Saturday, 7 August 2021

Day Three Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Nine

Zita and I only had a very little sleep in this morning.

Because we wanted to go for our good morning to everything walk before it was too hot.

Then Zita and doctor Susan went for their own walk too.

So stayed here in the inside cool and I minded the house.

Emmet was all awake because he was talking to his friend in way far away Ireland. 

But Niamh was just still fast asleep. Ha. 

Today was Craig’s Saturday have coffee with his old friends. 

But just on their computers. Not outside in our park. Oh well. 

Mister Tom was not there today because he had visitors who came to help him a bit. 

Because he still has broken ribs because he fell off his too fast motorcycle. Oh dear. 

When Craig was talking to his friends Zita drove Niamh to her downtown work. 

And then looked for some lovely presents for birthdays. 

It is alway good to have extra presents. Just in case you forgot a birthday. 

And today is cousin Simon’s own sing happy birthday day. In way far away Ireland. Ha.

But we did not forget it. Good for us. 

Last night we did not watch our detective program.

Because everybody stayed at the dining room table and played poker. With pretend money. Ha.

So I went to fast asleep underneath the table. So I could mind everybody.

Then a man brought milkshakes for Craig and Niamh. Zita and Emmet had tea and tasty biscuits instead. 

Then I went back to sleep. Ha. That was a good night.

Craig and I had a fat cinnamon bun for our lunchtime treat. 

Because Emmet ate all the chocolate croissants. Oh my goodness me. 

So he had to go to Mister Kettleman’s store to buy a delicious bagel sandwich. 

And he nearly melted all away. In the too hot. Ha. Too bad for him.

And Zita went outside to make our windows spic and span. Even in the too hot. 

Because sometimes windows get too dirty and you cannot see out of them. Oh dear me. 

So you have to spray them all over with the hose. Just like our lovely flowers.  That is silly. 

There was a nasty coyote on my other street. I did not see it.

Maybe because of the dirty windows. Maybe. 

Tonight we are going to have cooked right outside in my side yard steaks. Ha. That is a very tasty idea. 

Niamh is going to dinner with Miss Sash and some of her other Lemon friends.

Maybe they will go dancing on the roof again. Maybe. 

You can take the doors right off Miss Sash’s Jeep. And still drive it all over. I did not know that.

Some of the cars I see from my watching window do not even have roofs. 

That is silly .

They will just be filled up to the top with snow in the winter. Those are silly cars. 

Craig’s very fast noisy long time ago car had a take off and put back on roof. 

So very tall people would not squish their heads. And Emmet and Niamh could have a very windy day. 

When we were all finished our dinner I got some extra steak on top of my own dinner.

Then we watched the detectives .

Craig and Zita had very fat own made brownies. But they are not for dogs. 

Because they are full up with chocolate.

But today Emmet learned how to make them too. 

So now he can have brownies for late at night tasty treats. When he is back in way far away Ireland. 

And he can share them with his friends too. They will like that. 

Then we went to bed. 

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