Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Day Twenty Nine

Niamh showed me pictures of cows. They are very big. Maybe Emmet is right. Niamh said not to worry. Cows will be scared of me. Cows must not be very smart.

I get to sleep on Niamh's bed in the morning. She says I snore. Oh well.

Craig's arm is all healed. That is good. Looking at it made me embarrassed. He threw the Red Ball for me is morning. Then he went to work.

Zita says all the newspapers come tomorrow. The newspaper men are nice to me. They say they have dogs too. I don't bark at them anymore.

I will go for a car ride today if there is enough time. I am practicing being quiet. It is not as easy as you think.

Craig read me a story from one of his books. He has lots of books. In this story a lady's two dogs saved her from a man with a sword. I would do that. Those are good stories.

Niamh's cousins in Ireland have a dog. Her name is Tilly. Niamh says she has an accent. I don't have an accent.

Emmet's friends say that sometimes Emmet has an accent. I don't hear it. He always sounds just like Emmet to me. Emmet loves me because he chases me around and around. He hides on me and I have to find him. Emmet cheats and hides outside.

Zita says we are very silly and loud.

I am not as loud as Emmet's uncle Bill's motorcycle and they take him for rides.

Car ride did not go well. Second one was a bit better Zita said.

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