Because Craig had another important meeting to go to. At our nice bank.
Even before his old friends breakfast. Oh dear.
We did not even have toasts today.
Because of the important meeting. Too bad for me.
After Craig went away I went downstairs to wake my friend Niamh all up. That is a good job.
Then Niamh had to go to Tarryn’s house.
Because today is the giant football game. Emmet and Niamh’s nice university is going to play Emmet’s other university.
For a very big prize. A giant Panda. Ha. That is silly.
It is good that my friend Emmet is at his new university.
Because his old universities are playing the same football game. Against each other. Ha.
Maybe his new university plays football too. Oh dear. Too many universities. Too much football.
My street is all filled up with lots of people. Making way too much noise.
They are all going to the important football game.
My friend Lee and I went for a nice walk. When all the streets were empty. Ha. That is good.
Everybody is at the football game.
Except for all the people with too sick tummies. Maybe because of the too loud noises.
They were sitting all by themselves. On the sidewalk. We did not talk to them. Too bad for them.
It is nearly cold today. That is silly weather. It is true.
Our friend Mister Tom came to my house today. Craig gave him a music machine.
Because we have too many.
We talked to Zita on the telephone today.
But she was only in the telephone. Not my house. Too bad for me.
Craig’s football team did not win last night. Oh well. Too bad for him.