Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Eight

Last night after we had our dinner Zita and Niamh went to a movie theatre. 

Right away fast. So they could find cousin Orlaith there. 

It was a full of people singing movie. Ha.

Zita did not come home until our bedtime. 

Then we went fast asleep. 

Niamh and cousin Orlaith and Miss Rima did not come home until late. 

Because they had to go out and have tasty treats. Altogether.

Today is cousin Orlaith’s last go to the Buffalos Building to work day. 

She is going out for tasty treats and maybe wine with all her work friends. That is nice. 

Miss Devon came this morning. On her bicycle. To make our house neat and tidy again. With the noisy machines.

Craig and I hid in the den. Or I had a nice nap on the big bed. Ha. 

Emmet always stays downstairs in his cosy bedroom when Miss Devon is here. 

He hides too. Ha. Good for us. 

Niamh went to the Centre Building this morning. I do not know why.

Last night Miss Olivia came to my house. She is a friend of Niamh’s. 

She brought a big bag full of clothes for Miss Rima. 

Because all her clothes were just burnt all up. When her little apartment was all on fire. 

And now she needs all new clothes. Even used clothes too. 

Emmet’s nice professor from his other university is in our city. 

For a little visit from his university in way far away County Cork. 

Nobody anywhere can understand people from County Cork. Cousin Orlaith told me. Oh dear. 

Maybe they will go out for tasty treats too. Oh maybe a bunch of beer. Maybe. 

When Niamh came home she and Cara went downtown to get things for the Centre Building ladies. 

Then Niamh went to her nice university for her class all about what is wrong and what is just right. 

Will will not have an altogether dinner tonight. Too bad for us. 

Maybe we will watch the television detectives tonight. Maybe. 

Monday, 30 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Seven

Everybody was here until my bedtime last night. Playing the dragons game.

Everybody had their dinner here. 

A man brought everybody lots and lots of from way far away food. In plastic boxes. Ha.

Our friend Mister Kieran took all the lots of extra food home with him. 

To his little apartment. In a big bag. Ha. So he will not starve all away. Good for him.

This morning Zita and I had a very nice walk. Before she went on her fast bicycle to her office.

Because it is a beautiful day outside today.

Craig only had a very little sleep in today. Oh well. I did not have to mind him. 

Niamh did not go to the Centre Building today.

Because she has a vacation. Ha. So she had a big sleep in. 

And listened to her loud music. That is good. 

And then cousin Orlaith came home at lunchtime. To help her listen to the music. 

Because tomorrow is her last day to go to the Buffalos Building. Ha.

Craig was busy today because there were lots of new stories to read for our nice Queen today. 

We had little buns. With peanut butter for our lunch. Peanut butter is my favourite. 

And the mailman brought Emmet a letter from Mister Saint Francis’s university. With lots of money in it.

Because of all the interesting stories he writes. About his friends the way old Gods. 

So he went to our nice bank right away. I did not go. 

He came home right away. He did not get a giant treat. I always get giant treats when I go to our bank. Too bad for him.

I stayed here to mind Craig and Niamh and cousin Orlaith. 

But then cousin Orlaith went on the not so fast bicycle to Niamh’s nice university. 

So she could use the make you sore and tired machines. I do not know why. 

Craig and I played catch the ball this afternoon. When he was finished reading all the new stories. 

After our dinner I helped my friend Niamh make lots of peanut butter cookies. To share with everybody. Ha. Good for me. 

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Six

It is a beautiful day outside today. So Zita and I had a nice walk. 

Then Zita had to go to a because you are going to have a little baby party. 

For one of the ladies at the rascal ladies office. 

At a nice restaurant.

Craig had to watch the little fast cars on the television. So I had a nice nap. 

And then went downstairs to mind my friend Emmet.

Zita and Niamh and cousin Orlaith came home from not so far away Kingston before our bedtime. 

But everybody was tired so we went right to our comfy beds. Ha. Good for us. 

When everybody was wide awake Niamh and cousin Orlaith made the not real pancakes.

The ones from France for our altogether lunch.

Because today everybody is coming to our house to play the dragons game. 

In the basement. In Emmet’s big comfy bedroom. Ha. 

I stay downstairs to mind everybody. When they play the dragons game. It is my job. 

Mister Kieran did not come to play today.

Because he forgot to be on time because he was still fast asleep. 

So he was all late. Oh dear. Too bad for him.

Zita went for a nice ride on her go fast bicycle. 

To look at a very little brand new apartment for Miss Rima. To see if it is nice. 

After our nice walk Craig and Zita went for a nice dinner at a little restaurant. On the busy street. 

Because everybody was downstairs playing and could not come upstairs for dinner.

Because there were too many people. Ha.

So I stayed here to mind everybody. And maybe get some tasty treats too.

I had a very quiet day. That is good. 

Sunday’s are quiet day. Sometimes. 

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Five

Niamh slept in her own comfy bed last night.

She did not get eaten by the bears. Good for us.

Niamh and cousin Orlaith went out last night until very very late. 

They had their make you tall shoes on. Ha.

When you wear those shoes you have to stay out until too late. It is the rule. 

So they were still fast asleep when Craig and Zita and I went for our Saturday morning walk.

We went to Craig’s old friends breakfast restaurant. Ha. 

It is a beautiful day outside today. So then Zita and I went for a nice long walk. But just us. Ha.

When we got home everybody was all awake. Ha.

So Zita and Niamh and cousin Orlaith went to not so far away Kingston. 

To visit Cara and Lee and their friends. Ha.

They went in the black go fast car. With treats. Ha. 

I could not go. I stayed here to watch Craig and Emmet. It is my best job.

Today is Emmet’s talk to everybody from everywhere day. About his friends the way way old Gods. 

He was not talking today. It was Mister Florian. From way far away Germany. 

Because it was all about the way old Gods from far far away China. They are Mister Florian’s favourite.

I have to be very quiet. Or all the people from all over everywhere will think I am a too much barking dog. 

I would not like that. 

And Craig had to watch his football team on the television. Oh well.

So I had a nice quiet nap in the den. With Craig. 

It is cousin Simon’s Sing Happy Birthday day today. Now he is old too. Ha. Too bad for him. 

He had a secret party. I was not too secret because I knew. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita and Niamh and cousin Orlaith are going to have their very tasty dinner in Kingston. 

Maybe at Zita’s favourite pig restaurant.


So Craig and Emmet are going to have find their own dinners tonight. All by themselves. Ha.

Maybe they will go to Emmet’s just little tasty pizzas store. Up on the busy street. Maybe.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Four

Zita and I had a very nice good morning walk. 

Because it was a beautiful day outside this morning. Just lots of sheep clouds. 

