Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty

Zita and I had a nice long walk today. Because it was a very beautiful morning.

We went to both my ponds. And then we went all along the old colonel's street. Beside our own canal. 

There were no boats today. Ha. 

My friends the ducks are still here. In their own pond. That is good. 

They were all fast asleep. Under the big hang in the water trees. 

There were no nasty white dogs on our walk today. Anywhere. That is good. 

We had our toasts before Zita had to go to the too small office. 

Then Craig and I played catch the ball. Lots of times.

The present man brought Craig a new book. 

It is all about the little girl detective. In way far away England. 

Craig has lots of her books. That is nice. 

It is nice to have lots of nice books. 

Sometimes Craig reads the interesting parts all about very brave dogs to me. That is good.  

The make the house spic and span ladies came to our house today. Even before my lunchtime. 

Then Craig drove Emmet to his nice university. He stayed. To wait for him. So he could bring him home. 

He had even more fat muffins. When he was waiting for my friend Emmet. 

Emmet's other class at his nice university does not even start until dinnertime. 

That is why he came home. To read more very interesting books. 

He got them from the beautiful library. Libraries are all full up with books. 

That is why we have libraries. So everyone can read very interesting books. It is known. 

My friend Lee and I went for a nice before dinner walk. That was nice. 

We had a long walk. Ha. Good for us. 

Tonight when Emmet goes back to his nice university he does get home until my nearly bedtime. Oh dear. 

I will wait up for him. Until he be all safe in his cosy big bedroom. With his comfy fat leather chairs. 

Maybe tonight we will watch some more programs about the messy detective. Maybe. 

We did not have any popcorn last night. Oh well. 

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