Friday, 31 August 2012

Day Forty-Five

More squirrels. Eating my beans.

Emmet is out. He has a sword the old Colonel left him. He could hit the squirrels with it. They would leave my beans alone after that.

Good news. I got a new Red Ball. It bounces very high. I won't tell Emmet. He will try to steal it. He steals my Blue Bone every night before dinner. I have to chase him all around the house before I can get it back. I always win. I like that.

School starts next week. Niamh, Emmet and Zita are all going back to school. They are nervous I can tell. I will make it better. Craig is too old to go to school. That is why he is going to retire.

Dogs don't get to retire. Our jobs are for life. That is good. I like my job. I am good at it. Except for the squirrels.

Zita says her classes are at good times.  I won't have to guard the house alone that much. That is good. I like company. And treats.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Day Forty-Four

Craig went to his office. His arm must be better. No one told me.

I just got to chew on my Red Ball. There was no one to throw it. I was sad.

Zita had to work on her computer. I sat on the end of the bed and looked sad. Did not work. I must try harder. It always works with Craig.

Went for a car ride. I was very good. Not so good in the bank. I had my nose collar on and I tried to get it off.  No bank treats today. Oh well.

Niamh went off with her dance friends to meet the teachers at her new school. They dance at school. She will like that. So will I. I am a good dancer. Niamh told me.

Uncle Bill and Emmet went out for lunch to eat things that were bad for them. They had the big noisy truck.

They had a good time. Emmet smelt very good and his hands tasted nice. Emmet and Uncle Bill laugh a lot. That is good.

Zita was talking to her sister in Ireland but they did not mention me or Tilly. Oh well. They say Ireland is very wet. I wonder if Tilly gets to go out in the rain. I don't.

Craig came home and he threw the Red Ball for me. That was good.

Then I went out and played with Niamh and the Twins in the garden. I got hot and had to eat all the ice before my dinner.

I wonder if there will be ice for Uncle Bill and Aunt Louise in Africa?  I hope so.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Day Forty-Three

I had a nice walk this morning. It was early. 

I found my other Red Ball. The one that won't bounce very well. It is split. Niamh says I did it.

I think the racoons did it. Squirrels couldn't do it. They are too small and skinny. Maybe it was a Bear. Emmet thinks it was a dire wolf. I have never seen one of those. Emmet reads a lot. Maybe he is right.

Everyone was away this morning at appointments. Emily came over to keep me company. That was good.

I went for a car ride. I was not perfect. I was very good Zita said. That is good.

There are people floating on rubber boats in the pond. That is very silly. They will fall in. The ducks will get them. I tried to warn them very loudly. They ignored me.

People should not ignore dogs. We know things they don't. That is too bad for them.

When Craig goes to the bathroom I find my Red Ball and sit at the door waiting for him to come and play. He should drink more coffee I think. 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Day Forty-Two

Squirrels. Squirrels in my garden. Squirrels on my patio. I run from window to window. From the den to the watching window. I bark as ferociously as I can. They ignore me. Life is hard.

Zita took Niamh and her friends to the beach. I did not go.

Uncle Bill came over to see Emmet. On his very loud motorcycle. He said he is getting too old for this. I think he is right. His is even older than Craig. Emmet says Craig used to babysit Moses.

Uncle Bill goes to Africa next week. He says it is very hot in Africa. I do not like the very hot. I am glad they did not ask me to go too.

Emmet and his friends went to the university to get their pictures taken.

They better not tell Maggie's Bill. He takes all our pictures. He smells good.

Emmet and his friends came back and then they went out again to eat. It is always very busy here.

I stayed here with Craig and his sore arm. It is not his throwing arm. That is good.

Zita and I are going for a walk. Maybe I will find the squirrel and chase it up the telephone polls where they explode. That would be good. Zoro and Jamie told me this. They saw it. It is known.