But Craig did not get up right away so I had a little sleep in.

Then we had toasted buns with lots and lots of jam for our breakfast. Ha.

We played catch the ball lots of times. Because it was just beautiful outside. 

Then I went downstairs to mind my friend Emmet. On the very comfy new rug.

Last night I minded cousin Orlaith and Emmet downstairs all night. 

Because of the scary thunderstorm. Ha. Good for us. 

Maybe Niamh had thunder in the forest. Oh dear. That is not so nice.

There are lots of noisy men walking on the roof of the house across my street. They have noisy machines. 

It is hard to have a nice comfy nap with noisy machines outside. It is known.

They threw everything down. Off the roof. Onto the ground. I do not know why. 

But they had to stop. Because of more lots of rain. And scary thunder too. Too bad for them.

So I minded my friend Emmet in the basement. On his comfy bed. 

Then it was all full of sunshine. That is a silly day. It is known.

Mister Professor Carter is still in the nasty food hospital. But he is not so sick today. That is good.

My friend Niamh came back home from the forest. To sleep in her own comfy bed. In her brand new bedroom. 

There was a real huge bear there. In the forest. Niamh saw it. It did not eat anybody. That is good.

We can have an altogether dinner tonight. 

Because Niamh is not living in the forest anymore. That is good. 

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Three

It was not raining this morning. So Zita and I had a nice walk. And we were not soggy at all.

Zita took the silver little car to the tire store. To get a brand new tire.

Because the old tire would not stay round anymore. Oh dear. 

Zita and cousin Orlaith did not find Niamh last night. She was too far inside the forest. Oh dear.

So they went to a nice restaurant and had a delicious dinner instead. 

Then they went to an ice cream store for their dessert. Ha. I like ice cream too. 

They did not bring any home. Oh well. 

Craig and Emmet and I had used pizzas for our dinner. I got a crunchy bit. That is good. 

We did not have ice cream. 

Today Craig went to the neat and tidy store. At lunchtime.

Because he was too messy. Oh dear. Messy is not so good. 

I stayed here to mind my friend Emmet. Good for me. 

He is very busy writing all about the way way old Irish people again. 

So nobody will just forget all about them. That is good. It is not so nice to be all forgotten. 

When Craig came home he was all neat and tidy again. So we had tasty cheese for our lunch. Ha. 

Professor Carter is still in the hospital. Professor Jill goes to see him. Every day.

Because had an big operation. But he has to stay in the hospital for a while. 

Because he is old. 

When I had my operation I came home to my house the next day. So everybody could take care of me. 

And so I could sleep on my own comfy bed. 

It is not nice to be in a nasty food hospital. 

My friend Niamh will not sleep in her own big comfy bed tonight 

She is still sleeping in the forest. Oh dear. I do not like that.

The Buffalos Building people gave cousin Orlaith a special bottle just for water. 

It is an only for the police bottle. Ha. That is nice. 

Craig only read a little bit for our nice Queen today. 

There were not so many interesting stories today. Oh well. 

We played catch the ball lots of times. After lunchtime.

When cousin Orlaith came home she went downstairs and had a little nap. 

Going to work makes you very tired. It is known. 

I stayed upstairs and minded Craig. In the living room. We looked out my watching window. 

That is a good thing to do altogether. I had a nice quiet day. That is good. 

Zita came home with a brand new tire. Ha. So we went for a nice before dinnertime walk. 

It was a beautiful as can be outside tonight. That is good.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Two

It is a way too rainy day today. All day. 

Zita and I got up way early because of the way loud rain.

We could not see even our beautiful across the street park. Oh dear. 

So Zita and I were as soggy as can be when we got back to our house. After our good morning walk.

I only had a little sleep in with Craig. Then he got up too. 

And Zita went to have a nice breakfast with her friend. 

Because it is Zita’s do not go to the rascal ladies office day. 

So I went downstairs to have a nap on the comfy rug. In front of Emmet’s big bedroom. To mind him. 

Then a man in a big truck came. 

Because the silver little car’s tire was still not very round. Again. 

Craig is going to take it to the get a new tire store. 

Niamh is still in the forest. In a tent. With all the little girls. 

In the way too much rain. Oh dear. That is not so nice.

Maybe they are all soggy too. Oh dear.

Zita went to the buffalos building at lunchtime. To find cousin Orlaith. 

So they could go shopping for nice things.

Orlaith is nearly all finished her work with the beautiful horses police. 

Then she has to go back to way far away Ireland. 

Because her far away university is nearly all ready to start again. 

I had a very long afternoon nap today. On my own comfy duvet on the big comfy bed. Ha. Good for me.

We only played catch the ball one time this morning.

Because of the too much rain. 

I do not like rain all the time days. So I have comfy naps. 

When Zita and cousin Orlaith came home Zita and I went for a little walk. Because the rain was all gone.

Then they went to visit Niamh. In the forest. To bring her dry as a chip clothes. Ha. 

They are going to have a tasty dinner. Maybe in the forest. Maybe in a little tasty food restaurant. 

Craig and Emmet and I will have a nice dinner. Together. We will have the used pizzas. 

Mister Tony’s friend brought us two pizzas last night. Ha. Good for us. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety One

I had a nice quiet day. 

After Zita and I had our nice good morning walk Zita drove her go fast bicycle downtown.

To the rascal ladies office.

Then I had a nice nap. Downstairs on the brand new comfy rug. 

In front of my friend Emmet’s bedroom. So I can guard him. And have a nice nap too. Ha. Good for me. 

But I did not even wake up for for toasts. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

This morning Niamh went to the not so far away lake. With the little girls from the Centre building. 

And it is a sometimes windy rainy day. Oh dear.  And the radio said it will be windy rain day tomorrow too.

They are going to be all soggy. Oh dear. That is not so nice. I was soggy this morning. I did not like it. 

Craig and Zita went to Miss Claudia and Mister Doug’s house for their nice dinner last night. 

They have a water dog. Zita said it is a very nice dog. But not so big as me. 

I do not like the water so much. 

I just get too soggy and have to stay in the kitchen until I am as dry as a chip. Oh well. 

When Craig and Zita were away Niamh and cousin Orlaith and Miss Rima made a giant tasty dinner.

And they ate it on the floor. In the kitchen. With Emmet too. And Lee and Cara too. 

Everybody was just sitting on the floor. Not on comfy chairs. That is silly. 

Cousin Orlaith is nearly all finished her work in the Buffalos Building. 

Then she is going to have a little do not get up way too early in the morning vacation. 

So she is making everything neat and tidy in her little bedroom. 

So she can bring all her too much stuff back to her university in way far away Galway. Oh dear. I will not like that.

