Tuesday 31 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty One

It was a get up very early again day.

It was way too cold outside today. We did not have our nice walk. 

Because of the too much cold.

Niamh went to her very early job again. Even in the too much cold.

Because it is her job. 

Craig did not even get up when Zita and I had our toasts. 

Because he had a big headache. In the middle of the night. 

So I stayed with him. On the big bed. Until he was all right.

Craig said I was the best keep you company dog in the world. That is right. 

Dogs are always good company when you are not just all right. It is known.

Then he was all right and we had our very fat toasts. 

I got toasty bits. Again. Ha. Good for me.

Because I am good company. Ha. Good for me.

Niamh was way tired when she came home for her tasty lunch. 

Not all the little children were way good listeners today. Oh dear. 

Sometimes I am not a good listener. But Niamh still loves me. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita was very busy with the rascal ladies ladies today. 

Craig and I had used pizza for our lunch. 

Mister Tony's friend brought us tasty pizzas last night. 

Because Zita was at her important meeting until nearly our go to fast asleep time. 

So we had Mister Tony's pizzas. I got pizza bits. 

I got used pizza bits for lunchtime too. Ha. That was good.

Then Zita and I went for our nice walk. We did not go so far. Because of the too much cold.

I did not want to wear my keep my feet warm boots today. Zita said I did not have too. Ha. Good for me. 

Today is Emmet's at dinnertime Scotsman's talking class. At his other university. 

Craig will drive him there in the silver little car. 

Because the other university not so close. Our nice university is nearly close.  And it is way too cold outside. 

We only watched a little bit of television last night. 

Because everybody was very tired. So everybody went to their comfy beds. To go fast asleep. Me too. Ha. 

Monday 30 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty

Zita got up way way early today. To go to the make you tired and sore store. It is up on the busy street.

Craig did not get up. I kept him company on the comfy big bed. Good for me.

When Zita came home we went for our nice walk. It is very cold today. My feet were very cold. 

Because I did not have my warm boots on. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Niamh had to go up to the a bit far away very big hills this morning. 

Because everybody was going slippy hill sliding. Even all the little girls and boys. For all day.

In the very cold. Oh dear. 

Niamh is going to be a big help. That is good. 

She will be all frozen up when she gets back to our comfy house. Ha. Too bad for her. 

We had very fat crunchy toasts today.

Then Emmet was all awake too. So he could go to his all about way old books class. 

Zita drove him in the black go fast car.

Because of the way cold. And she put Craig's silver little car on. 

To make it all toasty warm. And to take away all the ice. 

The silver little car was all covered up in ice. Oh dear. 

Even our catching ball was just all stuck in the ice. Oh dear. 

We only played catch the ball a little bit today. Because of the too cold. 

Then Zita got all her beautiful clothes and went to another important meeting. With the rascal ladies.

I stayed here to guard Craig. We had two fat peanut butter sandwiches. Ha. 

We always have peanut butter sandwiches for our lunch. That is good. 

Sometimes we have cheese too.

My cheese party friends are going to visit me. Soon. 

Because they want to go sliding on the slippy canal. Because it is have fun in the too much snow week. 

Ha. That is good. 

Maybe we will have a cheese party. Maybe. 

We watched the program all about the very very big hotel last night. On the television. 

There is a very big dog who lives right in the hotel. That is a good hotel. It is known.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine

It was the Sunday have a nice sleep in day. 

Zita and I did not have a very big sleep in. We went for a long nice walk.

Because is was all sunny and only a little bit cold.

Craig was still fast asleep in the big comfy bed. When we were home. Ha. Too bad for him.

Then Zita went to the make you all tired and sore store. 

I guarded Craig on the comfy bed until he was all awake. Ha. Good for me.

Then we got up. Even before Zita got home. Ha. That is good.

We had the real pancakes for our tasty lunch. Not the pretend pancakes from France. Ha.

Pancakes are Niamh's favourite. And we had bacon too. 

Nothing fell on the floor.

Because I fell fast asleep last night and did not talk to Mister Saint Newton. Too bad for me. 

After lunchtime Zita and Niamh went out to practice drive the car. 

I stayed here to guard Craig and Emmet. 

Craig had to read a lot for our nice Queen. Even on sleep in Sunday. Oh well.

And Emmet is very busy talking like an old Scotsman and writing his new very big story. 

It is all about the poor soldiers in the war nobody wanted and all their beer. 

Sometimes we have beer in the refrigerator. 

But only for when when it is way too hot outside. Or Mister Paul is here. 

It is not even a bit hot today. 

So you have to drink only the way too old Scotsmen's whiskey. 

To make you cosy warm. Zita told me. Ha. Good for us. 

Zita and I pushed more too much snow all away. From my side yard. 

So all our catching balls do not get lost. Ha.

Then Zita and doctor Susan went out to have some too much coffee and talk. Ha. 

Last night we watched the nice detective with the little baby and the not very big dog. 

They took the dog with them when they went on a nice vacation. That is good. 

He could not just stay at home. 

Because he is not big enough to guard the house all by himself. Ha. I guard the house all by myself. Ha. 

Because I am not so small. 

Miss Rima came to my house this afternoon. To visit. 

Then Niamh and Miss Rima and Lee and Cara and even me went for a nice before our dinnertime walk. 

It was not so sunny then. Oh well.

We had tasty chicken for our dinner. I like that. I always get bits of tasty chicken. 

If I am a very big helper. That is good. 

Saturday 28 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Eight

We had to get up even a bit early today.

Because Niamh teaches toe dancing to lots of little girls. Early in the morning. Oh well. 

Zita and I went for a very long walk. We met my friend Jamie and Profesor Jill. That was nice.

Jamie is my waking friend. He is a very quiet dog. I am not so quiet. Oh well.

Craig went to his old friends breakfast restaurant late today. I could not take him. 

Because I already had a nice walk. Too bad for me. I did not like that so much. 

When Niamh came home Lee and Cara came over too. They were in Niamh's room. 

They were singing old songs. Not even the sing happy birthday song. That is silly.

Emmet was writing little brand new stories all about way old books. Then Craig makes them all beautiful. 

Emmet did not get home until very late last night. 

Because he had to talk with all the other people at his nice university. 

But only the people interested in way long ago things. From his very interesting classes. 

They had pizza. Right in the university. Ha. 

I stayed all wide awake until he was all safe at home. Ha. 

Because I had my brand new orange thing again. It helps me to be the best ever fierce guarder dog. Ha. Good for me. 


