Wednesday 11 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty One

We got up early again today.

Even Craig got up early this morning. Ha.

Zita and I went for not too long walk. It is all melting today. 

I was a very messy soggy dog when we got home. Oh well.

So I am going to the make me beautiful store tomorrow. Ha. That is good. 

My new make me beautiful store is not even very far away. 

It is just beside Zita friend's tasty treats and coffee store. That is good.

We cannot get very all lost going there. Good for me. 

We had very crunchy toasts today. Just a little bit too much toasty.

Because Craig made them. Oh well.

Then Craig drove Emmet to his other university. 

For his brand new class all about old church people in way far away Ireland. A long long time ago. 

Zita had to go to church too. To say goodbye to her Uncle Donal. Again. 

In a very big church. With lots of stand up singing. And people talking all about Uncle Donal. That is nice. 

Niamh came home to read her all about the way old people class. 

At her nice university. And to watch her other class all about inventing talking. 

It is right on her computer. Just for her. Whenever she wants. Ha. That is good. 

Emmet fell last night. On the way too slippy sidewalk. At his other university. He hurt his hip.

And his fast little computer broke. You can not even see anything on it anymore. Oh dear. That is not right.

Zita took it to nice man at the fix it all up computer store. Maybe he can fix it. Oh dear. 

Craig found him an extra computer. It was just hiding in the den. It is a not so fast computer. It is a just in case computer. 

Then the cleaning ladies came to make our house spic and span. That is good.

They always forget to put my comfy bed back. Craig has to find it for me. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Comfy beds are good for you. It is known. 

After dinnertime Zita and her friend Miss Wendy are going to a famous toe dance tonight. 

On the giant stage. Downtown. All by themselves. 

And Emmet is going to his all about way old beer class. 

It is a very busy night for me. I will have to guard the house all by myself.

We watched the detectives on the television last night. 

But everybody was too tired and fell asleep. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

We did not have any chips. That is why everybody was too tired. Oh well. 

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