Friday 20 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty

We almost got up too late today. Oh dear.

Craig did not even have any toasts. Or too much coffee. He had to be all in a hurry. 

Today is Craig's drive all over forever day. 

First he took Emmet to his other university. Then he came home to take Niamh to her nice university.

Niamh brought him some too much coffee to drink. In the car. So he would not be all dead. That is good. 

Then he went back to the other university to bring Emmet home. 

So then he could go to and get Niamh. At the nice university. And bring her home too.

I could not help him. 

Because I was way busy helping Zita with the rascal ladies. 

Today is talk to everybody on the telephone all the time.

I had to be very quiet. Oh dear. 

Being very quiet is very hard for good guarder dogs. I am a very good guarder dog. It is known.

Niamh is not all very sick today. Just a bit sore from the all the time sick tummy. 

Last night we watched the program about the way old Queen. With the giant house. 

When she was young. Even not as old as Emmet.

That is a good program. 

Craig and I had a croissant for our lunch. I do not know which croissant we ate. Oh dear. 

Maybe Craig will tell me later. Maybe he will forget. Maybe.

Zita drove Niamh to the centre building. Because she is not so all right just yet.

She drove the silver little car. 

I did not get to help move the cars today. Too bad for me.

Yesterday Craig and I watched a program all about way way way old Scotland. 

Before they knew it was Scotland. On an far away island. With everything made from giant stones. 

Even the beds. Oh dear. That is not so comfy. I would not like to live there. Oh well too bad for them. 

Tonight we had pizza from Mister Tony's tasty pizza store. 

Because everybody was tired. Because we had a very busy day. Good for us. 

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