Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Nineteen

We got up early today. Because Zita wanted to talk to mother and father. In way far away. Just because. 

It was not all rainy today in way far away. That is good.

Our cousin Orlaith went to her nice university today. 

It is the university on the other side of the giant ocean. Right across from my friend Niamh's far away university. 

There are lots of universities. Because people like to learn brand new stories. All about interesting things. 

Sometimes even all about the Punics and giant elephants. Ha. 

Those were good stories. And the stories all about the just fall over and crash trains. Oh dear. 

Then we took Craig to his old friends' breakfast. Because it is Saturday. 

He did not get lost even once. Because I was with him too. 

I know how to get to the tasty breakfast restaurant. By myself. Ha. 

When we got home Zita and I made the patio all neat and tidy as can be. 

I stayed in the go fast black car. So I could guard everybody. 

And not get all chopped up into little pieces. By the dangerous cut the grass all down machine. 

Then Zita went to get brand new flowers for our front steps. I could not go. 

Because I had to guard Craig and Emmet.

I was a too much barking dog. Because of the put out the fire trucks. On my own street. 

I had to stay in the kitchen. Two times. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Craig had to go to the other nasty food hospital. To see his friend Roger. 

He is too sick. He cannot go to the old friends' breakfast. He just is all fast asleep all the time. Oh dear. 

I do not like hospitals so much. Either does Craig. 

He used to even live in a hospital for a very long time. When he was all little. Too bad for him. 

Now he just lives with all of us in our comfy house. That is good. 

When Zita came home she had a brand new cover for Emmet's window. 

So the nasty squirrels cannot look in his window. And scare him. Ha. Silly squirrels.

And she got lots and lots of new stones for our side yard. Ha. Just for me. That is a good present. 

Today Emmet was playing the band new secret game. With all his friends from all over everywhere. 

They had to sign the everything is secret paper too. Not just my friend Emmet. Ha.

I did not have to sign the paper. Ha. Too bad for them. 

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