My walk was very good. I did not see a squirrel. I saw many ducks. I ignored them. I got treats from the nice lady who leaves treats for me on her porch. That is good.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Day Forty-One

My car ride was not very good. Squirrels are everywhere. What to do?

They said I was a calm dog. Then a squirrel sat on our patio chair. I was not so calm. Oh well.

They still love me though. They said so. That is good. I try very hard to be a good dog. All dogs do.

Zita says she does not know how they got along without me. Me either.

It rained and frogs came out. Silly frogs. They jump out from behind rocks. Zita and Niamh do not like frogs at all.

Emmet and I have to take care of the frogs. We are good at it. I find them. Emmet catches them. We are a team he says. I like that.

They sent Emmet's x-rays to Toronto. Craig thinks they should not get any treats. 

I can't go out in the rain because I like to play with the water that comes off the roof before it goes down the drain. I get too wet.

Zita and Niamh got more new things for her new school. They are all nervous about their new schools. I will put my head on their legs. That will make them feel better. Dogs know these things. We don't even need treats to do this.

It has stopped raining. Zita and I are going for my before dinner walk. I will not pull. I promise.

Maybe I will see Jamie and Zoro. They can tell me about their squirrels.

I did not see any of my friends and I had to use my awful nose collar.

Craig played throw my Red Ball for a long time after my walk. So everything is fine. That is good.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Day Forty

Zoro and Jamie came over this morning to play. Zoro's leg is getting better. That is good.

Two car rides. I won't talk about them.

Last night they all went out for dinner. I stayed here to guard the new cookies. I had a long nap.

When they got home Emmet's new comfy leather sofas came to the house.

Today Chris and Sava brought them down stairs. They are very strong. Emmet will be happy. That is good.

I think Emmet is going out with his friends. They will eat chips. Emmet's hands will taste good. I like that.

Cara and Emily slept over last night. I got to sleep on the new bed in the den. They laugh a lot. I grab their feet.

Zoro has an exercise machine. I have Niamh.

Jamie and Zoro don't have any lights. A squirrel did it. Zoro said it won't do it again.

It was probably the one who stole my other Red Ball.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Day Thirty-Nine

The first car ride was not so good. Zita had to come home. She left me here. I was very sad.

Then the squirrel came to make fun of me. Craig scared him away. I went and hid on my bed.

I went for another car ride. I was perfect. We went down the canal very fast and I stuck my head out the window. It was very good. Zita and I were very happy. I got cheese and lots of hugs.

I like pillows. Craig says he has never seen a dog who like pillows so much.  That is silly. All dogs like pillows. Not all get them though. I know. I am a dog.

I like my feet covered. They all think that is funny. I don't care.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Day Thirty-Eight

Niamh had a dance show today. I did not get to go.

I had to stay here and protect the new cookies from Craig. That is important. Not interesting. Niamh went for cheesecake with her dancing friends after.

I like cheese. I think I would like cheesecake too. But no one ever gives me any. Too bad for me.

It is very hot out. Zita said I might get heat stroke if I ran too fast. I wonder if squirrels get heatstroke. I hope so.

Zita says I was I saint on my walk. I ignored all the ducks even though they were quacking at me. I am very happy.

I saw more frogs on my patio. They are very fast.

We can only find one Red Ball. That is not very good. I know it was the squirrels. Or the racoons.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Day Thirty-Seven

I went to Home Hardware in the car this morning after my walk. I got a treat and was perfect - until we went on Bronson - too many cars too close  - so I had to bark them away. Oh well.

Abby came over last night to play. Abby is not feeling well and has to take medicine. The weeds make her eyes itch. That is sad. Ollie has to take the same medicine.

Emmet wants the old computer monitor. He says he needs a whole wall of them. He only has two eyes. People are silly.

Everybody was tired. We went to bed early last night. That is good. When they are asleep I know where they are. That is good.

The black dog with the white tail came by. He did not see me. Lucky for him.

Emmet is very smart.  He knows the real rules to throw the Red Ball. He told Craig that I decide when you throw the Red Ball.

