Thursday, 31 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Five

We had a nice sleep in today. Good for us.

Then Zita and I went for a very long walk. In the too much snow. 

I watched all the little children go sliding down our hill into the all empty pond. Oh dear. They just all fall off. Oh dear. I do not like that. They will be all hurt. Oh dear. 

I saw a car all crashed up. On the busy street. Oh dear. 

Our cars just stay in our driveway. All safe. Where I can guard them. That is good.

The little silver car has a big hat of too much snow. Zita's gold big car has no too much snow. It is just all a car. That is good. 

We had toasts with Craig when we got all home. And some too many coffees. 

The noisy little keep the sidewalks all clean machines were on my own street today. They are way noisy. I do not like them so much. 

Today is our last day. We are nearly all finished our year. Tomorrow we get a brand new year. Just for us. 

I know why we have to get a new year. 

When I was not so big I did not know. Ha. Now I know.

If you do not have a brand new year you can not have new sing happy birthday parties. Or get new secret presents. It is known.

That is why every year we get a brand new year. Ha. Good for us. I do not know where we get our brand new year. I not know where we put the old used year. Nobody told me. Oh well.

Maybe the nice garbage men put it in their big truck. And take it all away. Maybe. 

After lunch we talked to everybody in way far away Ireland. They were all in Zita's brother's house. Nearly in Dublin. Not so far from a castle. All inside a way way old university. 

Even cousin Orlaith and cousin Ciara were there. I could see them. They could see me too. Ha. That is good. We showed them our way too much snow. Ha.

They do not have too much snow in way far away. Just way too much rain. Then you have to swim in the streets. Oh dear. I would not like that. 

Emmet went for a little walk. In his brand new old keep your head warm hat. It is all furry. Like me. Ha. 

Maybe Niamh is going to a party. At Zoe's. They do not know if there is a party. Not even Zoe. That is silly. 

We will just have a nice dinner. And sing the goodbye to our year song.  

Tomorrow is the Scotsman's hog my day. That is not very nice. It is not their day. Oh well. 

Scotsmen have way funny days. And only can eat porridge. Craig told me. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Zita gets old bottles of Scotsman's drink for secret presents. That is silly. Even Craig would not drink them. Oh well. People are silly.

Happy brand new year. Good for us.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Four

We had a little sleep in today. Just a little one. Ha.

Then Zita and I went for a little nice walk. Because of the way too much snow. Only a little walk. 

When we got home. We had toasts to make us all warm inside. 

Zita had to write a lots to all the rascal ladies. I helped. I guarded the whole room. On my own comfy duvet. Good for me. 

It was not a way too busy day.

Zita went to go to the make me beautiful store. After our lunch. For just a little too much hair.

Niamh wrote beautiful stories. For her dance a lot school. Craig and Zita and Emmet read them. They were brilliant Zita said. 

Niamh is a way good writer. It is known.

Niamh went to our nice dentist. His store is up on the busy street. Not so far away. That is good.

Zita drove her. Then she went to help Doctor Susan look at beautiful beautiful dresses. At lots of beautiful dresses stores. 

Because doctor Susan has to go to an very important wedding. In the summer. For her daughter. 

Craig and Zita and Emmet and Niamh are going too. Not me. Oh dear. 

What am I going to do. Oh dear. Who will take care of them if I am not there. Maybe they will get all lost. Oh dear. 

It is not until the summer. Maybe they will ask me. To guard the wedding. Maybe. I do not know. I do not like not knowing. It is known.

Emmet went for a little walk. Just by himself. To see the way too much snow. Ha.

Niamh and Miss Rowan and I went for a little walk. Before it was all dark. When the wolves hide in the bushes. And jump out and scare you.  

Niamh and Miss Rowan are going way downtown for a tasty dinner. Even in the way too much snow. That is silly. 

Maybe we will watch the old detectives tonight. Zita and Emmet will drink Irish tea. Zita will eat some of the Merry Christmas chocolates. Ha. 

Craig will just eat some of his Scitsman's porridge cookies. Too bad for him.

I will guard everybody. On the soft comfy rug. In the den. 

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Three

We had wonderful Other Merry Christmas cheese party. We had to use the little table too. 

Because well had lots of Mahoneys here. And lots and lots of used food. And brand new food too. 

We had lots and lots of cheese. I got some. Ha.

I guarded everybody.

They all laughed a lot. And asked funny questions. And then we opened all the secret presents. 

I love opening secret presents. I get to smell them all. That is good. 

Craig and Emmet got a way scary secret present. A little machine that goes all around. All by itself. 

And makes funny noise. But the noises come from Craig's phone. 

I hit it. With my paw. But Emmet said I can not chew it all up. Oh dear. 

I do not think it was a very good present. Oh well.

It is not very fierce. It is just all round. 

Then all the Mahoneys went back to their not so far away house and we went all fast asleep. 

Cheese parties make you way tired. It is known.

When Zita and I were all wide awake this morning we could not even see the outside. 

Because of the way too much windy snow. Oh dear.

There were big piles of snow in my own side yard. Bigger than even me. Oh dear. 

Zita and I had to got the blue new just for snow shovels. Niamh had to get all up to help. She has her very own just for snow shovel. That is good.

I sat in the gold big car to guard everybody. 

Then I got out to help. But all the nasty snow froze right on me. And I Craig said I was a Poppyscicle. That is not nice.

I had to stay in the kitchen until I was not a soggy dog. Craig stayed with me. That is nice. I had to all melt. Oh well. 

Our friend Mister Aidan came to visit. In the red fast car. He said the were crashes all over. 

Even on our little street. Oh dear. 

