Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Thirty Two

I stayed up late again last night. To wait for Zita and Niamh. They went to the too loud outside music place. Again.

It is a not so hot day today. That is good. 

We had lots and lots of rain yesterday afternoon. Way too much rain. Craig had to hide in the silver little car. Or he would drown. I did not like that. He should be inside our house. All nice and dry. Like me. 

My pond was so full it spilled over its edge. Oh dear. What about my friends the ducks? That is their very nice house. Oh dear. 

I am going to the make me beautiful store in two days. Good for me.

I had a nice walk this morning. No pulling. Ha. No toasts for me today. Oh well.

Niamh and cousin Ciara are going to the too loud music place again tonight. I am not.

Yesterday a buffalo licked our gold big car. At the outside aminal place. It was very big. And dirty. They saw the very big bears swimming in a pond. Not my pond. My pond is for ducks not bears. It is known.

Cousin Ciara and Niamh cleaned the silver little car for real money. Because it was too dirty. Everywhere. I got dirty when I got in it. I do not go in the silver car a lot. It is too small for me and the go fast chair. Oh well.

Zita is making the garden all beautiful with the make the grass short machine. It is only a bit noisy. Zita has to push it all over the garden. I cannot help. I would like to help. Sometimes I am not a way big help. Oh well.

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