That is right. Emmet knows.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Day Thirty-Six

I went in the car to the bank yesterday evening. I was perfect. When I got out of the car I went right in and did not steal Maggie's food. I got two big pieces of cheese.

I had to have my nose collar on this morning's walk so I would not look at Zita. I would not even have a treat. Then she took it off and I did not pull at all. We are friends still. That is good. There were lots of smells to sniff. Racoons mostly. They were not near my garden. That is good.

I guarded the house this afternoon when they took Emmet to the Dr.

When they got home Zita and I went to the neighbour's garden as a reward. I ran around a lot with my special garden-chasing balls.

Now I am very hot and tired. Sue phoned and asked if I was OK. That is nice. She asked about Emmet too.

I have lots of ice. Niamh had a cold bath last night. That was silly. People have a lot to learn about living I think.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Day Thirty -Five

Emmet's uncle Bill came over to see Emmet. He is a nice man. He is not sure about big dogs. I am very well behaved when he comes over. He has a truck and a motorcycle. Auntie Louise only has a very little yellow car.

He and Emmet are going to go down a tunnel next week. Zita says if Emmet eats more vegetables and is feeling better he can go.  I always eat my beans and lettuce. I don't think they will take me.

He is going to Africa to chase Elephants. Elephants are bigger than his truck he says. I am not going to Africa. Too big for me.

I met my friend BrownLab and Abby on my walk this morning so I am very tired. When I sleep in the living room I put my feet under the rug. I like this rug.

Craig's arm is not OK. He is throwing better with his other arm. He can learn new tricks. That is good.

Zita got me my new bag of food today. That is good. She says I am spoiled. That is good too.  Craig says we are all spoiled. Especially him.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Day Thirty -Four

They moved things again. My den sofa went to the basement and another one came up. It is better. It turns into a bed.

When I went for my morning walk I smelt racoons right at my garden and I sniffed them all up the street until they went up the big oak tree on the next corner. Zita said I was going to bruise my nose on the sidewalk. People are so silly.

Niamh is at her dance camp this week. There will be lots of loud music.

Emmet is not feeling well. His lung is sore again. Where they put the holes in. That is sad.

We had Chinese food. No one dropped anything. To bad.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Day Thirty-Three

I had a bath. It was not my idea. Niamh, Cara and Emily filled up my outside bathtub and gave me a bath. It was not very bad. The girls are nice. I do not like the soap.

Emmet has baths all the time.  He must get very dirty downstairs.  

Emmet has gone out with his Chris and Sava to eat hamburgers and watch a loud movie.

Craig and Zita are still cleaning up - they found my blue bone.  That is good.

I was sitting on my patio this morning and a squirrel ran right in front of me and ran up a tree. That is not good.   

Squirrels are not nice at all.  They probably taste awful. Not like cheese at all, or green beans. I like green beans.

We had nice walks today. I did not have to have my nose collar on. That is good.  

There are lots of ducks in the far pond.  They don't come often to our pond. We have scared them away.  

There were raccoons in my garden. They will eat all my green beans. Emmet will fix that. Emmet is a knight. Raccoons don't scare him. 

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Day Thirty-Two

Niamh had her friends over. They all had cold pizza in Niamh's room. No-one dropped anything. That is sad.

They went for a picnic at the duck park. I did not get to go. If the nasty ducks attack I could save them.

I sat on the patio with Craig and Zita. It is a nice day. Some dogs get to go on picnics. Not me.

Emmet has gone for a walk. His side is sore. Maybe the ice tea will help.

I know how to open the gate. It is a secret. Cara and Emily are here. I might tell them.They are in Niamh's room practicing howling. I don't know why. I can do better. I had better not. 

It was a nice day.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Day Thirty-One

Craig's friend Amy is afraid of cows. I could protect her. Bouvier's are not afraid of cows. Even though they have horns. I saw them in a book Niamh showed me. Niamh and I agreed that I would not be afraid of cows.