And my friend Emmet too. He is going back to Mister Saint Francis’s university. To his very little apartment.

To finish his giant story. Oh dear. 

But Niamh will be here. Because her nice university is here. Not even a bit far away. That is good. 

This afternoon Emmet went to his friends little apartment to play the dragons game. With his friends from his nice university. 

So we will not have our altogether for dinner tonight. 

Because Emmet and Niamh will not be at our home. Too bad for us. 

Craig and I had a own made peanut butter cookie for our another lunch when cousin Orlaith came home.

We only played catch the ball a little bit today. 

Because of the too much rain. Too bad for me. 

Monday, 23 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety

I was very busy last night. 

Because of the Sing Happy Birthday day party.

We had lots of cheese. I even got some.  And there were lots of presents. Just for Craig’s mother.

I was a very big help opening all the presents. It is my favourite job.


And we had an everybody altogether special dinner. With the table sheet too. Ha.


And everybody had tasty food on sticks. Ha.

Niamh and cousin Orlaith cooked the sticks in the side yard. On the only for outside stove. 

And then we had the all on fire cake too. 


Because it was a Sing Happy Birthday day dinner.

After dinnertime Zita and Auntie Jane took Craig’s mother back to her little not very far apartment. With all her presents. 

Then I had a nice nap on my comfy bed in the kitchen. 

Being the best party dog makes me very tired. 

When Zita came home everybody was in the kitchen. With me. Telling stories about Craig’s mother. 

Then everybody was tired and we went to bed. Ha.

This morning Zita got up very early.

Because the too many leafs made the rain just fall off the roof. It did not go into the ground. 

It just made a way too big puddle. In my side yard. Oh dear. 

So Zita took all the leaves away. And put them in a big bag. Ha.

Then we went for our nice walk. We met Miss Claudia. She has a nice nearly big dog. 

So tonight Craig and Zita are going to Miss Claudia and Mister Doug’s house for a tasty dinner. 

Mister Doug gave my friend Emmet the very comfy lie down chair and the sofa too. 

They are in his cosy bedroom. Ha. 

I have to stay here tonight. To mind everybody else.

Because when Craig and Zita are not here I am in charge. Ha. 

After Zita and her go fast bicycle went to the rascal ladies office Craig and I had a toasty croissant.

Niamh and cousin Orlaith are very busy at their work today. 

Emmet is not writing anything today. It is only a reading his interesting books day. That is good. 

Tomorrow Niamh is going to live in the forest. And sleep there too. With the little girls. From the Centre Building. In a tent. Oh dear.

She is going to sleep on the ground. Not on her own comfy bed. Oh dear. What if there are lions. Oh dear.

I cannot go to mind them. 

Because you have to go on a smelly bus. I am not allowed on the bus. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Nine

I had a very busy day today. 

Because of the Sing Happy Birthday day party.

We did not even have a little sleep in because we were too busy 

Zita and I went for our nice walk before the windy rain came here.

Last night Niamh and cousin Orlaith made lots and lots of own made cookies. 

They made them from lots of peanut butter. Ha.

Then they made from lemons cake for my friend Emmet. Ha. That was nice.

And popcorn too. Late late at night. In the kitchen.

I was fast asleep. Oh well.

Zita talked to Professor Jill today. Mister Professor Carter fell down yesterday. 

And had to go to the nasty food hospital. For an operation. On his neck. Oh dear. That is not so nice.

So Zita went out with Professor Jill. To be a big help. 

Professor Jill only has a little dog now. 

Little dogs cannot be a big help. Only a little help. Oh dear.

I will talk to my friends Jamie and Zorro in way far away heaven tonight. And tell them. 

They are Professor Jill’s big dogs. 

Maybe they can be a big help. Maybe Mister Saint Newton can help. Oh dear.

We had lots of tasty croissants for our everybody altogether lunch.

Then Niamh and cousin Orlaith were very busy. 


Because we have lots and lots and lots of brand new Sing Happy Birthday decorations. 

So they put them up. On the walls. Everywhere. Ha.


The silver little car’s tire was not very round again. 

So Craig used the little noisy machine to make it round again. He says maybe it is all fixed. Maybe. 

Sometimes I go downstairs for a nice nap.

Because our brand new downstairs in the basement rug is a very comfy rug. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita and I went for an early before dinner walk. 

So we would not miss all the tasty food at the Sing Happy Birthday day party. 

There is a lot of brand new cheese in the refrigerator. Ha. Maybe I will get some. Maybe.

I am the very best party minder dog. Zita told me. It is true. 

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Eight

We did not have a sleep in today. Oh well.

It is Saturday go to the old friends breakfast restaurant. But Craig did not go.

He had silly headache. And Auntie Jane is coming to our city. 

Because it is Craig’s Mother’s very very old Sing Happy Birthday day tomorrow. Ha.

So Craig stayed home and he and Zita and I went for our nice walk altogether today. 

We all went to the other pond to see my friends the ducks. They were all there today. 


Hiding near the very big trees. The ducks do not like the too hot. Just like me. 

We did not go for a very long walk. It is still too hot for outside for nice long walks. 

When we got home we had our crunchy toasts. That is good. 

Niamh and Emmet and cousin Orlaith were not all fast awake until lunchtime.

Because they were all awake and having treats in the middle of the night. 

I did not go to see them. I was on my very comfy bed. Ha. 

After our toasts Zita went to the tasty food store. In the black go fast car not her fast bicycle. 

You cannot bring lots of delicious food home on a bicycle. It is known. 

She had to find everything delicious for our special Sing Happy Birthday party tomorrow. 

Craig’s football team won last night. Ha. So all the lost people were very happy. 

But they were a bit loud when they tried to find their lost cars. Oh well.

Today is Emmet’s teach all the from all over people about the way way old stories. 

Saturday is a busy day for Emmet. 

When Zita came home she and Niamh and cousin Orlaith went to the way too much giant food store.

For the party. Ha. And they found a nearly big Sing Happy Birthday day cake too.

And a giant box of lots of brand new tasty fat croissants. And very delicious nearly ice cream treats.


So they just ate them. Right on the floor. Ha. 

They are for our good morning breakfasts. Ha. That is good. 

Then they all went to another store with Lee and Cara too. I do not know why. Oh well. 

I just stayed here. To guard Craig and Emmet. On my comfy duvet. 

Friday, 20 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Seven

I had a nice quiet day today.

Because all the ladies are all at work.

Zita and I went for a very long good morning walk.

Craig was all awake when we got home. He did not have a sleep in today.

We did not have toasts today. Only peanut butter cookies. Oh well.

We had peanut butter sandwiches with strawberries for our lunch. Ha. 

