Saturday, 17 September 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Six

Zita and I had a nice sleep in today. Just us.

Craig and I got up so I could have my tasty breakfast. 

Then he had to go to his old friends breakfast. All by himself. 

Because I had to stay here and guard Zita and Emmet. Because they were all even still fast asleep.

Then I went back to the big comfy bed. To guard my friend Zita. Ha. Good for me. 

We did not go for a nice walk this morning. We had the sleep in instead. It was not so nice outside today. Oh well. 

Then we had our toasts. Just Zita and me. 

Craig came home at lunchtime. He did not get lost at all. That is good.

Niamh sent us a little movie. She was on a ferry boat. On nearly the giant ocean. Oh dear. 

She was with her friends from her far away university. They are going shopping. 

Emmet is still very busy reading all the stories for his interesting classes. 

He had to print lots and lots of them. So he can write on them. For his remember everything exams.

He had to send some important papers to his next university. 

Emmet likes universities. A lot. That is why he wants to be a professor. 

So he can just stay at nice universities. And write interesting stories all about the way old Gods. From way far away Ireland. And drink hot chocolate. That is good. 

Tonight Craig and Zita are going to a not way too loud concert. 

To hear real people sing their songs. Not on the music  machines. 

They are going just up on the busy street. Not even far away. 

I will stay here to guard my friend Emmet. Just Emmet and me. Ha. Because we are friends. 

Emmet was very tired last night. He went to bed early. Before me. 

Nice long sleeps are good for you. That is why we have sleep ins. Good for us. 

We watched the lady detectives from way far away England last night. 

It was a bit scary. I do not like scary programs so much. I had a nice nap instead. 

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