Sunday, 12 May 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Three 

We got up very early this morning. 

So Zita could drive Niamh to the beautiful clothes store. 

When she was all back home we had a very nice walk. It is nearly a nice day outside today.

Then Zita went to the tired and sore store.

I kept Craig comfy warm in the big bed. We had a little sleep in. 

Because Craig had to listen to his why Scotsmen are important book. Oh well.

When we were all fast awake Craig had his too much coffee and I had a nice nap.

Then Zita came home. With a giant box of very big croissants. From the too much of everything store.

So we had tasty croissants for our lunch. 

Emmet give Zita a present. A chocolate bar and a special bag for our bread. 

Instead of nasty plastic bags.

Because it is the just for your mothers day. 

Emmet and Niamh hate plastic bags. 

Because the nasty bags kill the whales dead. And turtles too. That is not all right. Oh dear. 

People should not have plastic kill lovely animals bags. It is known.

Last night Craig and Zita and Emmet went to an outside dinner at Lee and Cara’s house. 

With Lyndon and Miss Bruna. 

I guarded the house all by myself. When Niamh came home she went there too.  Oh well.

Then Craig and Zita and Emmet came home. So we could go to our comfy beds.

Our cousin Lucy won a prize. In way far away Dublin.

Because she is the best fast running around with a fat ball player. Ha. That is good. 

This afternoon Zita made the big bedroom as clean as can be. 

And Craig went outside and shook all his stuffed animals until they were not even a bit all too dusty.

Then Zita went outside to make the garden beautiful.

And to tell all the lost people where the lots and lots of flowers are.

Then she took Emmet to Mister Mike and Miss Morgan’s apartment. In the go fast car.

So he could watch the scary dragons and wolves program with all his friends. 

So they will not be too scared. Ha. 

We will have our nice dinner tonight with Niamh. 

Maybe we will have watch the detectives. We have chips. I saw them.

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