We did not have a sleep in Sunday today.
Because it is a very busy day for Zita today.
So we went for only a little walk this morning.
There was more too much snow on the ground. That is not right.
And the snow went all between my toes. I do not like that. So we came home.
Zita had to get all ready for the very important for lots of days meetings.
She has to take lots of her beautiful clothes downtown. To the beautiful hotel.
She even has to sleep there.
To help mind all the lots and lots of young ladies.
Who are all coming here for the lots of meetings.
Some even on aeroplanes. At the aeroport.
So she can not sleep here. In her own comfy bed. Oh dear. That is not right.
This morning my friend Emmet was helping his students write brand new stories
For Mister Saint Francis’s university.
Because he is all finished writing his own very important story.
Maybe we will talk to him on the computer tonight. When he is not helping people.
Niamh went downtown too. To go to her beautiful stretching clothes store.
And Craig had to watch the noisy little fast cars on the television.
That was not so interesting so I had a nice living room nap.
After everybody left it was a very quiet day for me. That is nice.
Sunday should be a quiet day.
Because nice naps are always nice. For everybody.
After I had my lunch I had another nice nap on my own duvet on the big comfy bed. Ha.
Craig is going to make dinner tonight.
Maybe it will be a used dinner.
Used dinners are always very tasty. Maybe there will be extras.
Maybe we will have after dinner chips. Maybe.