Monday, 17 September 2012

Day Sixty-Two

They are very stubborn in this house. It is known.

Niamh has a cold and had to come home from school. Too many baths I think.

Emmet, Sava and Chris are upstairs. They are watching a movie about castles and swords on the big TV. I bet they think they are studying.

Zita says this is Craig's last week at work. That is scarey. Only a little time to train him. He is not easy to train. I will have to try harder.

Zita is at school and has left me in charge. She told me so. Niamh is too sick to take care of herself so it is up to me. Lots of responsibilities being a dog.

Jamie and Zoro have to help write papers for little magazines they told me. Their eyes get sore looking at so many books and their noses get itchy from all the dust. They are very old books they said. It is hard being a dog.

I had a very good walk and helped move the cars. That is good.

They all had pizza from Tony's Isabella store. I had a lettuce treat. I really like lettuce. Dr. Smith says I should not have pizza. I like Dr. Smith.

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