This afternoon Zita went shopping for new get all dressed up pants. 

I stayed here to guard everybody. It is my job. 

I did not eat my tasty breakfast until past lunch time. Because I did not take Craig to his old friends breakfast. 

I always take him. So he will not get all lost and not ever come home to our beautiful house. And our family. Oh dear. 

So it was not all right. 

Taking Craig to his old friends breakfast is my best job. And helping move the cars. That is a good job too. 

Craig put cheesie treats on my tasty breakfast in the afternoon. So then I ate it. Ha. 

We watched the detective with the little dog. And the brand new little baby. Ha. That is a good program. 

Maybe we will watch it again tonight. Maybe we will have chips. Ha. 

Mister Tom got us a new program all about an old hotel. In a war. In way far away. 

Maybe it will not be scary. I do not watch scary way too loud programs. I have nice naps instead. Ha. Good for me. 

Niamh and Cara and Lee and Lily and I went for our before dinnertime walk. 

A nasty dog wanted to bite me. I just ignored it. It just stayed on the other side of the street. And barked and barked. That was a silly dog. Oh well. 

Friday 27 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Seven

Today was Craig's drive everywhere day. So we got up very early.

But Emmet's not so interesting class was cancelled. And he went right back to bed. Ha. Good for him.

Zita and I went for a very fast way early nice walk. It was not very cold today. That is good. 

Then we had our toasts with Craig.

He drove Niamh to her all about people class at the nice university. 

She had to give her nice professor her brand new story. Ha. Good for her. 

And then he took Emmet to an important meeting at his nice university too. 

They saw Professor Jill and my Jamie when they got in the silver little car. 

Professor Jill and Emmet are going to go out to have another nice lunch. I do not know when. Nobody told me. Oh well.

Emmet has another meeting tonight. At his nice university. 

With all his friends who know all about way old people. 

Maybe they know even about all the Punics too. They are my favourite. 

Because they had the giant elephants. To squish nasty people all up. Ha. 

They are going to buy pizzas. And eat them at the nice university. All together. 

Maybe beer too. But not from Emmet's way old beer class. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Then Craig went downtown for another meeting for our nice Queen. But he got in trouble. 

He parked his car in the wrong place. And a man got mad at him. Oh dear. That is not so nice.

But the nice police lady said he was only a very silly man. And Craig should not listen to him. 

And she did not even give Craig a give them lots of money ticket. Ha. That is good. 

Niamh went to her before dinnertime job at out giant centre building. 

After her very long class at her nice university. 

Miss Rima had dinner at my house last night. With all of us. Me too. That is good. 

Everybody had toasty cheese sandwiches. But not me. Oh well. 

Miss Rima came to my house. Again. And Miss Courtney too. For tasty own made pizzas. 

We had all extra pizza.

Because Emmet was eating pizzas with his friends. 

Right at the nice university. Not at a dining room table. Oh dear. 

They will get all messy. Oh dear. Too bad for them. Oh well. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Six

It was a very busy day for Craig.

I did not have a so busy day. That is good. 

Craig did not have a nice sleep in. He was too busy. 

He did not even have any toasts or too much coffee. Too bad for me. 

Or even play catch the ball with me. Oh dear. 

He had to drive Niamh to her nice doctor. 

Because of when she had her way too sick tummy. So she will not get all too sick again. 

Then he drove her to a school to teach dance a lot to lots and lots of little children. Ha. 

Craig had to go downtown for our nice Queen. 

To have a tasty lunch and talk all about interesting ideas.

Zita and Niamh went for a nice tasty lunch too. 

Then Zita had to go downtown to the too small office. For the rascal ladies.

I stayed here to guard Emmet. All by myself. 

Then Craig came home and Zita too. Ha.

Craig had to write all about his interesting lunch. So our nice Queen will know all about it. 

Zita made Niamh's brand new for her nice university story all beautiful. That is good. 

Then Craig drove Emmet to his other university for his talk like an old Scotsman class. 

It is his until past dinnertime class.

So Emmet made tasty cheese sandwiches for his own dinner. Ha. 

I got some cheesy bits. Because I was a very polite helper.

Last night we watched a program all about doctors in the broken house war. 

It was a bit too scary. I did not watch. I had a little nap on my favourite comfy blanket. 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Five

It was another get up too early day.

Niamh was not nearly all awake so Zita drove her to her too early in the morning job. That is nice. 

I guarded Craig on the comfy big bed. 

Then Zita and I went for a nice walk. Before Craig was even awake at all. 

When we got home I had to go in and remind him how to wake up. Ha. Good for me.

We had only the too little not crunchy toasts today. Because we ate up all the tasty bread. Oh dear. 

Craig drove my friend Emmet to his not very interesting class at his other university. Oh dear. Too bad for him. 

Before they came home they went to the make the very tasty bread store. Way way up the busy street.

They got lots of tasty bread. Even the special crunchy toasts bread too. That is good.

Craig and I had very fat peanut butter sandwiches for our lunch. That is good.

When Niamh came home she went back into her comfy bed. For a nap. Ha.

Then when she was awake she had to go to our very nice bank. 

Before she went to her after lunchtime job. I did not go. Too bad for me. 

That nice bank always gives me giant treats. Because I am a very polite dog. Ha. Oh well. 

Tonight is Emmet's stay until late night at his nice university night. It is his interesting class night.

All about old beer. And soldiers. 

Emmet is writing a very big all new story about soldiers in the war nobody wanted and all their beer. Ha. 

Tonight is eat sheeps insides night for Scotsmen. Oh dear. That is not very tasty. Oh dear. 

They should eat lots of toasty croissants with Mister Nicastro's tasty from far away cheese. Not sheeps. 

Maybe that is why they have to play the very noisy bagpipes. 

So nobody will come see what they are eating. Ha. Too bad for them.

We did not watch anything on the television last night. Just the hockey game.

Craig's hockey team won again. After he had his squeaky clean bath. Ha. 

Maybe we will have popcorn tonight. If we watch something interesting on the television. Maybe.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Four

We got up just a little bit early this morning.

It is a get up very early in the morning day for Niamh.

And Zita had to go visit doctor Don the nice dentist. Up on the busy street.

When we had our toasts it started to snow. Winter did not forget us at all. It was all windy hard snow today. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

Then Zita went downtown to the way too small office. 

Craig and I did not play catch the ball so much today.

Because of the windy snow. When I came in the house I was all covered up with icy snow. 