Emmet had toasty bagels and bagel cheese for his lunch. I did not get any. 

Because he had his tasty lunch downstairs and I had a nap on my comfy bed. In the kitchen.

Craig and I played catch the ball. When he was not finding interesting stories for our nice Queen. 

It is a beautiful day outside today. Just a bit too hot. I did not have any outside in the side yard naps today.

We saw Zita’s friend who makes beautiful paintings. He waved at me. 

He even made a beautiful painting of my pond. 


He makes lots of beautiful paintings. And people buy them for lots of real money. Good for him. 

When cousin Orlaith came home today she had a present. From all her friends at the buffalos building.

It is a keep you warm in way far away Galway fat shirt. 

And it even has RCMP writing on it. Because that is who owns the buffalos buildings. 

They are the with the beautiful horses police. Cousin Orlaith did not get a beautiful horse though.

The nasty cold still has her caught. So she made some Irish tea.

With the brand new make the hot water kettle. The present man brought it today. That is good.

Niamh and Orlaith and Rima are going to visit the nice little girls tonight. On their bicycles. At nighttime. 

There is another football game tonight. 

So the way too many cars are here again. 

And the silly lost their car people.

And the take the cars away trucks.

And the police cars too. Oh dear. 

It is too busy on my street. Oh dear. I do not like that so much. 

The drivers do not drive so carefully when they look for a place to put their cars. 

Maybe they would squish Zita and me when we go on our nice walk. Oh dear. 

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Six

It is another beautiful day outside today. So Zita and I had a nice walk. 

Before she rode her go fast bicycle to the rascal ladies office.

But Craig did not have even a little sleep in today. Oh well.

Everybody stayed right at the dinning room table until it was all gone. 

This morning had very fat toasts. Bit they were not very crunchy today. Oh well.

The too sore throat still has cousin Orlaith sick in bed today. Oh dear. 

I did not go downstairs to mind her this morning.

Because I might wake her all up. Her bed is not so big as Niamh’s or Emmet’s. Oh well.

I minded Craig in the living room instead. On the very comfy rug.

He was just trying to find interesting stories for our nice Queen. We listed to only soft music.

So we would not wake up Emmet or cousin Orlaith. 

Last night we had an altogether dinner with everybody. 

With the giant strawberries and all fluffy cream on a tasty boat dessert. 


That is a good dessert. 

Cousins Robert and Simon like that dessert a lot. But they are in way far away Ireland.

So Craig took a picture and sent it too them. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Niamh told us that her nice university said she could go to all her very interesting classes. 

Even all the ones she wanted. 

Because they are not at the same time. That is good. 

Niamh is taking all the little children to the lake today. So they can get as wet as can be. Ha. 

Miss Rima went to see a new little apartment yesterday. That is good. 

Because she cannot live in an all burnt up apartment.

Emmet made my giant just for Miss Poppy’s food box as clean as can be. Outside. On the patio. 

My patio is all full up with our beautiful bushes. Nobody can see me now. Ha. 


Craig had a very big peanut butter sandwiche for his lunch. 

But I was all fast asleep. So I only got an little extra bit. Oh well. Too bad for me.

But I got some more bits from my friends Emmet and Orlaith. 

When they made their lunchtime tasty sandwiches. Ha. Good for me. 

Cousin Orlaith is not so sick today. After her tea.

We have to make the Irish tea hot water on the stove. 

Because Emmet wore out the not so very old kettle. Oh dear. Too bad for him. 

The noisy fix the roof men came back today. 

To fix the across the street roof. They had a noisy giant truck. Oh well. 

Emmet went for a long walk to get his favourite icy tea. 

And then Zita was all home so we went for our before dinner walk.

We did not have an altogether dinner tonight. It is Niamh’s why wrong is wrong class at her nice university. 

So it is only Craig and Zita and Emmet and cousin Orlaith and me. 

We are going to have used food from the everybody was here last night dinner.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Five

Cousin Orlaith did not go to the buffalos building today.

Because she has a too sore throat. So she went back downstairs and had a very big nap.

When you are a bit sick you have to have naps. It is known.

Craig had a sleep in today. I did not mind him. I was minding cousin Orlaith.

We did not have toasts today. Because of the sleep in. Too bad for me.

Zita stayed in the garden until lunchtime. Making all the too big bushes shorter. 

So it is easy to see the beautiful pond. Ha. That is a good idea.

Emmet is writing a very very short story. All about his very big story. 

So he can read his story to everybody in way way far away Wales. Craig read it too. So it is beautiful. 

Zita is making the very special with strawberries giant delicious dessert. 

For our everybody altogether dinner tonight.

Because our friends Lee and Cara are going to have dinner with us. So they do not just starve away.

Their mother and their father in in far away. I do not know why. Oh well. 

So they have to make their own dinners. All by themselves. Not just pasta all the time. Ha. 

Miss Rima went to her all burnt up apartment this morning. With some men. 

To look at all her burned up things. So she can have money to buy brand new things. 

You cannot even ware nice clothes there. 

Because it is way too dirty inside the burnt up apartment. Oh dear. 

Craig only read a little bit for our nice Queen today. 

Because there were not so many interesting stories today. Too bad for her. 

My friend Garry came to visit me today. And get his money. 

Because we sold his very old chairs. At the giant sell everybody your not so good stuff day. 

Mister Garry told me that my cousin Mattie does not eat his dinners when it is way too hot outside. Oh dear.

Sometimes I do not eat my breakfast until my dinner time. Oh well.

My friend Emmet is in trouble. Oh dear. Too bad for him. 

We have to get a brand new make the water hot kettle. 

Because he makes Irish tea all the time. So the old make the water hot kettle just stopped. 

It was way way too tired. Oh dear. 

Zita and I had a very nice before dinner walk today. Good for us. 

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Four

We had lots of thunderstorms last night. But I was fast asleep. Zita too. 

Only Craig heard them. He was not so scared of loud thunder. That is good.

But they were all gone away when Zita and I were all fast awake. That is good. 

It is not way too hot outside today. It is just too hot. 

So Zita and I had a nice walk. After all the living downstairs ladies went to their work. 

Craig was up early too today. I did not have to mind him on the comfy bed today. Oh well.

Craig and I had our toasts after Zita and her go fast bicycle went to the rascal ladies office. Good for us.

Then Miss Devon came to our house. 

To make everything spic and span with the very noisy machines. Oh well.

I stayed in the big bedroom. On my own duvet. With the fat pillows. 

Emmet friends from his old university came to our house this morning. Before lunchtime.

To play the dragons game. It is still too hot at his friends little apartment. 

It is not even a bit too hot in our house. 

