Saturday, 7 November 2020

Day Three Thousand and Twenty Eight

Zita got up earearly this morning.

Craig and I did not get up that early. Ha. And Niamh did not get up early at all. 

It was a very beautiful warm day today. With lots and lots of sunshine. 

So Craig and his old friends could have their good morning coffees picnic in our own park. 

It was not even a bit cold outside.

So Zita and I had two nice before lunchtime walks. 

And we saw Craig and his old friends just having a nice from far away talk. 

When Craig came home Niamh had to go downtown to her beautiful clothes store. 

It is her lock the store up tight night tonight. 

So Zita and the go fast car took her to her work. 

And I had a nice nap in the kitchen. 

I was a bit tired today.

Because I went to my doctor yesterday. Going to the doctor always makes me tired. Oh well.

Craig stayed with me so I would not forget and chew on my itchy foot. 

Onetime I forgot and everybody was very sad. Oh dear me. 

When Zita came home she made Craig all neat and tidy. 

Because his hair was too long again.

And he could not go to his own neat and tidy store because of the rules. Oh dear.

So Zita got some brand new special only for haircuts scissors. 

You can only cut hair with them. Or you get into big trouble. Oh dear me.

Craig and Zita went outside so it would not be so messy inside. 

I was outside too. So I could be a very big help. Ha.

Then when Craig was as neat and tidy as can be Zita went our to our front garden.

So Zita so she could put our fallen down leafs into a very big bag. 

It took a very long time to put the leafs into the bag because everybody always stopped to talk to her.

But when she came in she brought Mister Fred with her. Ha. That was a nice idea. 

Now he can be toasty warm inside our house. 

Alligators do not like to be a bit cold. They do not have any warm fur at all. Too bad for them.

So now he will be all warm again. 

In way far away Ireland Emmet was watching a brand new professor on his computer. 

He was talking all about the very interesting old old Irish stories. 

Those are Emmet’s favourite stories.

It was only Craig and Zita for me to mind at dinnertime. 

Because tonight was a stay until late at her work for Niamh. Oh well.

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