I had to stay in the kitchen. Craig kept me company. So I had a nice nap.

After her very early in the morning job Niamh is going to her old dance a lot school. 

To help one of her students. From our giant centre building. 

The lady wants to go to that school. Just like Niamh did. Ha.

Today is Emmet's learn how to talk like a long time ago Scotsman class. 

Last night he was learning all the rules. He said they are silly rules. 

That is why nobody can talk like a long time ago Scotsman any more. Oh well. Too bad for them. 

Craig is reading for our nice Queen this afternoon. In the den. 

We had a toasty croissant for our lunch. With lots of butter. Ha. That is good.

Then he took Emmet to his other university. In the windy snow. Oh well.

I stayed here and guarded the house until Zita came home. I got a peanut butter treat.

We watched old churchman detective last night. It is not a scary program. That is good. 

We had more popcorn. That is good too. 

Last night before I went to bed I checked all the rooms in my house.

Because I have my own special orange toy back. 

I need to have it to check all the rooms. It is known. 

Zita came with me. Ha. That is right. 

Monday 23 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Three

I had a busy day. 

Because everybody else was busy too. When everybody is busy I am too. It is my job. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is not so cold again. Ha.

Then we had our toasts and some too much coffee. We had fat crunchy toasts today. 

Craig made the too much coffee. Zita made the crunchy toasts. 

Last night we had a special extra lots and lots of toasts night. Right in our den. 

When we watched the not very old detective. On the television. It was one of nice Mister Tom's programs. 

It was just Craig and Zita and Niamh and I. Altogether. Ha. Toasts. Ha. That was a good night.

Emmet did not have any toasts with us. He was downstairs in the scary basement. 

He had to finish writing his not so very long story. For his all about way way old books class. 

He was too busy to have the extra toasts. Too bad for him. 

Zita had to visit Craig's mother and her doctor. Because of her sore foot. Oh dear.

Then she took Emmet to his nice university before she went to the way too small office. 

This morning Niamh was writing her long story for the nice university too. 

Then Craig drove her to her after lunchtime job. And then he went to the nice university to find my friend Emmet. 

I stayed here to guard the house all by myself.

Today the present man brought me a Merry Christmas secret present. 

It is not even Merry Christmas time. Ha. That is silly.

It is a late just for me present. 

It is a brand new orange thing. 

My old orange thing got all chewed up. Maybe I did it. 

My orange thing is my favourite toy. That is good. 

I carry it around with me when I make sure all our rooms are all safe at night. 

Before I go all fast sleep. Ha. That is my job. 

Maybe we will watch the old Queen when she was not so old tonight. 

We have popcorn. I saw it. Ha. 

Sunday 22 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Two

We had a little sleep in today. It is sleep in Sunday.

Then Craig got up and then Zita and I got up too. So Craig would not make too toasty toasts. 

And make the save us, save us machine make the way too loud noise. 

Then we had some too much coffee and nice crunchy toasts. Not too toasty. Ha. Good for us.

Zita and I had a long nice walk after our toasts. Even in the puddles. It is still not even a bit too cold. 

Nobody can go in the nearly empty canal because it is not so slippy now.

That is silly weather. It is known. 

Last night Zita and Niamh had to steal Craig's comfy shirts. 

For the sing happy birthday day party. I do not know why. I did not go.

I stayed here to guard Craig. I helped him watch the hockey game. 

Everybody at the sing happy birthday day party had to be chop down a tree people. I do not know why. 

Even Niamh and Miss Lily.


The sing happy birthday cake was even a tree too. 


That is silly. Trees are not so tasty. 

Sometimes I chew on tree sticks and get a sick tummy.  You should not make tree cakes. 

People will just have sick tummies. And will have to get new rugs for their dens too. Oh dear. 

Emmet did not go. He was with his nice university friends. Until late.

He had to have an all clean shower when he got home. Right away. 

Because of the cats who live in the little apartment. Oh dear. Silly cats. 

Then Niamh came home. And then left. Right away too. She did not have an all clean shower. She did not have time to.

Because Niamh and Miss Rima went to see a movie up on the busy street. 

Niamh said it a very good movie. 

Because it was all full up with singing and dancing. Ha. That is good.

Today she went to the beautiful library at her nice university. To do lots of reading for her new story. 

Emmet finished a brand new story. So Craig could read it so it would be as beautiful as me. Ha. 

Everybody says I am beautiful. That is true. And very fierce. Sometimes. 

Saturday 21 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty One

It is Saturday go to breakfast day.

Zita and I took Craig to his old friends breakfast restaurant this morning. 

To have another breakfast with his old friends. 

He did not have to drive the silver little car today. 

Because it is not so cold outside today. Just all wet. 

Then Zita and I went for a nice walk. I was a very soggy dog when we got home.

Because of all the puddles. Oh well.

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university friend's little apartment after lunchtime. 

So they can play their magic game. With all their friends.

Then all the ladies I know on my street went to a squeaky clean shower. In a restaurant. 

Zita and Niamh too. 

You should not have a shower in a restaurant. That is silly. 

You have tasty dinners in restaurants. Not a squeaky clean shower. Too bad for them. 

They will not be so squeaky clean. Ha. 

Mister Bill and Miss Ginny's daughter is going to have a brand new baby. 

For Mister Cassey to guard. Ha. That is good. 

But you have to be way clean to have a brand new baby. 

Maybe that is why they always have showers before you have a brand new baby. Maybe. 

Cara and Lee came to my house to help Niamh find a way beautiful dress for the squeaky clean shower. 

I do not know why. She has lots of very beautiful dresses. 

I stayed here to guard Craig. I did not want to have a shower. So I did not go.

All the the cars in the world are on our streets this afternoon. 

Because all the beautiful dance on the slippy ice people are here. Up on the busy street. 

And everybody wants to watch them not fall down. And just be beautiful. Ha. That is good.

Now Craig has a castle in way far away England. A long long time ago. He is a lady now. 

There are lots and lots of nasty people outside the castle. They want the lady's castle. Too bad for them. 

Then he watched Miss Deirdre's scary Viking program. I did not watch. It is too scary. 

I had a nice nap on my comfy fluffy blanket in the kitchen. It is not scary in the kitchen. 

We watched the way far away detective last night. When he was young. 

He does not have a nice old church. Or a nice dog. Too bad for him. 

Miss Lily's father has a sing happy birthday day party tonight. That is nice.

Zita will go to help Doctor Susan eat all the cheese. 

