Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Day Three Thousand Three Hundred and Three

Today is our do not to work Wednesday.

But Zita and I did not have a sleep in.

Because we had to get up early and go for our very nice long walk before it was way too hot again.

But when I got home I had to lie on my cool kitchen floor until I was not a way too hot dog. 

I was too hot to even have my breakfast. Oh dear me.

But our house has a make it cool machine so I did not melt. Either did Zita. Good for us.

Then I went into our bed room and had a long beside Craig nap. Good for us.

When Niamh was all awake so was Emmet. So I helped them with their breakfasts. 

Then the go fast car took Niamh to her downtown work. 

But Zita did not just come home because she had errands to do. 

So she went to the very nice grocery store that has brand new food for us. 

She also went to the just for dogs store to get new special scissors.

So Zita and Niamh can make me all beautiful again. 

Then Craig was all dressed and in the living room. I did not know that he was there.

Because I was a bit fast asleep in the kitchen. Oh well.

We are going to have a special dinner tonight. 

The very delicious veals stuffed with lots and lots of very old cheese. 

That is everybody’s favourite. Mine too. Good for us.

We are having special dinners because in a while Emmet is going back to his very old university in Ireland.

And will have to eat all his very own cooking. Oh my goodness me. 

So Zita is stuffing Emmet with delicious food first. 

And making tasty brownie treats too. Ha. 

And Miss Tara wants to come to my house to have lots of pizzas with my whole family.

Before Emmet goes back to far away. That is a good idea.

Zita went and found Niamh downtown. 

Because it was way too sticky hot to drive her fast bicycle.

But when they were back home it was just in time for our especially delicious dinnertime. That is my favourite time. 

Maybe we will have an especially delicious dessert too. Maybe. 

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