But I cannot go downstairs to mind everybody. 

Because one of his friends is scared of dogs. Even me. Oh dear. Too bad for them. 

Craig and I had a peanut butter and lots of cheese sandwich for our own lunchtime.

We ate our lunch the den. It is not so noisy in the den when the noisy machine is on. 

Craig had to read a whole bunch of stories for our nice Queen. 

We only played catch the ball a little bit. Oh well. 

Emmet and all his friends played the game until they were way too hungry. 

So they all went to nice Mister Kettleman’s tasty bagel store for their lunch. 

I stayed here to guard Craig.

Because he was busy reading stories. 

The present man brought Emmet the book he was waiting for. 

It came from way far away. He had to wait a long time for it.

Because of way far away. 

It is all about some famous fierce people who lived a long long long time ago. In way far away Ireland. 

Sometimes they had swords too. And big fierce dogs. Ha. That is a good book. 

Monday, 16 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Three

It is still very hot outside today. Oh dear.

Everybody came back from the cottage. Zita did not forget anybody. That is good.

Now Miss Rima is living downstairs in the basement. In Niamh’s new bedroom. 

Because her little apartment burned all into nothing. Even everything. And all her clothes. Oh dear. Too bad for her.

So she is going to stay in my house. 

Then she will find a new not all burnt down apartment. With all brand new stuff. 

We did not watch the television last night because we were too busy.

After we went to fast asleep Zita and I had to get up again. And squish a noisy in our bedroom fly. 

I am a fierce fly catcher. I alway help Zita. Ha. We always catch the flys. 

But last night I tried to cath the fly and landed right on Craig instead. Oh dear. Too bad for him. Oh well.

Everybody is at work today. Except Emmet. He was very busy all weekend. 

So he is having a nice quiet relaxing day. Downstairs in his comfy bedroom. Nice quiet days are nice.

I had a very nice quiet day too. After Craig and I had our peanut butter and jam sandwich.

We had Zita’s father’s only for Zita own made jam. From way far away Dublin.

Because the refrigerator was so full we could not find our own jam. Oh well.

I got some tasty chicken for my lunchtime treat. Ha. That is a good another lunch. 

Emmet made lots of Irish tea today. Because he is having a relaxing day. Ha.

I had a long nap after lunchtime.

Because we could not play catch the ball in the very hot outside. Oh well. 

My house is nice and cool. We have the make the house cool machine. That is good. 

When Zita came home we went for a very little walk. It was too hot for a long nice walk. Oh well.

Maybe I will have a nice nap after our dinner. 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Two

It was a way too hot outside day.

So Niamh and cousin Orlaith stayed up at the cottage. With the Mahoneys. 

Because it is not so hot at the cottage. 

And you can even just jump right into the big lake. 

When you are too hot. Just like my friend Tara. That is good.


Zita and I went for our nice walk before the too hot. Then Zita went to the tasty food store. 

So we can have delicious dinners and not just starve to death. That is good. 

So I minded Craig on the big comfy bed. Ha. Good for me. 

Craig and I had two stuffed full croissants for our lunch. Ha. I got the crunchy ends. 

Then Zita went to the cottage too. So she could bring everybody home for our tasty dinner tonight.

Craig has to make the delicious chicken. Zita told him how to do it. That is good. 

It is Kathy and Richard’s special remember your wedding day too. At the cottage. Ha. 

Just like Craig and Zita. Ha. 

Emmet and Miss Andrea and her friend went to Mister Kettleman’s store last night. 

When everybody here was fast asleep. So they could eat brand new tasty hot bagels. 

And talk for a long time. Ha. That is nice.

He did not bring any home. He ate them all up. By himself. Oh well. 

Craig and I did not play catch the ball so much today. I was too hot. Too bad for me. 

Today is the eat lots of ice cream day. Everywhere in the whole world. 


Ice cream is Niamh’s favourite. Ha. 

Maybe she will just have ice cream for dinner. Ha. 

We watched new detectives last night. From way way far away India. In the den.

Zita gave me my own for watching the television pillow. Just for me. Ha. 

Pillows are my favourite. 

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty One

Last night after my bedtime. And when the dragons game was all over our friend Tara came to our house. 

And she drove Niamh and cousin Orlaith and Miss Rima all the way to the cottage. 

In the giant Mahoney truck. 


Right at night. Ha. That is silly. 

Now they are all at the Mahoney’s cottage. 

Making delicious treats for everybody. Ha. And going swimming in the very big lake. Ha. 


Or maybe go in the boat for a nice boat ride. That is what people do at a cottage. Ha. That is good. .

Today is Craig’s old friends breakfast day. 

So Zita and I took him to the restaurant on the busy street. That is a good job. 

Then we we went for our nice walk. Before the too hot came.

When we got home Emmet was all fast awake too. 

He and Miss Andrea went to Mister Kettleman’s bagel store for their breakfast. 

She was just in our city for a little visit. 

Then I got in trouble. 

Zita had the giant cut the branches off trees machine. So she could make our side yard beautiful. 

But I could not help. And I was a way too much barking dog. And I was not a very good listening dog too. 

So I got in trouble.

When Craig got home I was still in trouble. Oh dear.

So I had to stay in the den with Craig. I did not like that so much. 

I cannot see the side yard when I am in the den. I did not know what was happening. 

How can I guard everybody if I cannot see them. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

I asked and asked to go outside but I had to stay in the den. Too bad for me. 

And then I had to be very quiet too. 

Because today is Emmet’s teach everybody from far away more about the old Gods. 

He talks to the from all over everywhere people and shows them the very very old stories on his computers. 

Downstairs in his comfy bedroom. 

So I cannot bark too much. Oh dear.

Then the side yard was all as neat and tidy as can be. Ha. That is good.

So Zita and doctor Susan went in the black go fast car to go shopping. 

Doctor Susan is going to way far away England. To see her own father and her mother. 

Maybe she will go for a ride on their boat. In the giant full of whales ocean. Oh dear. 

Emmet had to talk to the other writer this afternoon. To make sure that the stories are all true. That is good.

True stories have to be true. It is known. 

Friday, 13 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Eighty

I did not have toasts today. Oh dear.

Because I was fast asleep. 

Outside in the side yard when Craig made the toasts. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

And Zita forgot to take her telephone to the rascal ladies office.

Today is Craig and Zita’s special when they got married a long time ago day. Ha. 

So they are going to a table sheet restaurant for a special tasty dinner. Ha. Just them. Up on the busy street. 

I am going to stay here. Because I have to guard everybody else. 

Because it is the everybody plays the dragon game day. 

So my house will be all full up with people. And tasty treats too. Ha. 

