Monday, 1 January 2018

Day One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Seven

Today is the,another first day again.

But it is the same as yesterday. It is still too cold outside. Too bad for us. 

Niamh and all her lady friends went to the very last night party last night. Until very late. 

But not Emmet. Everybody just wanted his picture too. 


They had to wear their very beautiful dresses. They got all dressed at our house. 

Because it was a get all dressed up party downtown party.

But the party was not so interesting so Niamh and cousin Orlaith went to another party. Near our house.

But there was a man who was not so nice to my friend Niamh. Oh dear. That is not all right.

But Mister Kieran and Mister Aidan and all their very big friends were there too. 

They were all old friends of Niamh’s too. From her way old school. Ha. 

So the not very nice man had to leave. Right away. Before he was just squished up. Ha. 

It is good to have nice friends. 

Craig and Zita and I watched the from way far away detectives. Until very late. We had chips. Ha.

Then there was lots of very loud fireworks. 

But we were not so scared. Because we were all together. 

My friend Emmet was studying in his comfy bedroom. In the basement. He did not see them. So he was not scared either. 

Emmet went back to his far away in Antigonish university today.

Before he had to go we had a tasty altogether lunch. With our cousin Orlaith too.


We only had pretend pancakes. From France. Oh well.

Then we said goodbye to my friend Emmet. Zita took him to find the too cold train. 


He had all his warm as could be clothes on. 

Because of the not very warm train. Oh dear. 

But when Zita and Emmet got to the other catch the train station. But it was the wrong train. 

Maybe it was a fall over and crash train. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

So Zita took Emmet to the very big catch the train station instead. To find the right not too dangerous train. 

When she came home we went for our walk. It is not so very cold after lunchtime. That is good. 

But I had to wear my keep you feet dry shoes. Oh well.

Craig is still the doctor in way far away long time ago England. Looking for some nasty people. 

He has an old horse and a fierce friend. With a very big stick. 

It was a very quiet day today. I did not have to mind Craig. 

I had a nice nap instead. In the big bedroom. On my comfy duvet. Ha. Good for me.

Maybe we will watch more from far away detectives tonight. We have more chips. I saw them. Ha. 

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