Thursday 5 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Five

We did not have a nice sleep in today.

Zita and I were up very early this morning. Then Craig too. Ha.

Because Zita had an important meeting this morning.

We only had little toasts today. Oh well.

When Niamh was all awake we went for a nice walk. It is a cold day outside today. And way slippy. We did not go way far. 

Because there are lots and lots of move the snow machines on our streets. And giant trucks. To take away all the too much snow. 

Sometimes they cannot see people and their nice dogs. Oh dear. 

That is why we did not go very far. We did not want to be all squished up. 

There were lots of cars sliding off the roads. All upside down. 

Just like when the go fast chair went upside down. With my friend Craig even still inside. He is still all right. That is good. 

We have not put all our beautiful decorations away yet. 

We still have our beautiful Merry Christmas tree. In the living room.


Maybe because a piece of our outside tree fell down. 

Maybe it is too dangerous for the Merry Christmas tree to be outside. Maybe. Oh well.

Zita and Niamh are going to make tasty own made used stew today. In the giant pot. Ha. 

I can not have tasty stew. Oh well. 

Today Zita got me my own tasty food. In the very big bag. That is good. 

Sometimes I get cheese treats on my food. Ha. That is good. 

I like cheese. And green beans. And lettuce. Ha. And the very tasty all cooked chicken. Good for me.

Craig is not a doctor in way far away anymore. He found the nasty man. But he died in the war. Oh well. 

Now the doctor is home. With his own family and his big dog. That is good. 

I do not know who Craig is now. He did not tell me yet. 

We had a peanut butter sandwich for our lunch. In the den. 

He is still reading for our nice Queen. We only had one sandwich. Oh well. 

Mister Tobin painted his snow dog. Just like Ollie. Ha. He did not paint Ollie. 


Zita had to go downtown to look at a big too small office. That is silly. Oh well.

Lee and Cara came to my house. To visit. And make toasty cheese sandwiches. Ha. That is a good sandwich. 

It takes them a long time to make sandwiches. Oh well. 

We watched the program about spies last night. We did not have any chips. Just the very comfy big blanket. Oh well. 

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