And everybody will go downstairs to Emmet’s big bedroom. To play the dragons game. Me too.

The present man brought two secret presents for Zita today. Because it is the special day. Ha. 

It is a bit way too hot outside today. We only played catch the ball lots of times. Not lots and lots of times. 

At lunchtime Zita came home to get her own telephone but she had to go right away to a meeting. 

To help Miss Rima. 

Because of her all burnt up apartment. Oh dear. Too bad for her. 

I had a nice long quiet day today. I think it is too hot outside for the awful squirrels. Ha. That is good.

Maybe they will just melt. Maybe.

Craig’s football lost last night. Again. Too bad for him. I did not watch it. 

I minded Zita and Niamh and our cousin Orlaith instead. 

Then everybody went right to fast asleep. In their own comfy beds. Me too. 

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Nine

Miss Rima had to sleep here last night.

Because her little apartment was all on fire. And all her things too. Oh dear. Too bad for her. 

She had to have lots and lots of squeaky clean showers when she got to our house.

Because of all the nasty smelly smoke. 

And she only visited the all burnt up apartment for a little time. With a fireman. 

To get important stuff. Oh dear. Too bad for her. 

Now she will have to get new stuff. Even her clothes too. Oh dear.

This morning Niamh went to the not very far away lake. 

With all the little children from her pretend you are a famous knight camp. 

From the Center Building. On a smelly bus. Oh dear. Too bad for her.

There were squirrels everywhere in my own bushes. In my side yard this morning. 

I got in trouble. Too much loud barking. Again. Oh well.

We did not have toasts this morning. We had two fat Scotsman’s cookies instead. Oh well.

My friend Mister Gary came to visit me today. Before lunchtime. That is a nice visit. 

He told me my cousin Mattie does not like nice walks in the way too hot either. Just like me. Ha.

He just likes to stay in his own cool inside house. Like me. 

I showed him my big red ball. Cousin Mattie has a big red ball too. Like me. 

Because were are cousins. It is known.


Craig and I stayed in the side yard this afternoon.

Because it is a beautiful day outside. Craig listened to his book. On his telephone. That is silly.

So I had a nice nap. On the warm stones. That was nice. 

Niamh found a giant sign in the basement. She has to clean it all up. 

And then she is going to put it in her brand new bedroom. Just like a beautiful picture. 


It is outside in the side yard.

It was a nice very quiet day for me. 

Then cousin Orlaith came home so then I minded her too. She made toasts. 

She always make us toasts when she comes home from her work. Ha. That is good. 

It is a play football game here today. Up on the busy street.

So there are too many cars all over again. And the take your car away trucks too. Oh dear.

The radio said that the very loud little fast aeroplanes are going to fly right over my house tonight. 

Because of the football game. Oh well. I do not like the little loud fast aeroplanes. They are too loud. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Eight

Everybody got up up early this morning. Even my friend Emmet. 

Because the brand new rug men came to our house at breakfast time. Oh well.

We made them some too much coffee too.

They are very noisy. 

Emmet came upstairs to Zita’s office to write his stories. It is not way too noisy upstairs.

One man is very scared of even nice dogs. So I have to stay up here to mind Craig and Emmet.

They had very loud noisy machines. So I went into the den. To mind Craig. 

We closed the door. Ha. Then it was not so noisy. Good for us. 

Miss Lily came to my house this morning. To borrow a Dragons game book. From Emmet. 

Miss Lily likes to play the dragons game too. That is good.

Emmet is going to his friend’s little apartment this afternoon. It is not a way too hot day today. 

So they can play the dragons game there today. And not just melt into little puddles. 

The men were all finished at lunchtime. 

But Zita had to take out all the tiny nasty nails. From the old rug. Oh dear. I could not help. 

Now it is all as beautiful as can be. Ha. Good for us.


Zita had to take lots of things to the go fast car. I waited for her. In the side yard.


It is my best job. 

Then she had to take cousin Orlaith’s bicycle to the fix your bicycle store. 

She put it right in the trunk of the black go fast car. Ha. 

Because the bicycle tires were always no so very full up. They were just too flat. Oh dear. 

So the store will fix it all up.

Zita’s mother and her father read my own stories. In way far away Dublin. That is nice. 


Cousin Ciara told us. And sent me a secret picture. 

They are reading my story in their own house. In way far away. Ha. 

After lunchtime Zita went to get cousin Orlaith from the buffalos building. 

So she did not have to go on the stop everywhere slow bus. 

Then Zita and Orlaith went to find Miss Rima. Right away. 

Because there was a fire at her apartment. With firemen too. Oh dear. 

But she was not there. She was with Niamh at the Center Building.

But then she could only go into her little apartment with a fireman. To get some things. 

Zita and cousin Orlaith are there to help her. 

Because she cannot live there now. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Seven

Everybody was up very early again. Except for my friend Emmet. 

Zita drove Niamh to her nice university. So she could find the right person to talk to her. 

All about her very confusing new have to have classes. 

She was there even before they were all at their office. Even before their too much coffees. Ha.

Then Zita came home to our house. So she could take the go fast bicycle to her own office. 

It is not so hot outside today. That is good.

Emmet was very busy last night. Writing stories for his new job. 

But sometimes other writers do not listen so well. Too bad for them. 

Yesterday our friend Cara had all her too many teeth taken away. Oh dear. 

So Niamh went and visited her. Before our dinnertime. Cara could only have ice cream. 

Ice cream is Niamh’s favourite. 

I had a very quiet day today. That is nice.

Nobody was here. Just Craig and Emmet. 

They do not go so far away. They just stay in one place and write their interesting stories. 

So I can mind them all by myself. Even on my comfy bed. Ha.

We had little round toasts with peanut butter for our lunch. And I had a green bean treat. That is a good lunch. 

Zita saw lots and lots and lots of skunks. Right on doctor Susan’s street. Right in the afternoon. That is silly.

They were walking all together. Maybe they had a meeting. Maybe.

When cousin Orlaith came home she made Irish tea. 

And Emmet came home from his nice walk at the same time. So he had Irish tea too. Ha. 

Because they are cousins. 

Niamh is going to her nice university tonight. So she will not have dinner with all of us. Oh well. 

We watched the very scary lady detective last night. Now it is all over. That is good. 

Monday, 9 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Six

I had a nice quiet day.

Zita and I had a very nice early in the morning walk. We did not see anybody. Oh well.

When we got home Craig was up too. At the same time as Niamh. Ha.

Niamh is teaching the little children how to be fierce knights. With very soft cannot hurt you swords.

Emmet used to play that game. When he was not so old. 

Now he is too old. Too bad for him. 

