Saturday, 5 July 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight

It is a very nice day outside today. I was the perfect dog on my walk this morning. Sometimes I am not always perfect. Oh well. 

Craig went off to breakfast today. No toasts for me. Oh well. He did not wait for Mister Paul today. Mister Paul is still in way far away England. Fixing bathrooms. That is what he likes to do. Craig said so. 

We stayed up way late again last night. To bring Niamh and cousin Ciara and Julia home from the outside music place. Where they have lots and lots of music. Outside. With real people. Not on the little music machines. 

Niamh and cousin Ciara and Julia had lots of fun at the loud outside music place. The went up way way high in a big tower to listen to the very loud music. Because Julia knows everybody. That is good. Julia is way funny.  She makes Niamh laugh. She makes her own self clothes. That is good.

They are going again tonight. To listen to more loud music. From a famous Lady. And eat more little cheese cakes. I can not go. Too bad for me.

I was not very perfect this afternoon. Too much barking. Too much barking dogs have to go to the kitchen. A lot. Oh dear.

It is time for football again. Craig's team lost again. Oh well. 

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