Then all the windy rain was over so Zita and I went for a nice walk.
I was only a little bit soggy when we came home.
Zita and I had our toasts. Craig did not have any toasts.
Because he had a sick tummy. All day. Oh dear.
Then I went downstairs to get my friend Niamh all awake. Ha. That is good.
I helped Zita make tasty own made muffins for our altogether lunch.
When we had our lunch we saw my friend Emmet. In his little apartment. In far way Antigonish.
He was right on Niamh’s computer. On our own dining room table.
And we could hear him too. Ha. That is good.
We talked for a long time all about sick people a long long time ago. In Ireland. Ha.
Maybe they had too sick tummies too. Oh well. Too bad for them.
My friend Emmet is going to have own made pasta for his Thank You for Everything dinner.
By only himself. Not with me to mind him. Oh dear.
We are having everybody for our Thank You for Everything dinner.
It is a table sheet dinner. Ha. Good for us.
The lady from way way far away Japan is coming too. Ha. That is good.
She lives at Lee and Cara’s house. For a little while.
Zita and I went for our before dinnertime walk early today.
Because we have to cook lots and lots of tasty food for the special dinner.
Making a tasty dinner takes a long time. It is known.
I got just for me special Thank You for Everything dinner treats.
For being a big kitchen helper. Good for me.
I got a brand new big outside ball.
Because my old big blue ball had too many holes in it. And it was not so round anymore. Oh well.
Now I have a new round one.
A big red one. Red ones are my favourite. Ha. Good for me.
Last night Craig watched the football game. His team won. He was surprised. Ha.
We did not watch any from far away detectives. Oh well.
So Zita and I read her brand new book. I minded her. The whole time.
And kept her all cosy warm. Good for me.
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