Amy lives very far away. Maybe they have Irish cows where she lives.

Emmet is still asleep. He stays up late.

There was a squirrel on my patio and it jumped onto Zita's chair. I got a bit too loud Craig said.

I was not so loud. It did not wake Emmet up.

Zita is out with all the news papers. The squirrels did not eat any of them.  I got a treat.

I wonder if auntie Eileen knows that Irish cows a very dangerous. Niamh should tell Tilly. Just in case.

I bark at things Craig can not hear. He can not hear as well as I can. He is getting old.

He said I was being a bully. That is not very nice. There were squirrels in Zita's garden I heard them. What else could I do. It is hard being a dog sometimes. He threw my Red Ball a lot and gave me a peanut butter treat. I think he was sorry.

Emmet got up. He told me that cows kill more people than sharks. They must be those Irish cows Emmet knows.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Day Thirty

Niamh went to try the bus to her new school. Emmet went along. Just in case. They got lost.

Went way way faraway. Even farther than my doctor Smith. Emmet could see the Peace Tower so he knew where our house was.

They walked home and they saw three snakes. They said they wished they had me with them. I would be good with snakes - if they weren't too big.

They were near Emmet's chip store. They didn't take enough money for lunch. That is sad.

It was very hot. They bought ice smoothies. They said they laughed a lot.

It would have been better if I was lost with them. I would have laughed too.  I could have sniffed my way home. No problem.

All the papers came this morning. I got to guard them. The squirrels might eat them. I hate squirrels. One was drinking from my outside bowel. The water was dirty. Maybe it will die.

It is too hot so we went for our short walk and I got all the ice I wanted. That is good.

Zita and I are tired.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Day Twenty Nine

Niamh showed me pictures of cows. They are very big. Maybe Emmet is right. Niamh said not to worry. Cows will be scared of me. Cows must not be very smart.

I get to sleep on Niamh's bed in the morning. She says I snore. Oh well.

Craig's arm is all healed. That is good. Looking at it made me embarrassed. He threw the Red Ball for me is morning. Then he went to work.

Zita says all the newspapers come tomorrow. The newspaper men are nice to me. They say they have dogs too. I don't bark at them anymore.

I will go for a car ride today if there is enough time. I am practicing being quiet. It is not as easy as you think.

Craig read me a story from one of his books. He has lots of books. In this story a lady's two dogs saved her from a man with a sword. I would do that. Those are good stories.

Niamh's cousins in Ireland have a dog. Her name is Tilly. Niamh says she has an accent. I don't have an accent.

Emmet's friends say that sometimes Emmet has an accent. I don't hear it. He always sounds just like Emmet to me. Emmet loves me because he chases me around and around. He hides on me and I have to find him. Emmet cheats and hides outside.

Zita says we are very silly and loud.

I am not as loud as Emmet's uncle Bill's motorcycle and they take him for rides.

Car ride did not go well. Second one was a bit better Zita said.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Day Twenty Eight

Niamh's ear is better. My kisses worked. She does not have to go to doctor. We are happy. She bought lots and lots and lots of clothes for her new school. They are all green. She has a top with dogs on it. That is nice.

I need a new collar Zita said. She said Santa might bring one for me. Santa is scary. He has horses with horns.

Zita said long long ago my job was to keep cows out of trouble. Cows have horns too. I have never seen a cow. That is sad.

Niamh said when I get good at car rides we can go to the farm down the road and I could meet a whole bunch of cows.  I will think about it.

Emmet says he was chased by killer cows in Ireland. Zita says he was not. She says they were just regular Irish cows. Emmet says that proved his point.

They laugh a lot at dinner. With all the laughter you would think they would drop more food. They don't. Oh well.

Craig says dogs are very scientific. We believe in gravity more than anything else in the world. I say gravity proves God loves dogs.

