Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Forty One

My house it empty right to the top. Oh dear.

Zita is in way far away Ireland. To visit her mother and father and all her in Ireland family too. 

And cousin Orlaith is in Ireland too. And her little bedroom is all changed and empty. 


Because now she is at her nice way far away in Galway university. In a house with her friends. 

And my friend Emmet is in his far away Mister Saint Francis’s university. In his very little apartment. 

He is writing a new story all about his other giant story. Oh dear. 


I had to sleep at the top of the big comfy bed last night. In my friend Zita’s spot. 

So Craig would not be scared at all. It is my job. 

My friend Niamh made the tasty dinner last night. Miss Rima was here too. 

Today is Niamh’s even earlier in the morning class. It is her very favourite class. That is good.

Craig and I did not have even a little sleep in. I do not know why. Oh well.

We had and all from France breakfast today. 

Tasty crunchy toasts bread from France. 

And the tasty raspberries from France jam.

And even as black as can be too much coffee from France too. Ha. Good for us.

Then we played catch the the ball. 

Craig even had two too much coffees this morning. 

Because we did not have a nice sleep in. Oh well.

Craig’s friend Mister Tony came for a visit in his way too fast from Germany car. 

It does not even have a back seat for a nice dog. That is a silly car. 

He brought lots of donuts. 

There is another everywhere in the world picture of my friend Niamh and one of our Rascal Ladies. 


We even have her sign on my corner. Ha. Good for us. 

Niamh went to see some people about maybe a new job. A not a the Centre Building job.

I do not know why. Nobody told me. Oh well. 

So Craig and I will have our just us dinner tonight. 

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