Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixteen

My friend Zita came home to our house last night. Not even too late. 

And Emmet even came home with her. I do not know why Emmet was there too. Oh well. 

She brought home lots of tasty treats. 

Some Scotsman's scones. All full up with cheese. And sticky buns. With cinnamon. Ha. And very fat bread. 

And special bread new coffee. In a bag. The nice men made it just for Craig's too much coffee.

She bought it in a very delicious store. In a little town. With a giant bridge. In nearly not far away. 

Where everybody can speak in French. Even the dogs. Ha. 

I do not speak French. I just speak English. And dog. Oh well. 

Craig can speak in French. But not so well. He does not speak dog so well either. Too bad for him. 

Then everybody went to our comfy beds. For a nice sleep. That is good. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. Early. That is good.

There was a big piece of wood in the close to my house pond yesterday. 

And my friends the ducks were all just sitting on it. 

Maybe it was a duck boat. Maybe. Ha. 

Emmet is going to his nice university tonight. Until late. 

Now he has a learn everything about long time ago beer class. Ha.

His new professor's father was Craig's professor. A long time ago. Ha. 

That is because Craig is old. Ha. Emmet wants to be an old professor too. 

This year Emmet has another all about Russia class. 

This is not all about the Russian's just fall over and crash trains. Oh well. They were good stories. 

My friends the make the house spic and span ladies came to our house today. That is good. 

They said I am the best guard the house dog ever. That is true. Ha. Good for me. 

My friend Niamh's bedroom is even all empty. That is not right. 

There is nothing on the floor. Or under the bed. Oh dear. That is not right. 

And there is no too loud music from her music machine. Oh dear. 

She did not even take her music machines with her. Only her music machine phone. Oh dear. 

It is because of her very little room. In the far away university. Oh dear. 

There is even not enough room for me. Even if I was not so big. Zita said so. Too bad for me. Oh well. 

Maybe we will watch the detectives on the television tonight. Because Zita is all back home. Maybe.

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