It is still way hot outside but Zita took her go fast bicycle to the rascal ladies office. Oh well.

Craig and I had lots of toasts today. 

We had little round breakfast toasts. And then we had peanut butter toasts for our lunchtime. Ha. 

Toasts are my favourite. 

Emmet had to go to the very long sandwich store up on the very busy street. At lunchtime. 

Because Niamh called him on the telephone. He had to get Niamh a for her lunchtime sandwich.

Because the top of her own made drink came off and spilled all over her delicious lunch. Oh dear. 

That is not so nice. And very messy. Oh dear. 

This morning there were awful squirrels all over my own patio. Chasing each other. All the time. 

They were in my trees too. Oh dear. That is not right.

And yesterday there was a very little chipmunk. I never saw a chipmunk before. They are not so big. 

Zita said I should not bark at them. Because they are little and I am very big. Oh well. 

Craig and I played catch the ball this morning. Then I had a nice long nap. 

When I have I nice nap I cannot see the squirrels. That is good. 

Craig did not read so very much today. He listened to nice quiet music instead. It was a bit too sore day. 

Sometimes I have a sore leg too. But I have some do not be too sore medicine. That is good. 

Craig has some medicine too. Just like me. Ha.

After lunch I went downstairs to the basement to see my friend Emmet. 

It is my job to mind everybody in my house. Even if they live in the scary basement. 

Now the basement is as neat as can be. So we can have a nice new comfy all over the floor rug. 

When Zita and her go fast bicycle came home we went for our before dinner walk right away. 

To see if my friends the ducks were awake. Ha. Silly ducks. 

We will have an altogether dinner tonight. That is good. 

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Five

It is another so hot day outside today.

Zita went outside before the too hot came. To make our garden all beautiful. 

Niamh and her friends went to a loud concert today. On a beach. Nearly in Montreal. Altogether in Miss Joe’s little car. 

Cousin Orlaith did not go.

Because she has way too much homework to do. From her far away in Galway university. Oh dear. Too bad for her.

Cousin Orlaith’s own brother and her father and her grandfather all went swimming today. In way far away Dublin.

Because it is way too hot outside even in way far away Dublin. But they did not go to a nice lake. 

They went right to the dangerous ocean instead. 

They had to go the the place with just big rocks and lots and lots of feet. Oh well. 


My friend Emmet told me he went there one time with his grandfather but froze into an icicle. Oh dear. 

Zita and I went for a very nice walk. To see my friends the ducks. In the other pond.


They were fast asleep. Maybe it is too hot to fly all around today. Maybe.

Emmet’s sore throat is nearly all better. That is good.

So he is very busy writing all about his friends the way old Gods.

From way far away and a long time ago France. 

Before they even had tasty croissants in France. Or delicious cheese. Oh dear. Too bad for them.

Maybe that is why they are not there anymore. Maybe. 

After lunchtime cousin Orlaith cleaned her little bedroom all up. 

She put somethings things in her going away suitcase. Oh dear. 

I do not like going away suitcases. Because sometimes people just go away. 

And do not come home to my house for a way too long time. 

Like my friend Emmet. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

And this week some men are going to come and put brand new rugs all over downstairs and in cousin Orlaith’s little bedroom too. 

They are even going to put new rugs on the scary stairs. Ha. 

But not in Emmet’s or Niamh’s big bedrooms. 

Because they want their own beautiful comfy little rugs. Ha. That is good. I like comfy rugs too. 

Zita and cousin Orlaith went for a before dinner bicycle ride. All around. I did not go. 

I stayed here to mind Craig and Emmet. 


That is an easy job. Emmet was just reading his brand new book. All about the little hotel. 

Downstairs in his comfy bedroom. With all his very interesting fat books. Ha.

When Zita and cousin Orlaith came home I took Zita for our before dinnertime walk. Good for me. 

Then we had our tasty dinner.

Maybe we will watch the scary detective lady again tonight. 

Maybe I will have a nice nap instead. 

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Four

It is Saturday.

Saturday is Craig’s go to his old friends breakfast day. Ha.

So Zita and I took Craig all the way to the busy street. To the old friends restaurant. He did not get lost. 
Good for us.

Mister Paul was not there. Maybe he just got lost. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Then Zita and I went for a long walk.

Because it is a very beautiful day outside today. That is nice.

Then we came home and Zita drove her go fast bicycle to Craig’s Mother’s little apartment. 

And then they went for some tasty treats and some too much coffees. Outside. 

Near our bank that always gives me the giant treats for nice dogs. 

They always go for treats. 

When you are very very old you can just eat treats. Nobody says wait until you eat your dinner. Ha. 


When Craig got home he had more new detectives from Mister Tom. 

And some very old movies for Niamh. Not even in colour movies. 

They are very old movies. Like Craig. Ha.

Niamh loves the very old movies. Mister Tom finds them just for her. That is nice.

Emmet says a silly cold caught him. When he was outside. 

It is because when my family is outside I cannot guard them so well. Oh dear. Too bad for them. 

Emmet and Niamh and cousin Orlaith went to see a movie last night. Altogether. Up on the busy street.

It was about an ant. That is a silly movie. Too bad for them. 

Craig and Zita and I went to bed early. That is good.

Because we have a very comfy bed. 

Emmet had his talk to everybody all over the whole world about the way old Gods day today. 

He had to have lots of Irish tea. Because he got caught by the colds. Oh dear. 

Zita talked to cousin Robert today. In way far away Dublin. Ha. That is nice. 

And she talked to her mother and her father too. Cousin Robert was at their house. 

He was being a big help. Just like me. Ha. That is good. Maybe he gets treats too. Ha.

Niamh and cousin Orlaith went out for a delicious lunch. Together downtown. 

To an outside in a park restaurant.

Because it is a beautiful day outside today.

But they were very late. 

Because they had to have as clean as can be baths. 

Maybe they were too smelly to go outside. Oh dear.

Sometimes I am a bit smelly but then I have to go outside. I do not know why. Oh well. 

Zita went out shopping so I had a long nice outside in the side yard nap. Ha. 

Craig’s football team won last night. Ha. I did not see it. I was just fast asleep. 

Friday, 6 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Three

I had a very quiet day today.

It is not very hot outside today. It is just a nice windy day. With a sky full of flat clouds. 

So Zita and I had a very nice walk. 

Then she rode her go fast bicycle to the rascal ladies office. 

I did not have any toasts today.

Because I was fast asleep when Craig had the toasts. 

I was right there beside him and I did not even notice. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

Niamh is very busy finding all the interesting classes for her nice university. It takes a very long time. 

Because sometimes they are right at the very same time. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Craig and I played catch the ball this morning. But not so often.

