Saturday 7 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Seven

We did not get up early today.

Craig had a sleep in. He did not go to his old friends breakfast. It was too cold. He told me. 

And he was a little bit too sore to get in to the silver little car. 

You get a bit too sore when it is too cold. It is known. Oh dear.

We did not play catch the ball today either. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

Zita talked to her mother and father in way far away Dublin. For a long time.

Then Craig was all awake and he made the too much coffees. And we looked out the watching window. All together. That is good. 

Craig always helps me look out my watching window. That is good. 

Niamh and I went for a nice walk. When she was all wide awake. 

She did not get into her comfy bed until way way late last night. Maybe even this morning. Ha. Too bad for her. 

We watched the new detectives last night. They are way up north where they do not have any nighttime. That is good. 

I would like that. I do not like the nighttime so much. 

Because the dangerous wolves only hide in the bushes at nighttime. Ha. Too bad for them.

My friend the noisy catch bugs in the trees bird was here this morning. For a visit. 

It had a fight with an awful squirrel. Ha.

My friend the noisy bird won. And the awful squirrel ran fast away. Ha. Too bad for it. 

Emmet took all the beautiful decorations off our giant Merry Christmas tree. All by himself.


Good for him. I could not help. 

Because sometimes I am a bit too big. And get in the way. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I went downstairs to the scary basement to help Zita and Niamh put all the too many boxes all away. 

I was a big help. Good for me.

Then I went into the den. To guard Craig. 

Because he was writing. When he is writing he does not hear anything at all. 

Maybe something would sneak up and just catch him. Oh dear. So I have to guard him. It is my job. 

When Craig was all finished writing Emmet had made the Merry Christmas tree was all empty. Oh dear. Too bad for us.


I got a new just for me comfy bed. My old bed had lots of holes in it. Maybe I chewed it. Maybe. Oh dear.

A lady came to my house. Nobody knew her. Not even Zita. Zita knows everybody. Oh dear. 

She wanted to use our computer. I do not know why. 

Zita said she could use Zita's phone. Not the big computers. I guarded the door. I did not know her either. Ha. Too bad for her. 

This afternoon Miss Lily came to our scary basement to find music machines. Just for her. 

It is her present. Because she and I went for lots of nice walks. When Zita was in way far away Ireland. Ha. That is good. 

There were so many music machines that her father came in the nearly a truck to take it all back to her house. And lots and lots of wires too. Oh well. 

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