Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Fifty Two

We did not get up way early today. 

We almost ran out of my food. I only had a little breakfast today. All my food was all gone. 

Craig had to go very early to Doctor Smith's and get me more food. So I would not starve to death. Oh dear.

It will be better when Zita and Niamh come home from way far away. Oh dear. Zita will not let me strave away to nothing. It is known.

I do not know when they are comming home. Craig says they will be home in not so long. I do not know how long that is. It is hard being a dog. Even in my own beautiful house.

There was a rabbit trying to eat my green beans last night. Again. I can see our garden if I stand on the comfy sofa in the den. Ha. I scared it all away. They are our own beans. Not the rabbit's. Rabbits are way nasty thieves. It is known.

Craig had another bath last night. He does not smell nice after bath time. He does not smell like Craig at all. Too bad for him.

We had to clean my watching window. It gets a bit messy Craig says. Oh well. It is my window. Everybody says so. Ha. 

Craig and Emmet will have to make the house all spic and span. So Zita will not know they are way too messy. Too bad for them.

Craig and Emmet have to go out for dinner. They ate all the new food in the refrigerator. They will starve too. Ha. Too bad for them.

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