Because sometimes when we go out I just eat the from the tree berries. 

That fall on the ground. Because of the lots of wind. 

Sometimes the berries make my tummy sick. 

So we did not play catch the ball lots of times. Oh well. 

Emmet was busy reading his brand new book. And writing more stories.

He did not go to fast asleep in his comfy bed until late last night. 

He was playing his game with his far away friends and talking to them on his computer. Oh well. 

Craig and I had peanut butter sandwiches for our lunch.

But today we had strawberry jam from way far away Scotland. Just because. Ha. 

There were lots of very noisy birds in the trees in my side yard this afternoon. I did not bark at them.

Birds do not care if you bark at them. I do not know why. Oh well. Silly birds. 

Niamh is very busy. She has to have an all about wrong class story finished tonight. Oh dear. 

Cousin Orlaith is going to make our tasty dinner tonight. Ha. That is good. 

Tasty dinners are good for everybody.

Craig even gave her lots of money so there will be lots of tasty dinner for everybody. Me too.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Two

It is still a very hot outside day today.

So Zita and I only went for a little nice before breakfast walk. 

So we would not be all hot and smelly when we got home. 

Zita drove cousin Orlaith to the buffalos building. 

Because of the too hot outside. 

Then she went to the rascal ladies office. On her go fast bicycle. Ha. 

And Niamh went to mind the nice little girls. For all day again.

They went to the museum with all the scary dinosaurs. To look at everything.


And even the all dead giant whale. From the dangerous ocean. Oh dear.


They should only go to see nice movies. And have lots of popcorn. It is known. 

Craig and I only had a very little sleep in. 

Then we had a toasty croissant. And played catch the ball lots of times. 

Before the side yard was just full of the too hot sunshine. 

I had brand new peas in my own breakfast today. Ha. That is a good breakfast. Then I had a nice nap. 

Emmet was very busy writing all about the way old and very far away in nearly France Gods. 

It is hard to write all about them. 

Because they did not tell everybody their stories. Maybe they were secret Gods. Maybe.

Emmet has to look through lots of books with only just names of things in them. 

Not nice interesting stories. Too bad for him. 

Craig and I had fat peanut butter sandwiches for our lunchtime. 

With the tasty from France jam. Good for us.

Emmet did not have a peanut butter sandwich. He had cheese sandwiches and Irish tea. 

And went for his nice walk. In the too hot. 

Then came home so he could go back downstairs to write even more. In the not hot at all basement. 

I minded everyone from the comfy big bed. Ha. 

Cousin Orlaith came home early today. 

Because she had to go to the nice university to see the fix your foot lady. 

Now she does not have to go anymore. Ha. 

Then the present man brought Emmet his brand new book. All about a way way old Irish story. 


All about a little hotel that burnt all up. In a little war. In long time ago Ireland. Oh dear. 

That is not very nice. Where will everybody sleep at night. Maybe outside. With the dangerous lions. Oh dear. That is not right. 

My friend Emmet did not even have this book. Ha. Now he does. 

Tonight Niamh is not going to her nice university. Because it is way too hot inside for her Professor. 

So we will have another altogether dinner tonight. That is good. 

Maybe tonight we will watch a new program. On the big television. With tasty chips. Ha. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy One

I had a nice quiet day.

We had a very early slow walk this morning. 

Because it was very hot outside. Even before breakfast time. Oh dear.

We had very long soft toasts today. I do not know why. Oh well.

Then Craig and Zita went to Craig’s nice doctor. In the black go fast car. 

Because it has a make you cool machine. 

Craig’s car is too little for a make you cool machine. Too bad for him.

When they came the black go fast car was as shiny as can be.

Because they went to a wash your car machine. Ha. 

Today my friend Emmet did not even wake up until our lunchtime. Ha. 

So I guarded everything all by myself. When everyone was away. Good for me.

Some nice people came to my house after our toasts.

They gave Zita some money for Niamh’s beautiful old bed. It was for their little girl. That is good. 

I have lots of comfy beds in my house. Because it is my house too. Ha.

We had tasty peanut butter sandwiches for our lunch. Then I had a nice nap.

This afternoon Zita talked to lots of people on the telephone. In the just for Zita office. 

We played catch the ball a bit today. But only a little bit. Because we get way too hot. 


And Craig says he will just melt. Oh dear. That would not be so nice. 

Zita went and got cousin Orlaith from the buffalos building. 

Because of the way too hot busses.

Then they went shopping. To find presents for Craig’s mother. Ha.

Mister Paul came over for a little visit. I had a nice nap. 

We are going to to have a not anything hot dinner tonight. That is good. 

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Day Two Thousand One Hundred and Seventy

Last night Craig and Emmet and I had tasty brand new bagels for our dinner. But it was just us. 

Because Zita and Niamh and cousin Orlaith did not come back from the cottage until bedtime.

So then everybody just went to fast asleep. Ha. That is good.

It is another very hot outside day today.

Zita and I went for our walk early today. Ha. That is good.

Everybody is very busy today. 

Niamh is minding the nice little girls all day today. And for a whole week too.

Cousin Orlaith went to the buffalos building but Zita did not go to the rascal ladies office today.

Because she wanted an extra nice relaxing day. Ha. That is a good idea. 

Miss Devon came to make the house all spic and span this morning.

I had to mind Emmet and the house all by myself.

Because Craig and Zita went out to the busy street. To the makes only breakfasts restaurant. Ha.

Then they came home. 

Craig was too hot. So he just read a book in the den. Where it is very cool. Ha. That is good.

Zita took even more of our too much stuff to the too much stuff store. 

Now Niamh’s old bedroom is nearly all empty so now it is Zita’s not at work office. 


With the comfy chairs.


We are going to paint it all a brand new colour. 

Because it is too dark for a nice office. Ha. 

Emmet went for a very long walk last night. When it was not very hot outside. 

He had to think all about how to write the new stories. They cannot be nice long interesting stories. 

They have to be just short stories. 

It is very hard to write only short stories about very interesting things. 

So he had to think a lot. Until his head was all filled up. 

Maybe he will know when his head is full up to the top. 

Or maybe he will have a nice nap and drink some Irish tea. Maybe. 

Craig and I did not have our lunch until Miss Devon was all gone. 

Because of the noisy machines. 

Niamh is going to her nice university tonight. For a brand new class. All about why wrong is wrong. 

People have to learn that. Too bad for them. Sometimes they do not. That is not right.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. All the way to the special for nice dogs treat box. I got a giant treat. Good for me.

Zita went to the buffalos building to get cousin Orlaith. 

Because of the way too hot.

Maybe we will not have another altogether dinner tonight. 

Because of the next nice university class. Oh well.