Sunday, 9 September 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Eight

Today is sleep in Sunday.

So we had a little sleep in. Not a nice big sleep in. Oh well.

So Zita and I had a nice long walk. We saw Professor Jill again. That was nice. 

It was not so warm today. 

Because when the universities are full up to the top summer time is all gone. Oh well.

Now is the time for all the beautiful trees to be all empty again. Oh well.

When we got home Craig made the too much coffees.

So Zita could talk to her parents. In way far away Dublin. 

Because she is going to go there. To visit them. That is nice. Too bad for me. 

Then Zita took Craig’s mother up to the busy street to see everything. And have some tasty treats too.

When Zita was all back home we saw my friend Emmet on the dining room table today. At lunchtime. 

From his far away little apartment. Ha. That is good.


Everybody talked for a long time. And ate tasty new muffins. 

Emmet and Niamh are going to get more brand new own made beautiful toasty warm sweaters. 

Their Nanna is going to make them. 

Because she is famous for own made sweaters from Ireland. Ha. 

Those are good sweaters for our way too cold outside days. 

We had all of Niamh’s friends here last night. For dinner too.

Because they made a giant sign. For our front lawn. I do not know why.

But Niamh and Miss Rima stepped in something nasty. On our own lawn. 

And had to wash their feet all clean as could be. Oh dear. 

I have to guard the giant sign. Niamh told me. 

So now I have a brand new another job. Ha. That is good. 

Yesterday Craig talked to Mister Patrick and Miss Alexa. Sometimes they stay in Miss Ginny’s house. 

When they look for aeroplanes. To go everywhere. 

They are taking two boys from the very very far up north to way far away England. 


Because of the beautiful things the little boys have made. They even met Mister Ollie. Ha. 

And lots of people in way far away want to see them. Ha. That is nice. 

We will not have another altogether dinner tonight.

Because Niamh is at Miss Rima’s new little apartment. With the other ladies.

They have the very same living room as Miss Rima. 

But not the same bedroom or her own very big bathroom. That is good. 

And maybe we will watch something new tonight. Maybe.

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