning. Oh well. 

Zita and I went for a very long walk. We met my friend Jamie and Profesor Jill. That was nice.

Jamie is my waking friend. He is a very quiet dog. I am not so quiet. Oh well.

Craig went to his old friends breakfast restaurant late today. I could not take him. 

Because I already had a nice walk. Too bad for me. I did not like that so much. 

When Niamh came home Lee and Cara came over too. They were in Niamh's room. 

They were singing old songs. Not even the sing happy birthday song. That is silly.

Emmet was writing little brand new stories all about way old books. Then Craig makes them all beautiful. 

Emmet did not get home until very late last night. 

Because he had to talk with all the other people at his nice university. 

But only the people interested in way long ago things. From his very interesting classes. 

They had pizza. Right in the university. Ha. 

I stayed all wide awake until he was all safe at home. Ha. 

Because I had my brand new orange thing again. It helps me to be the best ever fierce guarder dog. Ha. Good for me. 


This afternoon Zita went shopping for new get all dressed up pants. 

I stayed here to guard everybody. It is my job. 

I did not eat my tasty breakfast until past lunch time. Because I did not take Craig to his old friends breakfast. 

I always take him. So he will not get all lost and not ever come home to our beautiful house. And our family. Oh dear. 

So it was not all right. 

Taking Craig to his old friends breakfast is my best job. And helping move the cars. That is a good job too. 

Craig put cheesie treats on my tasty breakfast in the afternoon. So then I ate it. Ha. 

We watched the detective with the little dog. And the brand new little baby. Ha. That is a good program. 

Maybe we will watch it again tonight. Maybe we will have chips. Ha. 

Mister Tom got us a new program all about an old hotel. In a war. In way far away. 

Maybe it will not be scary. I do not watch scary way too loud programs. I have nice naps instead. Ha. Good for me. 

Niamh and Cara and Lee and Lily and I went for our before dinnertime walk. 

A nasty dog wanted to bite me. I just ignored it. It just stayed on the other side of the street. And barked and barked. That was a silly dog. Oh well. 

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