When we went for our before breakfast walk it was snowing. Oh dear. That is not all right.
And a little bird tried to have a drink in the just for birds outside bathtub. But the water was all frozen up.
So Zita put lots of very hot water on it. Now the birds will not be too thirsty. Ha. That is good.
Then Craig made the special fluffy too much coffees for Zita and we had our together toasts.
Then it was time to make the house as squeaky clean as can be.
So Zita and Niamh got out all the smelly bottles and the noisy machines. Craig hid in the den.
And then the nice man brought us lots and lots of brand new food.
So we put some of it in the keep it cold box and lots in the silver little car. Ha.
Then the silly bunny rabbit came and sat right on my front steps. I got in a bit of trouble. Oh well.
But when Zita and Niamh were all finished making the house all clean they said I should be all clean too. Oh dear me.
I had to have a squeaky clean bath. Right in the bathtub. Oh dear.
They said it was my spring cleaning. Oh dear.
It is because my make me beautiful store is still all closed.
Because of the rules. Oh dear.
I went into the den. So I could ask Craig if it really was my time to have a bath.
I asked very loudly.
But he said I needed to be all as clean as could be too. Too bad for me.
Because it is nearly spring time.
Now Zita and Niamh have their own make me beautiful store.
Right in our bathroom. Ha. That is silly.
And when we were all finished they said I was the very best clean as can be dog ever.
And I was very very brave. Ha. Good for me.
And now I smell beautiful too. Because of the lots of shampoo. Ha.
Then I got all wrapped in the giant fluffy towels.
And then Zita and Niamh got their fluffy hair machines and made me as dry as a chip. Ha.
Now I am as beautiful as can be. That is good.
And this morning my friend Emmet did not have his beard anymore.
Because it is his spring cleaning time too. Ha. That is silly. Oh well.
Now he will just be all cold when he goes for his walks. Oh well. Too bad for him.
Even my cousin Mati had a nice hair cut today. Ha. Our friend Mister Garry told us.
I did not go for a walk tonight in the very cold outside.
Because I was still not all dry as could be.
So maybe I would just turn into a Poppysicle. Oh dear.
I would not like that at all. So I stay in our nice warm house. And minded everybody.
We will have a nice tasty altogether dinner tonight. With everybody. Me too. Ha.
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