I cannot go. I have to stay here to guard Craig. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Friday 20 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty

We almost got up too late today. Oh dear.

Craig did not even have any toasts. Or too much coffee. He had to be all in a hurry. 

Today is Craig's drive all over forever day. 

First he took Emmet to his other university. Then he came home to take Niamh to her nice university.

Niamh brought him some too much coffee to drink. In the car. So he would not be all dead. That is good. 

Then he went back to the other university to bring Emmet home. 

So then he could go to and get Niamh. At the nice university. And bring her home too.

I could not help him. 

Because I was way busy helping Zita with the rascal ladies. 

Today is talk to everybody on the telephone all the time.

I had to be very quiet. Oh dear. 

Being very quiet is very hard for good guarder dogs. I am a very good guarder dog. It is known.

Niamh is not all very sick today. Just a bit sore from the all the time sick tummy. 

Last night we watched the program about the way old Queen. With the giant house. 

When she was young. Even not as old as Emmet.

That is a good program. 

Craig and I had a croissant for our lunch. I do not know which croissant we ate. Oh dear. 

Maybe Craig will tell me later. Maybe he will forget. Maybe.

Zita drove Niamh to the centre building. Because she is not so all right just yet.

She drove the silver little car. 

I did not get to help move the cars today. Too bad for me.

Yesterday Craig and I watched a program all about way way way old Scotland. 

Before they knew it was Scotland. On an far away island. With everything made from giant stones. 

Even the beds. Oh dear. That is not so comfy. I would not like to live there. Oh well too bad for them. 

Tonight we had pizza from Mister Tony's tasty pizza store. 

Because everybody was tired. Because we had a very busy day. Good for us. 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Nine

I had a nice quiet day.

Because I had a sick tummy last night. Just like Niamh's. 

Maybe the flu caught me when I was all fast asleep. Maybe. Oh dear.

We did not go for a nice walk this morning. 

Niamh did not have a sick tummy last night. She was just way too hot. Oh dear. She could not stand up so well. Oh dear. 

Zita gave her some medicine then she was not way too hot.  Just hot. That is good.

Craig did not get up so early today. Only Zita and I were all wide awake. 

So she could write lots for the rascal ladies.

Then when Craig was all awake we had baby toasts. And our too much coffee. 

Then Craig went into the den. So he could read interesting stories for our nice Queen

So I guarded Zita in the living room. 

I did not sleep on my nice bed in the kitchen. Because I chewed a bit of it all up. Now it is gone away. Too bad for me.

Maybe that is why I had the sick tummy last night. Maybe. 

Or maybe just the nasty flu. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

Mister Tom brought us brand new programs last night. That is nice. 

Even one all about Scotsman dogs chasing sheep. Dogs just like Miss Maggie or Mister Shadow. 

Now they are chasing all the sheep clouds all over heaven. Ha. Good for them. 

When we see the sheep clouds I know that they chased them here. Just for us to see. Ha. That is good. 

We are going to have a croissant game at my house. Just for us. 

Zita got different tasty croissants from different stores. 

Then we have to taste them to see which one is the best tasty croissants. Ha. That is a good game. 

Craig said I can play too. 

Because I really like croissants. And cheese. Sometimes we have a toasty croissant with cheese. Ha. That is good. 

Craig took Emmet to his speak like a long time ago Scotsman class. At his other university. It is at dinnertime again. Oh dear. 

Niamh has to write a new story for her all about people class. Now she is only a bit too sick. That is good.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight

My friend Niamh got caught by a nasty flu. 

I did not even see it come in. Oh dear. 

Maybe somebody did not lock the door. Maybe. Oh dear. 

She had a sick tummy lots and lots of times all last night. And even today too. Oh dear.

Zita stayed with her all night. I stayed with Craig. So the flu could not catch him.

Zita and I did not go for a nice walk this morning.

Because of Niamh's sick tummy.

She has to take very nasty medicine. So she would not have an all the time sick tummy. Oh dear. 

She fell fast asleep on the comfy rug. In the living room. I stayed right with her. To guard her. 


In case the nasty flu tried to get back in my house.

Zita said I was the best nurse she ever saw. That is true. It is my job. It is known.

Craig drove Emmet to his other university this morning. 

Zita did not go to work today. 

Because Zita and I had to take care of Niamh. 

Niamh could not go to her nice work today. Oh dear. That is not so nice. Or even tomorrow. Oh dear. 

Niamh likes to go to work at the centre building. 

Because she is not so all right just yet. 

Craig said soon it will be another special Scotsman's day. 

For an old Scotsman who used to drink too much. And wrote lots of poems. 

I cannot understand them. Oh well. Too bad for him. Oh well.

Craig said that he even wrote poems all about nice Scotsmen's dogs. That is good.

Craig was not anybody today. He just had to read a little bit for our nice Queen. 

I did not help him. I was too buy taking care of my friend Niamh. 

There is a little squirrel who runs right on top of my hedge. Every day. Back and forth. 

I bark and bark at it.  It does not care. That is not right. 

Today is Emmet's very busy day. 

He has to go to his nice university today. At dinnertime. For his all about making way old beer class. 

Maybe we will watch the television tonight. When he comes home to our house. 

Maybe some way far away detectives. Ha. That is good. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Seven

It was a get up early day today.

Zita and I took my friend Niamh to her very early in the morning job. At the giant centre building. 

It was still almost dark when we got there. That is too early. 

Craig was still all asleep when we got home. Ha. Good for him. 

I had to stay with him on the big comfy bed. Until he was a wide awake.

It was even after Zita went to the way too small office.

Then he got up.

I had to keep him company or maybe he might forget to get up and play catch the ball with me. 

He had only pretend coffee. And not so toasty toasts. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

We played catch the ball. It is not very cold this morning.

Then I had a nice nap.

Last night the giant machines came to my street. Because of all the too slippy sidewalks.

There was even a giant ice chopping up machine. The machines are way too noisy. I was very upset.

All my family came to my watching window to help me chase them all away. From my house. That is good. 

When there are lots of noisy machines it is nice to have helpers. 

We watched a program last night all about an old very nice Queen. 

When everybody had very houses. And very big horses. And big hats. Ha. They had silly hats. 

It was all about when she was not old at all. Ha. 

She had a dog. That is good. It was not a very big dog. Oh well.

Niamh came home for a tasty lunch. And to read new stories for her nice university class.

Then she went back for her after lunchtime job. 

After lunchtime Craig and I looked out the watching window. 

