Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Day Forty-Nine

I went in the car to Dr Smith's office at 5 in the morning. Even the squirrels were asleep. I had a test they could not do yesterday.

5am is very early Zita said. We went through the experimental farm. I could smell cows. I barked at them. They should be awake.

I have pills to take. Craig can't touch them or he will turn into a balloon. I get them covered in peanut butter. I like peanut butter.

Niamh went to her new school today. She had a good time she said. She looked very pretty to me. When she left Zita and I had a little nap.

Sava and Chris were over to talk to Emmet about the university. They go tomorrow. They will get lost without me to find the way. It is known.

Zita starts this week too.

Maybe I should go to university. Emmet says archaeology is all about digging old thing up. I am very good at digging and I bet to one would yell at me for digging in their flowers if I went to university.

I fell asleep on Emmet. Everyone thinks it was funny. I thought it was nice. So did Emmet. That is good.

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