Friday, 14 September 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Three

Craig and I were all fast awake very early this morning. We did not have a sleep in today.

We were awake before Niamh went to the very early in the morning job. At the Centre Building. 

Niamh was out way late last night. And she was awake way early this morning. Ha. Too bad for her.

This morning Professor Jill had to go for a nice walk. So I was her minder. Ha. That is a good job.

Professor Mister Carter is still in the other hospital. 

So she likes nice walks with nice dogs. Even little ones.

We had a long walk. We did not go to see the ducks. Oh well. 

After I brought Professor Jill back Craig and I had very crunchy toasts. With jam too. Ha.

And Craig had even more too much coffees. So he would stay all wide awake.

Then my friend Niamh came home and she was not all awake. Oh dear.

So she went back to fast asleep. Ha. Too bad for her. 

It is Miss Lily’s Sing Happy Birthday day today. And cousin Ciara’s too. On the same day. Ha. That is silly.

Maybe they will have tasty food parties. With all on fire cakes. Ha. I cannot go. I have to mind Craig.

Because I am in charge when Zita is in far away places. Oh well. 

Craig and I played catch the ball after the too much coffee. It is not so hot this morning. That is nice. 

I got in a bit of trouble this morning. I was a way too much barking dog. When Niamh was all asleep.

Because of all the too many squirrels on my patio. Oh well.

So I had to have a nice nap. Beside Craig in the den. 

When he was reading his stories for our nice Queen. Good for me.

Mister Paul came to my house for lunchtime today. I did not get any. Oh well. 

It was all way too hot again at lunchtime. 

We had to put the make the house cool machine on. That is not all right. 

Niamh was working as the fierce minder for the little children this afternoon. Again. 

When she came home we only had a little own made dinner. 

Because Craig had a too many chips lunchtime. 

And Niamh ate lots of snacks at the Centre building. Oh well.

So we had nearly real chips all covered in tasty cheese. Ha. 

Then she went to Miss Lily’s for tasty desserts. Ha. 

Craig was not invited. I was not invited too. Too bad for us. 

Craig will watch the football game. In the den. I will just have a nice sleep. 

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