To see all the cars who do not stop. And then they honk their horns at everything. Too bad for them. 

Then I had a nice nap. On the big comfy bed. 

Today is Emmet's stay until late at his other university day. 

Craig will drive him. Because of the icy rain.

To night Zita went out to dinner with my friend's Zoë's mother Miss Bethany. 

Zita had to wear her special do not slip on the ice boots. Because of the too much icy rain. 

Emmet and Craig went to Mister Kettleman's bagel store when they came home from the other university.

They brought lots of bagels home for our tasty dinner. I got bagel bits. Ha. That is good. 

Craig just watched the hockey game. He cannot watch the detectives if Zita is not here. It is known.

I had a nap. 

I could not have a nap on my comfy bed. Zita took it all away. 

Because maybe I chewed on it. And I got in big trouble. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Six

We did not get up very early this morning. We got up just at a nice time.

Zita had to go to the way too small office this morning. 

Craig made the coffees but Zita had to go right away. 

So Craig and I had out tasty toasts together. Just us.

Then we played catch the ball. But only a little bit. 

Because the go fast chair is afraid of the too cold. Oh well.

We looked out the watching window for a little while. Then I had my nap. Ha. That is good. 

Emmet put my duvet all around me. So I would not get cold at all. That was nice. 

I am going to see my nice doctor today. It is a just because visit. 

You always have to go to your nice doctor just because. So you do not forget not to get all sick. 

Niamh and I went for a nice walk this morning. It was only a very little walk.

Because of the way too slippy sidewalks. 

Niamh did not have to go to her very early in the morning job today. 

That is why we went for our nice walk together. That is good.

Craig drove Emmet to his all about very old books class today. At his nice university. Before our lunchtime. 

Craig and I had a tasty cheese from way far away Wales sandwich. With peanut butter. That was good. 

Zita brought Emmet back from his nice university. All safe and not falling down at all. 

When she came home from the too small office. 

Then we went in the black go fast car. To visit my nice doctor. 

I was a too much barking dog again. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

My nice doctor said that I was perfect. Just like Craig. Except I am not a way too slow walker. 

And I do not have to have a go fast chair. The go fast chair is not as fast as me. Ha. Too bad for it. 

Then we came home.

When I was at my doctor's Emmet had to guard our house all by himself.

Because I was not here. Ha. Good for him. He was not scared. 

Because he has his big swords. And his chop you all up Viking axe. Ha. 

Niamh was not here because she was working at the big centre building. 

She likes working there. That is good.

She is going to teach dance a lot. To all the little children. In the very near to my house school. That is good. 

Niamh is a way good teacher. It is known. 

Sunday 15 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Five

It was a sleep in Sunday. We did not sleep in very much.

Niamh had to go to our big building. All day. To learn new things. 

So we all got up. But Craig did not get up. I had to digg the nice warm duvet all away. Then he got up. Ha. Good for me.

We had lots of very crunchy toasts today. After my nice walk. It was a very busy walk. 

We gave everybody on my street our nice newspaper. We went to all the houses. 

Some houses had silly dogs who barked at me. When I was helping Zita give the nice newspaper away. 

That was not very nice. Ha. Too bad for them. I did not care. I was outside. Ha. 

I nearly lost one of my keep my feet warm boots. It fell off. But we found it. That is good. 

After our toasts Emmet was all wide awake.

Then we had lots of croissants. And tasty cheese. For our other breakfast. Ha. 

Two breakfasts today. Good for me. 

Then I had a nap. My new bed is very comfy. It is all fluffy. It is known. My old bed went all flat. Oh well. 

Zita had to make all our clothes all squeaky clean today. 

We have lots of dirty clothes in our house. Even more because my friend Niamh is home. Oh well.

Our new make the clothes clean machine makes all our clothes way clean. 

Cleaner than the old machine because it was too tired. Then it just died. Too bad for it. 

Craig had to find all the right socks. Because there are way too many wrong socks. 

And Craig always has to fix all the socks. It is his job. 

Emmet has lots of reading for his two universities today. Oh well. 

He will get his big warm blanket and sit in his comfy leather chair. 

Then he can read all his interesting stories. And drink his Irish tea. 

Now Craig is a lady nurse in the war nobody wanted. She is looking for nasty man. In the middle of the dangerous war. That is silly. Oh well.

Zita and I went for a nice walk before dinner. Before it was very dark outside. It was still cold. Oh well.

I wore my special keep me warm coat. It came all the way from way far away Ireland. 

Zita brought it home just for me. Ha.

We had our tasty dinner altogether tonight. That is right. 

You should always have your tasty dinner with your family. So they do not just forget about you. It is known.

Maybe we will watch some detectives tonight. That is good. 

Saturday 14 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Four

We got up early again today.

Because Niamh had to teach toe dance early this morning. At our big community building. 

Her friend could not teach today. 

Because somebody went all the the way to heaven last night. Oh dear. That is sad. 

I do not know them. 

Craig went to his old friends breakfast today. He had to take the silver little car. 

Because of the way too cold. 

I stayed here to guard Zita and Emmet and our house. Good for me. 

Everybody at breakfast saw my picture. After I went to the make me beautiful store. They said I was beautiful. That is true. 

Zita talked to Auntie Eileen this morning. For a long time. She still lives in way far away Ireland. With all the cousins. Ha. 

Zita and I waited until lunchtime before we went for our nice walk. Because of the too cold. 

I had to wear my green keep my feet dry boots. 

Because of all the nasty salt on the street. Oh dear.

Mister Tom got new programs for us. Lots more all about the nice church man detective. That is nice.

We watched him last night. On the television. Until we were all too tired. 

Our nice all empty canal is all frozen as hard as can be. So there were lots of people skating on the icey canal. 

Craig saw them. Even in the way too cold.


Niamh did not get home until way way late last night. 

Because all the dance a lot friends went out to have a party with Miss Taran. 

Before she goes to way way far away Australia. 

Niamh is going to Miss Taran's house for a nice dinner tonight. That is nice.

In the afternoon Emmet went in the black go fast car. With Zita. To practice drive the car again. 

After our lunch Craig just watched a program about old old houses. In way far away. I helped him. 

I had a little nap on the very comfy blanket. In the den. Ha. The program was not so interesting. 

I had a quiet nice day. 

Tonight maybe we will watch more of the nice detective. He has his own church. In way far away England. 

He does not have a nice dog. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

Friday 13 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Three

Craig was up very early today. Before Zita and I. Ha. That is silly.

