Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Day Three Hundred and Two

Lorraine came to clean my watching window today. And throw my Red Ball. That is nice.

Zita and Emmet were at their University all day helping people.  They had a good time and got Red Tshirts. That is good.

Lorraine said her machine that makes clean Tshirts is broken.  Zita says she does not care.

She hates that machine. She says they tell lies on television about that machine. It is a bad machine.  We will get a new one. That is good.

I do not want bad machines in my house. Maybe they would help the squirrels or the dog with the white tail.  We should only have nice machines in my house.

Craig has lots of machines that make our music. Music is nice. They are nice machines.

Uncle Bill phoned. Turkeys won again.  Emmet and Uncle Bill and Craig are going to a loud movie next week. I listened.

I pretend to be asleep and I listen to everyone. That is how I find out what is happening in my house. Ha

Niamh had a visitor from France come to see me. She going to watch Niamh and Julia dance. She does not live in Flanders. She does not know any of my relatives. Craig asked her. Oh well.

I went on my long walk with my friend Jamie. We had a nice walk. I pulled a bit.  We sat in front of my house for a long time. Oh well.

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