Monday, 13 August 2012

Day Twenty Seven

Niamh and Zita went shopping far away. I did not go.  I have to practice my car rides. Some times I can get a bit loud. That is too bad.

 I would be a big help shopping. Especially at lunch.

Niamh's ear is still sore. Not enough kisses I guess. I will try harder next time.  She is going to the doctor again tomorrow I think.

The were frogs on the patio. I ignored them. They are silly things frogs.

Emmet is going to get new leather sofa's for his bedroom. Now I can get downstairs maybe Emmet will let me up on his sofas.

I can not get up on the living room sofa.  It looks very comfortable. Emmet's folds down. I think that is better.

Craig and I played throw the Red Ball many times today. He is not so good with his other arm I think.

I help Zita catch flys. I am good at it she says. This is good.

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