Because today day is Craig's go everywhere twice day. Oh dear. Too bad for him.

He and Emmet went to Emmet's other university. For his very early in the morning class. 

Then he came home to take Niamh to the nice university for her all about why people are people class. 

Today is Niamh's almost all day at her university day. 

Then she goes to the big building for her new in the afternoon job. 

Then Craig had to go back to Emmet's other university to get Emmet. 

And then Emmet took an important rascal ladies letter to a building for Zita.

It was a very busy drive around day. 

I stayed home to guard Zita. Good for me.

When Craig came home we had a giant fat toasty cheese and even bacon sandwich. For our lunchtime.

Ha. I even got bacon too. That is good. 

This morning when everybody was all away Zita and I went for our nice walk. 

But the sidewalk is way too slippy. So we went right on the streets. Ha. 

Because now it is very cold again today. 

Because we have silly weather. It is known.

Emmet went to Zita's friend the nice man's shoe store. Up on our busy street. 

He had to walk carefully and not fall down again. 

Because of the way too slippy sidewalks. 

Emmet had get his brand new Merry Christmas present shoes. 

They came all the way from way way far away Australia. 

That is where Niamh's friend Miss Taran is going. Maybe she needs new nice shoes. Maybe.

She is going to come to my house for a tasty dinner tonight. Before she goes to way way far away. 

Craig is the nice detective in France. Again. 

The detective with the very brave not so very tall dog. And the old not so nice and quiet car. 

I do not know what he is doing in way far away France. I was having a nice nap. Ha. 

We are having a special own made cake tonight. Because we are having a guest. 

But it is not a party. You cannot have a party with only one guest. Oh well. 

No cheese parties for me tonight. Oh well. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk this afternoon. Before it was all dark. 

I had to wear my keep me toasty warm coat on this afternoon. And my keep my feet warm boots. 

Not my green keep my feet dry boots. 

Because it is a very cold day outside today. Too bad for us.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Two

We got up early again today. Everybody. But not Emmet. 

He was still all fast asleep in his big comfy bedroom. In the basement.

He did not go to sleep nice and early last night.

Because the present man brought him his brand new way interesting book. For his nice university. 

It is all about way old books. And he had to read some it. And look at all the beautiful pictures. Ha.

We only had the very thin from far away bread for toasts today. 

Because we ate all the bread last night. We had lots of toasty cheese sandwiches. Ha. That was good.

Then Zita and I went for our nice walk. All the way to the my make me beautiful store. 

They told Zita I was perfect. Just like Craig. 

Craig is always perfect. He tells everybody that. Ha. 

That is silly. He is not perfect. He is just my friend Craig. It is known.

The nice lady said I was as still as a statue. When they made me all beautiful. Ha. Good for me.


Now everybody can see my eyes again. Ha. And I smell just like Niamh. Beautiful. 

Because of the make me as clean as can be shampoo. I even get a bath at my make me beautiful store. Ha. Good for me. 

Then we came home and I had a nice nap. On the big bed. 

Going to the make me beautiful store makes me tired. Oh well. 

Now I am not so furry. Craig could not find me on the bed. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Emmet is downstairs. He is practising talking like a way old Scotsman. I do not understand him. 

Because all the nice Bouvier dogs are from France. Ha. 

That is why I like so much cheese. And tasty croissants. Ha. 

I cannot understand so much French. Just the word croissant. Ha.

I can just understand my family. And dog. Oh well. 

Our cousins can talk Irish. Just not way old Irish. Maybe only way old people can talk that. Maybe. 

Craig cannot talk Scottish. Because he is only a pretend Scotsman. 

Zita and Emmet and Niamh are real Irish people. Not pretend. Ha. 

Zita drove Niamh to her work building. Because it is too slippy outside. She is going for a tasty lunch with Miss Taran.

Because she is going to way way way far away Australia. 

Even the time is different there. It is not today in Australia. It is already tomorrow. 

That is very silly. They need better clocks in that place. 

Emmet says they have too many very dangerous snakes there. Oh dear. That is not right. 

That is why we have all the too much snow. 

So all the dangerous snakes will not want to live here. That is good. 

Craig drove Emmet to his other university. Maybe he will not fall down today. That is good.

We will not have our dinner until after dinnertime. Because Emmet and Niamh are too busy with all the university work. 

I do not have to wait for dinnertime. Just Craig and Zita. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty One

We got up early again today.

Even Craig got up early this morning. Ha.

Zita and I went for not too long walk. It is all melting today. 

I was a very messy soggy dog when we got home. Oh well.

So I am going to the make me beautiful store tomorrow. Ha. That is good. 

My new make me beautiful store is not even very far away. 

It is just beside Zita friend's tasty treats and coffee store. That is good.

We cannot get very all lost going there. Good for me. 

We had very crunchy toasts today. Just a little bit too much toasty.

Because Craig made them. Oh well.

Then Craig drove Emmet to his other university. 

For his brand new class all about old church people in way far away Ireland. A long long time ago. 

Zita had to go to church too. To say goodbye to her Uncle Donal. Again. 

In a very big church. With lots of stand up singing. And people talking all about Uncle Donal. That is nice. 

Niamh came home to read her all about the way old people class. 

At her nice university. And to watch her other class all about inventing talking. 

It is right on her computer. Just for her. Whenever she wants. Ha. That is good. 

Emmet fell last night. On the way too slippy sidewalk. At his other university. He hurt his hip.

And his fast little computer broke. You can not even see anything on it anymore. Oh dear. That is not right.

Zita took it to nice man at the fix it all up computer store. Maybe he can fix it. Oh dear. 

Craig found him an extra computer. It was just hiding in the den. It is a not so fast computer. It is a just in case computer. 

Then the cleaning ladies came to make our house spic and span. That is good.

They always forget to put my comfy bed back. Craig has to find it for me. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Comfy beds are good for you. It is known. 

After dinnertime Zita and her friend Miss Wendy are going to a famous toe dance tonight. 

On the giant stage. Downtown. All by themselves. 

And Emmet is going to his all about way old beer class. 

It is a very busy night for me. I will have to guard the house all by myself.

We watched the detectives on the television last night. 

But everybody was too tired and fell asleep. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

We did not have any chips. That is why everybody was too tired. Oh well. 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty

I got up early again today.

Because of Niamh's very early in the morning new job.

Then I went for a nice walk with Zita. It is not way too cold today. Just cold.

Craig was not even awake when I got home. I got on to the bed to keep him company. Until he was all wide awake.

