Monday, 7 July 2014

Day Seven Hundred and Thirty

It is a little soggy day. I was perfect on our walk. Ha.

Craig and Zita and I had our toasts. And looked out my watching window. That is good.

Last night Zita and Niamh and cousin Ciara stayed up late late. And talked. A lot. Craig and I went to sleep on the big comfy bed. 

When Niamh and cousin Ciara got up this morning we went into the big bedroom and looked at all of Zita clothes. Just us ladies. Niamh says Zita needs more clothes. Like Niamh. Niamh has way lots of clothes. 

I do not need clothes. Just my Scotsman's coat when it is way too cold. Good for me.

Yesterday Emmet got a new jacket for the almost winter time. 

Niamh got more clothes too. At the lemon store. I do not know why she did not get lemons. Nobody told me. We allways get lemons from the nice Mister Nicasto's store. Maybe somebody stole all their lemons. Maybe it was the squirrels. Ha. It is what squirrels do. Steal things. 

Zita and Niamh's lady friends except for me went to the museum this afternoon. To learn all about a very big boat that sank a long time ago.

Emmet is right. Boats are way too scary. I like my beautiful garden. It has green beans. No very big nasty sharks in my garden. Just squirrels. Squirrels are afraid of me. I do not think sharks know me. That is good.

Craig is still a little girl detective in way way far away India. With a big horse. There are elephants where she lives. No Punics though. We do not have elephants here. Elephants do not like snow. Or hockey. 

Everybody is going to out for diner. To take Craig's mother out to the nice pizza restaurant. I will guard the house.

Niamh and cousin Ciara are not going to the loud music outside tonight. They are too tired. Me too. 

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