Saturday 21 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty One

It is Saturday go to breakfast day.

Zita and I took Craig to his old friends breakfast restaurant this morning. 

To have another breakfast with his old friends. 

He did not have to drive the silver little car today. 

Because it is not so cold outside today. Just all wet. 

Then Zita and I went for a nice walk. I was a very soggy dog when we got home.

Because of all the puddles. Oh well.

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university friend's little apartment after lunchtime. 

So they can play their magic game. With all their friends.

Then all the ladies I know on my street went to a squeaky clean shower. In a restaurant. 

Zita and Niamh too. 

You should not have a shower in a restaurant. That is silly. 

You have tasty dinners in restaurants. Not a squeaky clean shower. Too bad for them. 

They will not be so squeaky clean. Ha. 

Mister Bill and Miss Ginny's daughter is going to have a brand new baby. 

For Mister Cassey to guard. Ha. That is good. 

But you have to be way clean to have a brand new baby. 

Maybe that is why they always have showers before you have a brand new baby. Maybe. 

Cara and Lee came to my house to help Niamh find a way beautiful dress for the squeaky clean shower. 

I do not know why. She has lots of very beautiful dresses. 

I stayed here to guard Craig. I did not want to have a shower. So I did not go.

All the the cars in the world are on our streets this afternoon. 

Because all the beautiful dance on the slippy ice people are here. Up on the busy street. 

And everybody wants to watch them not fall down. And just be beautiful. Ha. That is good.

Now Craig has a castle in way far away England. A long long time ago. He is a lady now. 

There are lots and lots of nasty people outside the castle. They want the lady's castle. Too bad for them. 

Then he watched Miss Deirdre's scary Viking program. I did not watch. It is too scary. 

I had a nice nap on my comfy fluffy blanket in the kitchen. It is not scary in the kitchen. 

We watched the way far away detective last night. When he was young. 

He does not have a nice old church. Or a nice dog. Too bad for him. 

Miss Lily's father has a sing happy birthday day party tonight. That is nice.

Zita will go to help Doctor Susan eat all the cheese. 

I cannot go. I have to stay here to guard Craig. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

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