He had a little sleep in because of his too sore shoulder. 

Then he got up so he could make the too much coffee. 

We took a nice coffee to Zita. She was way busy with the rascal ladies. On the telephone. 

We had to be very quiet.

So Craig and I had tasty croissants in the den. 

We did not have toasts today. We had the toasty croissants instead. Ha. I like croissants. 

After lunchtime it started to be all snowy again. 

The very little little snow. You cannot see in little little snow. Oh dear. 

Niamh went to her before dinnertime new job. In the too much snow. 

Her big building is not even a little bit far away. That is good. 

She will not get all lost in the little little snow. That is good. 

Zita went to say goodbye to Uncle Donal this afternoon. He will not be there. He already went to heaven. 

Now he can play his way old Irish music with all his old friends. 

There is lots of music in heaven I think. Maybe even bagpipe music. Maybe. Maybe not. 

Emmet has to go to his other university tonight. 

So he can learn how to talk like a way way old Scotsman. Ha. That is silly. 

He does not know any way old Scotsmen. Who will he talk too. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

He has to make his own tasty dinner tonight. Emmet always makes own made pasta. 

Because is an at dinnertime class. 

And he always puts the tasty from way far away Italy cheese on top. Ha. 

Sometimes I get some too. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita will drive him. In the too much more again snow. Oh dear. He has to go early.

Because he has to go to the library to get a book all about way old books. 

For his way old books class at his nice university. 

He had to come back home.

Because he forgot his real money. You cannot buy tasty treats at universities if you forget your money at home. 

That is not right. They should just give everybody tasty treats. Not just nice dogs like me. It is known. 

We watched the old church man detective last night. On the television. 

That is a good program. They drink tea all the time. Ha. 

Just like in our house. Maybe it is Irish tea too. Maybe. 

Monday 9 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Nine

I had to get up very early this morning. When it was still dark outside.

Because my friend Niamh had to go to her very early in the morning job. Ha. 

She even gets a tasty breakfast there. For no money. Ha. That is good.

Because Niamh has no money. Too bad for her. 

Then Zita and I went for our walk. It was not a very nice walk today. 

Because it is very cold outside. Way too cold. I even had to have my keep me toasty warm jacket on. 

And Zita had her from way up north toasty warm coat too. We were still too cold. 

We did not see anybody else having a nice walk. It was too cold for everybody. 

So Zita and I ran all the way home. Back to our all very warm house. Ha. Good for us.

Craig made the too much coffee. And Zita made the crunchy toasts. Ha good for us. 

It is good to have fat crunchy toasts when we have the too much cold outside. 

My new comfy bed is nice and warm. It is in the kitchen. 

Except at nighttime. Zita brings it into the big bedroom. So I can have two comfy beds. Ha. Good for me. 

Then Niamh was home again. From her brand new early in the morning job. And Emmet was fast awake too. Ha. 

So Zita drove them to the nice university. In the black go fast car. 

Because of the way too cold. 

Now my friends Emmet and Niamh go to the same nice university. Ha. Good for me. Now they are not all too far away to guard. 

Emmet is at his nice university nearly all day today. His class all about very old books is very long. 

Emmet got to hold a piece of way way old paper. A Mister Saint wrote it. Ha. Emmet was surprised. 

It was not Mister Saint Newton. It was another way old Mister Saint. Even older than Mister Saint Newton. Ha. That is silly. 

Before his long classes Emmet always goes to visit Mister Horton's store and get some hot tea. Or maybe a donut. 

Because he got a buy Mister Horton's tea card from our cheese party friends. For Merry Christmas time. Ha. 

Zita was very busy with rascal business. Important on the telephone meetings. 

That is when I have to be very quiet. Ha. Oh dear.

Niamh has her other job this afternoon. It is at the same place. But in the afternoon. 

To help all the little children. She gets a very tasty snack there too. Ha. 

All the little children love my friend Niamh. 

They always come up and say hello Miss Poppy when Niamh and I go for our nice walks. 

When it is not way too cold. 

When Emmet came home Craig made him a peanut butter and cheese sandwich. 

Then he made another one for us. Ha. That is good.

We watched right to the end of the no nighttime detectives last night. It was not too scary. 

But there were very scary wolves in the program. I barked at them. They did not leave the television. Ha. Good for me. 

Sunday 8 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Eight

We did not have a sleep day today. 

We had a nice quiet day. 

We just had our toasts and too much coffees. Then I had a nice nap.

We went for our nice walk later. Because it is way cold today. We were not soggy. Just too cold. Oh well. 

I got a brand new just for me bed. It used to be Niamh's not way too warm duvet. 

It has a lot more fluff than my old bed. And is even bigger. Ha. Good for me.

We only had the pretend toasts from France for our lunch. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

So I just had a nice nap. Ha. Good for me.


Then Zita and Niamh went out to practice drive the car.  

They went to our beautiful big farm. The nearly close to our house farm. Where all the black and white cows live. 

And then Zita and Emmet practiced drive the car too. 

Craig just went into the den to read his book. He has to find a nasty man. 

Because today he is a detective in way far away. 

I just watched out my watching window. There were lots of people just sliding down our hill. Into the empty pond. 

They will have sore bottoms. Ha. And cold too. Too bad for them. 

When Zita came home we took the Merry Christmas tree outside today. Oh well. 

It took a long time because it was a giant tree. I could not help. 

Because the tree took up all the room. There was not any room for me to help. Oh dear. 

Then we had to fix the noisy make the floor clean machine. It would not clean the floor. At all. Oh dear. 

But Zita fixed it all up with a very long stick. Things were all stuck inside. I do not know why. Oh well. 

Tomorrow Emmet's nice university starts again. 

He has a brand new class. All about way way old books. From way far away Ireland. Ha. 

He is very happy. Emmet loves university. That is good. 

And tomorrow Niamh starts her after lunch job. At our big community building. Ha. That is good. 

Maybe we will watch some more of the not any nighttime at all detectives. We had chips last night. That is good. 

Saturday 7 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Seven

We did not get up early today.

Craig had a sleep in. He did not go to his old friends breakfast. It was too cold. He told me. 

And he was a little bit too sore to get in to the silver little car. 

You get a bit too sore when it is too cold. It is known. Oh dear.

We did not play catch the ball today either. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

Zita talked to her mother and father in way far away Dublin. For a long time.

Then Craig was all awake and he made the too much coffees. And we looked out the watching window. All together. That is good. 

