Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Four

Zita and I only went for a little walk this morning.

Because it is a little all the time rain day. So we were all soggy when we got home.

And Craig and Niamh were all awake too.

Because Niamh and Miss Rima had to go out to talk to another rascal person. 

And ask them lots of questions too.


And drink tea too. Ha. 

Then Zita went to the too small again office. With her go fast bicycle. In the soggy rain. Oh dear.

I was only a soggy dog for a little while.

Because I have my very own dry as a chip towels. Ha. Good for me. 


Then Craig and I had our toasts. With the tasty from France raspberry jam. Ha. 

That is a good breakfast.

When we were finished I had a big nap on the comfy duvet. In the big bedroom. 

And Craig had to write a story for our nice Queen. 

We only played catch the ball some times. 

Because it is a soggy day outside today.

We had a very fat peanut butter and cheese sandwich for our lunchtime. 


And Craig had even more too much coffees.

Craig had to put the make the house toasty warm machine on. 

Because even his toes were too cold. Oh dear. 

I was not cold.

Because I am very furry. Ha. Good for me.

Craig is not so furry now. 

Because he went to the neat and tidy store. Yesterday. Ha. Too bad for him.

We played catch the ball a bit when there was no all the time rain.

We will not have an altogether dinner tonight. 

Tonight Niamh has to talk all about movies at her university. Until too late.

Maybe we will watch something new tonight. We do not have any chips. Too bad for us. 

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