Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Day Twenty Eight

Niamh's ear is better. My kisses worked. She does not have to go to doctor. We are happy. She bought lots and lots and lots of clothes for her new school. They are all green. She has a top with dogs on it. That is nice.

I need a new collar Zita said. She said Santa might bring one for me. Santa is scary. He has horses with horns.

Zita said long long ago my job was to keep cows out of trouble. Cows have horns too. I have never seen a cow. That is sad.

Niamh said when I get good at car rides we can go to the farm down the road and I could meet a whole bunch of cows.  I will think about it.

Emmet says he was chased by killer cows in Ireland. Zita says he was not. She says they were just regular Irish cows. Emmet says that proved his point.

They laugh a lot at dinner. With all the laughter you would think they would drop more food. They don't. Oh well.

Craig says dogs are very scientific. We believe in gravity more than anything else in the world. I say gravity proves God loves dogs.

I chased Emmet around the house. He was so tired he had to stop for dinner.  I like chasing Emmet. Emmet gives me ice when I am hot. I am tired too.

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