Saturday, 11 August 2012

Day Twenty Five

Niamh came home last night. That is good. It makes my tail wag.

I ran around and around and slipped on the rug. I did not care. Emily and Cara are home too.

Zita found my Red Ball. I think we should buy more.

Zita went to the university and came home with even more books. This house has a lot of books. Books smell good. Old books smell very interesting.

Emmet shaved again. I don't know why. He went for a long walk. He likes long walks. That makes me happy. I will let him play with my Big Purple Ball if he wants. Emmet likes my Big Purple Ball. He hides it on me.

He does not hide it well. I always find it.

Too much rain to go out and sit on the patio.Oh well.

Niamh has an sore ear. That is too bad. I will lick it better. Dogs are good at that.

I am going out to help with the gardening. Zita says I am a big help. That is true.

They used to called me PoppyBigpaws.  Now that I am big my paws are small so they don't call me that any more.. That is too bad. I liked that name. Maybe I can get another extra name. A new one.  A short one. Long ones are confusing. Poppy the Brave would be nice.

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