We had a little sleep in this morning. Everybody. Ha.
We had lots of little toasts today. Ha.
Then Craig and Zita had to sit at the dining room table for a long long time.
With lots and lots of papers. For Craig's mother.
Then we went for a nice walk. That was nice.
After that it was lunchtime. But my nice breakfast was still all there. Oh dear.
Maybe I forgot to eat it all up this morning. Because of the sleep in. Maybe.
So Craig put lots of cheesie treats on top on my breakfast. Then I ate it all up. Ha.
Our cheese party friends are coming to our house tonight. Andrea too.
Maybe we will have nice tasty pizza from the old just for pizzas restaurant. Maybe. And maybe cheese.
Our friends had to make Andrea's not so brand new apartment spic and span clean. Oh dear.
Making dirty things all spic and span clean takes a long time. It is known.
Zita and Niamh helped. I could not go. It is not a way big apartment. Oh well. Too bad for me.
Last night our go fast lady won another medal. The very best one. Ha.
She was in the giant swimming pool again.
Now she has lots and lots of medals. Good for her.
And our other ladies won another medal in their very fast row row row your boat. In the giant ocean.
It is a boat just like cousin Orlaith's. Just not so big. And not in way far away Ireland. Ha.
There were no nasty sharks trying to catch the boat. Or whales. That is good.
And another lady won for jumping up and down and not even once falling down on her bottom. Ha. Good for her.
This afternoon Niamh took all her clothes downstairs to our other little bedroom.
So Zita and I could help her find her too many clothes.
And give them to nice people who do not have so many clothes. Ha. That is good.
I stayed downstairs in the scary basement all afternoon.
Because I had to guard everybody. Only Craig was way upstairs. Writing. Too bad for him.
I found some of my old catching ball. Ha. Good for me.
Craig drove Emmet to his other university with his important papers. But the right people were not there.
They are only there next week. They did not tell my friend Emmet. That is silly.
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