I chased Emmet around the house. He was so tired he had to stop for dinner.  I like chasing Emmet. Emmet gives me ice when I am hot. I am tired too.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Day Twenty Seven

Niamh and Zita went shopping far away. I did not go.  I have to practice my car rides. Some times I can get a bit loud. That is too bad.

 I would be a big help shopping. Especially at lunch.

Niamh's ear is still sore. Not enough kisses I guess. I will try harder next time.  She is going to the doctor again tomorrow I think.

The were frogs on the patio. I ignored them. They are silly things frogs.

Emmet is going to get new leather sofa's for his bedroom. Now I can get downstairs maybe Emmet will let me up on his sofas.

I can not get up on the living room sofa.  It looks very comfortable. Emmet's folds down. I think that is better.

Craig and I played throw the Red Ball many times today. He is not so good with his other arm I think.

I help Zita catch flys. I am good at it she says. This is good.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Day Twenty Six

Niamh's ear was so sore we had to get up in the middle of the night.

Zita and I took care of her.  I got her to lay on my kitchen bed and tickle my tummy until she felt better. Zita said I was brilliant. I was. Dogs are good at this.

Zita and I went for a long walk this morning. We went under the big bridge and along the canal. There is a lot of water in the canal. Lots of ducks asleep in the water. Emmet was right.

Emmet has a story he likes. In the story they say.."It is known.." I like that. Dogs are good at making people feel better.... It is known.

There are people walking to my corner with funny hats on. I barked at them.

I don't like hats. I can't see the face of people with hats. I don't like it if I can't see people's faces.  I don't know why but it is true.

Emmet has gone for his walk to the ice tea store. When he gets home he will give me ice cubes. He always does. I like that.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Day Twenty Five

Niamh came home last night. That is good. It makes my tail wag.

I ran around and around and slipped on the rug. I did not care. Emily and Cara are home too.

Zita found my Red Ball. I think we should buy more.

Zita went to the university and came home with even more books. This house has a lot of books. Books smell good. Old books smell very interesting.

Emmet shaved again. I don't know why. He went for a long walk. He likes long walks. That makes me happy. I will let him play with my Big Purple Ball if he wants. Emmet likes my Big Purple Ball. He hides it on me.

He does not hide it well. I always find it.

Too much rain to go out and sit on the patio.Oh well.

Niamh has an sore ear. That is too bad. I will lick it better. Dogs are good at that.

I am going out to help with the gardening. Zita says I am a big help. That is true.

They used to called me PoppyBigpaws.  Now that I am big my paws are small so they don't call me that any more.. That is too bad. I liked that name. Maybe I can get another extra name. A new one.  A short one. Long ones are confusing. Poppy the Brave would be nice.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Day Twenty Four

I changed my mind. I don't want to be a duck. Emmet told me ducks have to sleep outside and don't have their own beds. I would not like that.

My Red Ball went down the basement stairs. I had to play with the green ball. It does not taste as good.

Craig can not go downstairs. I can.

It is raining again. I like the rain. Frogs come out in the rain but they do not want to play. Too bad.

A man came to look at the furnace. I looked at it once. Did not look interesting. The room where Emmet and Niamh put everything is interesting but the man did not look there. Oh well. Too bad for him.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Day Twenty Three

Oh no. My favourite, and best tasting Red Ball has split in half. Now I only have one Red Ball.

Craig says we will have to introduce Red Ball rationing. That sounds bad. The stores have lots of balls but not allways Red Balls.

Craig says there is a world-wide Red Ball shortage. I blame the banks. I bet they are hiding all the Red Balls. Paul says they have not changed their spots. Who would use a spotty bank anyway?

Zita's bank is green. I have seen it in my car rides.

Zita took her car to the garage for tires so no car rides today.

Niamh's room is very clean and has a new long desk under her window. But there is no Niamh there to use it. That makes me sad.

Craig forgot to give me my breakfast this morning. Maybe his memory is going away.

He still can remember how to throw my Red Ball. The one that still bounces. That is good.

