Saturday, 7 June 2014

Day Seven Hundred

I went for a nice walk this morning with my friend Jamie. That is good. I was a very good listener today. Good for me. Sometimes I forget and have to have the kill me forever nose collar on. Too bad for me.

Zita remembered how to make toasts. That is good. I like toasts in the morning. We had our toasts on our patio. Craig and Zita had coffees too. All my beautiful trees are all full of leaves. I can hide in my own forest. And see everybody. They cannot see me. Ha.

Zita fixed the beautiful little lights in my forest trees. The nasty squirrels broke them. I hate squirrels.

Mister Bill came home from his trip to the music island. He took lots of pictures of all the music people. Craig said he did not go to jail. Maggie Dog came home too. That is good.

Emily and Cara are still in way far away. I do not think they are still visiting with the Pope. Emmet would tell me. Niamh said they had to go visit cousins. Not our cousins. Cousin who only talk Italian. 

I do not talk Italian  Or Gaelic. I just understand what Zita and Craig and Emmet and Niamh talk. But not all the time. But I understand smells. They cannot. Too bad for them. Ha.

Emmet and Niamh are very busy studying for the remember everything exams. And the dance a lot for everybody nights. Except Emmet. Emmet only dances with me. Not everybody. Ha. Too bad for them.

Craig is still a roman soldier.  With no nice dog. He has lots of books. He should only read ones with nice dogs in the stories. Or maybe elephants. No one reads stories about squirrels. It is known. Ha.

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