Sunday, 26 August 2012

Day Forty

Zoro and Jamie came over this morning to play. Zoro's leg is getting better. That is good.

Two car rides. I won't talk about them.

Last night they all went out for dinner. I stayed here to guard the new cookies. I had a long nap.

When they got home Emmet's new comfy leather sofas came to the house.

Today Chris and Sava brought them down stairs. They are very strong. Emmet will be happy. That is good.

I think Emmet is going out with his friends. They will eat chips. Emmet's hands will taste good. I like that.

Cara and Emily slept over last night. I got to sleep on the new bed in the den. They laugh a lot. I grab their feet.

Zoro has an exercise machine. I have Niamh.

Jamie and Zoro don't have any lights. A squirrel did it. Zoro said it won't do it again.

It was probably the one who stole my other Red Ball.

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