Saturday, 4 August 2012

Day Eighteen

It is very hot. Zita and I slept in. We went for our short walk on the streets with lots of trees. It is very hot. Maybe it will cook the squirrels.

Zita took lots of things out of the basement and put them on the front lawn and they were gone. I suspect the squirrels.

She even put Emmet's old bed out. Maybe we are not collecting beds.

I got into trouble. I was going to the car but I ran over and ate Maggie's dinner. It had cheese in it. Oh well..

Craig and I played Throw The Red Ball. His rules most of the time.

One of my Red Ball has been captured by the cardboard boxes by the back door.

There is a big rug there too. It smells like Emmet.

Emmet went for a walk to the ice tea store. Emmet likes ice tea.

I showed Zita how I could catch my tail even though it is only a bit of a tail. I got a treat. She must have forgotten about the cheese.

Went for a slow walk before dinner.

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