Thursday, 23 August 2012

Day Thirty-Seven

I went to Home Hardware in the car this morning after my walk. I got a treat and was perfect - until we went on Bronson - too many cars too close  - so I had to bark them away. Oh well.

Abby came over last night to play. Abby is not feeling well and has to take medicine. The weeds make her eyes itch. That is sad. Ollie has to take the same medicine.

Emmet wants the old computer monitor. He says he needs a whole wall of them. He only has two eyes. People are silly.

Everybody was tired. We went to bed early last night. That is good. When they are asleep I know where they are. That is good.

The black dog with the white tail came by. He did not see me. Lucky for him.

Emmet is very smart.  He knows the real rules to throw the Red Ball. He told Craig that I decide when you throw the Red Ball.

That is right. Emmet knows.

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