Emmet and his friends made dinner last night. They are very messy Zita says. They gave me cheese so I don't mind.

I have not seen squirrels for a while. Maybe they drowned. Maybe the Black dog with the White tail turned them into Zombies.

Emmet says that is possible. Emmet has armour. I saw it in his new bedroom. He is prepared. That makes me happy.

Emmet weighed me. I am 65 pounds.

It raining. I can not go out and play in the drain because I get too wet. Wish I was a duck.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Day Twenty Two

Got into big trouble.  Went to go to the car for a ride, but I ran and ate Maggie's food in her outside dish. Zita was annoyed so I ran into Maggie"s house and ate Ollie's food too. And then I was too embarrassed to come out. Zita called and called but she had to come and get me. No car ride.

Zita ignored me for ever. I was very sorry and sad. I followed her around and wagged my tail and everything but she would not talk to me. I got up on the bed and felt sorry. I  shouldn't have stolen their food. Maybe they will starve. That would be bad.

At lunch time Zita came in and said we should be friends and I was so happy I even forgot about not going in the car.

When Craig got home from his office Zita told him. But he threw my Red Ball anyway.  I saw Maggie and Ollie. They didn't starve. That is good.

There was a fire truck on my corner. Fire trucks are very loud. It went away. 

Zita moved the rug to give it to the garbage men. When it was gone I found my other Red Ball. That was good.

Garbage men are very brave. They are not scared of the big garbage cans with wheels. Those are the ones that try to eat you at night if you are not careful.

Got two flies today. Wish it was squirrels.

They are cleaning the house. I stayed in the bedroom. It is safer I think.

Emmet's friends are over. They laugh a lot. Laughing is good.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Day Twenty One

It is very nice out. I went for a car ride right after Zita's coffee. We should always do this. It takes a long time to finish coffee I think.

I like going downstairs. It is not scary anymore. They say it is too dangerous for me because I can't read and there are things down there that would make me sick. Sometimes I eat things I shouldn't. I don't know why.

I did not know I could not read.

Zita says dogs can hear and smell and see better than people so we don't need to read.

Maybe Niamh or Emily could teach me.  I might like to read. Niamh has a new light. It is on the ceiling.

Paul is going to bring something over so they can give Emmet a new light so he can read in bed.  I like to sleep in bed.  Emmet never sleeps. He gets up at night and makes dinner. But I am too sleepy to see if there is any for me.

I still can not find my other Red Ball. Maybe it is time is get a new one.

Emmet's Uncle Bill has a motorcycle. It is very loud. He hates squirrels too. He has a crossbow. That is good

Monday, 6 August 2012

Day Twenty

It is a very nice day not so hot. I have been sleeping on my rug outside the back door. Zita is downstairs throwing things out.

Emmet was up very late again. I thought they had solved all  the problems. Maybe more happened last night. It must be hard being having to fix everything every night.

I am wanted to go downstairs but I might get thrown out Emmet says.

Zita found treasures in some of boxes they forgot to open.  Old books. They were very excited. The books smelt of long ago.

Some of the smells I have never smelt before. It was confusing. I wonder about where those smells came from.  One book was from Craig's dad's airplane in the old war. It smelt sad.

Paul is coming over for dinner. To put up lights in Niamh's bedroom. She will be happy. She has been away along time.

Emmet is cooking dinner. That is good. Emmet drops things. That is better.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Day Nineteen

Lots of rain. I could not see my corner. Maybe it will drown the squirrels.

I can't go out and play in the rain because I get very wet and it takes two million towels to dry me.

Emmet did not go to bed until I got up to go out. He said he and Chris and Sava had solved all the problems of the world. That is good.

But they probably forgot some. Like the squirrels. Staying up too late does that.

They are going out for dinner. I hope they come back. I worry about that you know.  But Emmet is here. He never goes out except to the ice tea store. Or the Hintonburger. Or with uncle Bill. I think he is wise.

When Emmet was making his dinner I went downstairs. For the first time.