Craig always helps me look out my watching window. That is good. 

Niamh and I went for a nice walk. When she was all wide awake. 

She did not get into her comfy bed until way way late last night. Maybe even this morning. Ha. Too bad for her. 

We watched the new detectives last night. They are way up north where they do not have any nighttime. That is good. 

I would like that. I do not like the nighttime so much. 

Because the dangerous wolves only hide in the bushes at nighttime. Ha. Too bad for them.

My friend the noisy catch bugs in the trees bird was here this morning. For a visit. 

It had a fight with an awful squirrel. Ha.

My friend the noisy bird won. And the awful squirrel ran fast away. Ha. Too bad for it. 

Emmet took all the beautiful decorations off our giant Merry Christmas tree. All by himself.


Good for him. I could not help. 

Because sometimes I am a bit too big. And get in the way. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I went downstairs to the scary basement to help Zita and Niamh put all the too many boxes all away. 

I was a big help. Good for me.

Then I went into the den. To guard Craig. 

Because he was writing. When he is writing he does not hear anything at all. 

Maybe something would sneak up and just catch him. Oh dear. So I have to guard him. It is my job. 

When Craig was all finished writing Emmet had made the Merry Christmas tree was all empty. Oh dear. Too bad for us.


I got a new just for me comfy bed. My old bed had lots of holes in it. Maybe I chewed it. Maybe. Oh dear.

A lady came to my house. Nobody knew her. Not even Zita. Zita knows everybody. Oh dear. 

She wanted to use our computer. I do not know why. 

Zita said she could use Zita's phone. Not the big computers. I guarded the door. I did not know her either. Ha. Too bad for her. 

This afternoon Miss Lily came to our scary basement to find music machines. Just for her. 

It is her present. Because she and I went for lots of nice walks. When Zita was in way far away Ireland. Ha. That is good. 

There were so many music machines that her father came in the nearly a truck to take it all back to her house. And lots and lots of wires too. Oh well. 

Friday 6 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Six

We got up early today.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is not so cold outside today.

Then Zita drove Niamh and Miss Rima to Niamh's nice university. 

To go to a brand new class about why long ago people were people too. 

Even a very long time ago. 

Niamh had to buy the very interesting book. For the class. 

You can even buy books at the nice university too. Ha. That is good. 

Then they will go to the too much money coffee store. And read interesting books in the comfy library. 

That is what you do at university. 

And go to Mister Horton's store for tasty donuts. Emmet told me. It is true. Ha.

This morning Craig made coffee and toasts. They were not way too toasty. Again. Ha. Good for him.

After our toasts Zita had to go to a long rascal ladies meeting. For all day. Downtown. Too bad for her.

Emmet got up early too. He had to show Niamh how to use her computer at the nice university. 

Craig was reading for our nice Queen. He still has to read interesting stories for her. 

Because she still is caught by the nasty cold. And cannot read them by herself. 

Maybe it is way too dark in her castle to read. Maybe. 

Castles are very dark inside. That is why ghosts live there. Ha. Too bad for them.

Craig had a very big peanut butter and cheese sandwich for his nice lunch. It was way too big. I had to help him eat it. Ha. I am a big help. 

We watched the spies program last night. Until it was all over. That is good. 

It was a confusing story. I did not watch it so much. 

Maybe we will watch the way far away detectives again. They are not so confusing. That is good. 

Craig is a detective again. In way far away England. A long time ago. He is still very sad. 

Because all his friends died in the war nobody wanted. And he can still hear them talking. Oh dear. 

He should get a nice big dog. He can talk to it instead. That is good. 

Dogs are way good listeners when you are a bit too sad. It is known. I am a way good listener. Ha. Good for me.

Craig and I played that the ball this afternoon. But not so many times. 

Because Craig does not like the too much snow so much. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

I have to go to the make me beautiful store. I am a bit too furry. Even my toes. Oh well.

Craig has to go to the neat and tidy store. He is way too furry too. Not his toes. 

He has to have fat socks to keep his toes toasty warm. I do not. Ha. Good for me. 

Niamh and Miss Courtney and Miss Rachel came to my house to make their own tasty dinner. 

Because they do not have any real money to go to a nice restaurant. 

Not even Mister Kettleman's store. Ha. Too bad for them.

Then they went to our big community building. The one with giant raccoons outside. 

They are good raccoons. They are made of hard stone. They do not steal our garbage. Ha. 

Thursday 5 January 2017

Day One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Five

We did not have a nice sleep in today.

Zita and I were up very early this morning. Then Craig too. Ha.

Because Zita had an important meeting this morning.

We only had little toasts today. Oh well.

When Niamh was all awake we went for a nice walk. It is a cold day outside today. And way slippy. We did not go way far. 

Because there are lots and lots of move the snow machines on our streets. And giant trucks. To take away all the too much snow. 

Sometimes they cannot see people and their nice dogs. Oh dear. 

That is why we did not go very far. We did not want to be all squished up. 

There were lots of cars sliding off the roads. All upside down. 

Just like when the go fast chair went upside down. With my friend Craig even still inside. He is still all right. That is good. 

We have not put all our beautiful decorations away yet. 

We still have our beautiful Merry Christmas tree. In the living room.


Maybe because a piece of our outside tree fell down. 

Maybe it is too dangerous for the Merry Christmas tree to be outside. Maybe. Oh well.

Zita and Niamh are going to make tasty own made used stew today. In the giant pot. Ha. 

I can not have tasty stew. Oh well. 

Today Zita got me my own tasty food. In the very big bag. That is good. 

Sometimes I get cheese treats on my food. Ha. That is good. 

I like cheese. And green beans. And lettuce. Ha. And the very tasty all cooked chicken. Good for me.

Craig is not a doctor in way far away anymore. He found the nasty man. But he died in the war. Oh well. 

Now the doctor is home. With his own family and his big dog. That is good. 

I do not know who Craig is now. He did not tell me yet. 

We had a peanut butter sandwich for our lunch. In the den. 

He is still reading for our nice Queen. We only had one sandwich. Oh well. 

Mister Tobin painted his snow dog. Just like Ollie. Ha. He did not paint Ollie. 


Zita had to go downtown to look at a big too small office. That is silly. Oh well.

Lee and Cara came to my house. To visit. And make toasty cheese sandwiches. Ha. That is a good sandwich. 

It takes them a long time to make sandwiches. Oh well. 

We watched the program about spies last night. We did not have any chips. Just the very comfy big blanket. Oh well.