Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety One

I had a nice quiet day. 

After Zita and I had our nice good morning walk Zita drove her go fast bicycle downtown.

To the rascal ladies office.

Then I had a nice nap. Downstairs on the brand new comfy rug. 

In front of my friend Emmet’s bedroom. So I can guard him. And have a nice nap too. Ha. Good for me. 

But I did not even wake up for for toasts. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

This morning Niamh went to the not so far away lake. With the little girls from the Centre building. 

And it is a sometimes windy rainy day. Oh dear.  And the radio said it will be windy rain day tomorrow too.

They are going to be all soggy. Oh dear. That is not so nice. I was soggy this morning. I did not like it. 

Craig and Zita went to Miss Claudia and Mister Doug’s house for their nice dinner last night. 

They have a water dog. Zita said it is a very nice dog. But not so big as me. 

I do not like the water so much. 

I just get too soggy and have to stay in the kitchen until I am as dry as a chip. Oh well. 

When Craig and Zita were away Niamh and cousin Orlaith and Miss Rima made a giant tasty dinner.

And they ate it on the floor. In the kitchen. With Emmet too. And Lee and Cara too. 

Everybody was just sitting on the floor. Not on comfy chairs. That is silly. 

Cousin Orlaith is nearly all finished her work in the Buffalos Building. 

Then she is going to have a little do not get up way too early in the morning vacation. 

So she is making everything neat and tidy in her little bedroom. 

So she can bring all her too much stuff back to her university in way far away Galway. Oh dear. I will not like that.

And my friend Emmet too. He is going back to Mister Saint Francis’s university. To his very little apartment.

To finish his giant story. Oh dear. 

But Niamh will be here. Because her nice university is here. Not even a bit far away. That is good. 

This afternoon Emmet went to his friends little apartment to play the dragons game. With his friends from his nice university. 

So we will not have our altogether for dinner tonight. 

Because Emmet and Niamh will not be at our home. Too bad for us. 

Craig and I had a own made peanut butter cookie for our another lunch when cousin Orlaith came home.

We only played catch the ball a little bit today. 

Because of the too much rain. Too bad for me. 

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