I may have slipped and slid down a bit. Niamh says not to disguise the truth. It is very scary down there. I think they should use the gate so I don't slip again.

Everyone is home. Except for Niamh. I miss her. Not enough noise.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Day Eighteen

It is very hot. Zita and I slept in. We went for our short walk on the streets with lots of trees. It is very hot. Maybe it will cook the squirrels.

Zita took lots of things out of the basement and put them on the front lawn and they were gone. I suspect the squirrels.

She even put Emmet's old bed out. Maybe we are not collecting beds.

I got into trouble. I was going to the car but I ran over and ate Maggie's dinner. It had cheese in it. Oh well..

Craig and I played Throw The Red Ball. His rules most of the time.

One of my Red Ball has been captured by the cardboard boxes by the back door.

There is a big rug there too. It smells like Emmet.

Emmet went for a walk to the ice tea store. Emmet likes ice tea.

I showed Zita how I could catch my tail even though it is only a bit of a tail. I got a treat. She must have forgotten about the cheese.

Went for a slow walk before dinner.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Day Seventeen

Went for a long walk this morning before it got too hot.

Met Jamie. Jamie says we can't talk as much anymore because his Lady is going to teach Emmet at the university and there are things we can not discuss. I was just going to tell him about Emmet's new top hat. It is confusing sometimes.

I have secrets I won't tell Jamie or he might get into trouble...

Emmet's uncle Bill is coming over with his truck so they can go to Ikea again. That Ikea must be very interesting. I never get to go.

Niamh is still away visiting.

It is too quiet here when she is gone. And nobody dances with me.

They moved all the books in the bookcase beside my bed. Then they put them all back in another bookcase that looks just the same. Maybe it is exercise.

I am going to have a nap.

They washed my Red Ball and it does not smell as nice. It is still the best ball.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Day Sixteen

Slept in. Niamh was not here so I forgot to get up.  I waited for her last night but Zita came in said she had gone away for a time. I  forgot.

I am not so good at time. I know there is breakfast time, go for a walk time, Craig comes home time, dinner time, take care of the house time, throw my Red Ball time, and it's time to go to bed time. That's enough times for me.

I know when it's Craig comes home time because Zita's phone makes a funny noise and I run to my watching window and his car is there. But sometimes I hear the noise but there is no car. It makes me sad.

Craig always throws my Red Ball for me when he gets home.

It will be good when he stays home. Maybe we can get another Red Ball.

Emmet wants my Big Purple Ball. He tries to take it from me so I hit him with it. If he really needs it we could share.

Abby came over last night. It is fun to play with Abby. She is big too. I don't have to be careful.

Sat on the patio until it got dark and watched all the dogs going to the pond. No one went swimming.

Zita said we needed a smaller rug in the living room where my watching window is. I hope it is soft.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Day Fifteen

Had a bath yesterday. They didn't forget. I don't like soap. It does not smell like me. I like the rinse.

I have my own blue pool for baths in the summer. I can splash a lot. I like splashing, and shaking. I can get Niamh, Emily and Cara wet very fast.

I have to wear my nose collar now because I pull too hard. It is better than "The It will choke me to Death Collar". But not much.

Emmet wears his top hat to bed Craig says. Maybe that's why they brought in those big beds. The hat is very tall.

Craig is very stubborn. He won't change the rules to Throw My Red Ball no matter how I try. He just goes in the house and says he can't throw the ball if I don't bring it to him. I know that.

A squirrel sat on my patio and stared at me. I was very upset and very loud. Zita came out and scared him away. Emmet should lend her a sword or a canon.

I know he has a canon hidden down there. A little one would be fine. It could take care of the racoons too. That would be good.

Niamh has gone with the twins to see her favourite movie. She will be gone for a while. That is sad.

They went to Ikea again and brought back another bed. I was right they are collecting them.

People are hard to understand. Tonight I will go out on the patio to smell the day when they have their coffee. That is good.