People are very slow. One of my Red Balls was under the sofa in the den.
I cried and Zita came in and let me outside. I forgot about it.
Then Craig went in to read and I sat there and pushed him with my nose. He went out threw my ball for my. Not very well though. His shoulder was on strike today he said.
Just before dinner I tried again. I cried and grabbed his shirt. I was desperate. Craig got Zita to look under the sofa and there was my old Red Ball.
It took so long. How do they get anything done.
If I was not here the squirrels would run everything.
Someone tried to steal Niamh's leotard. But it fell out of the thief's gym bag and a friend found it.
I am going to hide in her dance bag and if someone reaches in. Finger sushi.
I had a nice walk. No repeat of yesterday's squirrel incident. That is good.
Emmet has not joined the Army of the Rapahannok. He said it was just a joke. I don't know what jokes are. I think it was a lie.
Zita is not going to Rough it in the Bush. She is going to take a different class with newer books. They are all happy. That is good.
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