Some people do not have do not get stuck in the snow tires. Then they just crash. Oh dear. They are silly.

Zita had to go to the busy street for a rascal ladies meeting. Even in the two much snow. Oh dear.

She got her all new keep your feet toasty warm boots on. The gold big car did not want to go for a drive in the two much snow. That is good. 

Zita found a secret present for Emmet. From not even this year. From last year. Ha. It is a furry hat. To keep his head all warm and dry. And not all full of ice. Like me. Oh well.

When Zita got home she had to use the blue shovel. Again. Too much snow. Again.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Two

Zita and I had a nice sleep in today. That is good.

It is not so warm today. That is good. It is winter. All the trees are empty. And my friends the ducks have gone to their far away vacation. 

It should not be all nice and warm when it is winter. It is known.

Craig and I played catch the ball. But just a bit. 

Today is our other Merry Christmas Day. 

It is our all used food dinner party with all our friends the Mahoneys. Tonight. 

We will laugh a lot. That is what we always do at our other Merry Christmas party. 

We did not have so much used turkey. Craig and Zita and Emmet ate it all up. Oh well. 

I had some too. Because it is Merry Christmas time for nice dogs too. It is known. Ha.

Zita had to go out. To the just for delicious meat store. Way downtown. 

Now we have a brand new ham. Not used even once. For our other Merry Christmas dinner. Ha. That is nice. 

We got lots and lots of tasty cheeses. The Mahoneys like tasty cheese. Me too. 

Niamh and I went for a nice walk. When Zita was way downtown. Not way far. Because is is not so warm out today.

Craig wrapped all the new secret presents. For the Mahoneys. They give us secret presents too. That is good.

I do not get any secret presents today. Because the Mahoneys do not have a nice dog. Too bad for them. 

Emmet got another secret Sing Happy birthday day present. The present man brought it to our house. 

It came from way far away. It was too late for the party. Oh well.

Zita used the noisy make the floors all neat and tidy machine today. Because of the other Merry Christmas cheese party tonight. Ha. 

I will guard everybody at the cheese party. It is my job. Ha. Good for me.

I am the best cheese party guarding dog in the world. Zita told me. It is true. Good for me. 

My friend Emmet had an extra long shower after lunch. 

So he will be spic and span for the party tonight. That is good. You have to be squeaky clean for nice parties. It is known. 

Zita brushed me all over yesterday. Even my flappy ears. So I am ready for the party too. Ha.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty One

I had a nice quiet day.

I did not have a sick tummy today. That is good. 

But I am a bit of a smelly dog today. Oh well. Too bad for them. 

When Zita and I got up there was slippy freezy rain all over. And snow. Oh well.

We did not go for a nice walk. Because it was all too slippy outside. 

We had crunchy fat toasts instead.

Zita and Niamh went downtown in the gold big car. To get some secret presents for the Mahoneys. For our other cheese party tomorrow.

They had to take all the freezy rain ice off all the windows. You cannot drive a car with freezy rain ice all over your windows. Or you will crash. Oh dear. 

We have only nearly all the secret presents. So we had to find more. Or we can not have the cheese party. Oh dear. Too bad for us. 

We only played catch the ball a bit today. Because it is all slippy. Even in my side yard.

The very noisy move the snow machines were on my street. All day. 

I barked at them. A lot. They do not care. They cannot hear my very fierce barks. Because they are all too noisy. Too bad for me. 

My friend Emmet is writing more stories for his giant game. He has his very own place where all the stories live. Somewhere. 

Craig looked at it yesterday. On the way fast computer. It has pictures. Of the way old Gods. And lots and lots and lots of words. My friend Emmet wrote them. All by himself. Ha. 

Craig said it was way interesting. He was surprised it was so big. 

I knew that. Emmet tells me all the stories. Because I am a good listener. Even when I do not understand them.

Some of the way old God stories are very long. And I do not know all the words. Oh well. 

I am still a big help. Emmet told me. 

Craig and I had own made way soft and tasty croissants for our lunch. That is good. 

Then Craig watched the football games. He did not care who won. Oh well. 

Craig does not have way good teams. It is known. 

Maybe we will watch the old detectives tonight. I will have a nice nap. Maybe. 

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty

I had a quiet day. I had a sick tummy this morning. 

Maybe I had too many cheese treats. Or some of the fall down onto the floor treats. Oh well.

Zita and I went for a nice quiet walk. That was nice. It is not so warm today. 

Niamh had to go shopping. With her dance a lot friends. I do not know why. 

I had a nice nap. It is nice to have nice naps when you have a sick tummy. 

Craig got me a peanut butter treat. When I was in my cosy bed. That is good. It is nice to get treats when you have a sick tummy. 

Zita was in the scary basement. All afternoon. We have to throw lots of things out. We have too many things. 

We will take them to the store for people who need things. 

Maybe for the brand new people. 

They have to come to our nice country. Because their little towns were all blown up. Into pieces. Even some people. By way nasty people. Oh dear. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Now they can have all our too much stuff. That is right.

Emmet was writing lots and lots. All day. Not for his nice university. For his giant only on the computer game. For all his friends from all over everywhere.

This afternoon Craig was reading his new all about castles books and getting the new flat computer to be all his. 

New computers are not very good listeners. It is known.

Zita and I went shopping too. We had to find a brand new leash. My old leash broke this morning. Oh dear. 

We went right up to the busy street and found one. All by ourselves. Ha. It was not a secret present. Just a nice present. For me. 

We are having used Merry Christmas pies for out tasty dinner tonight. That is good. 

We have to save all the used turkey for all the Mahoneys. 

They are going to come to our house for our just used dinner. We do it every year. Just us. And them. That is good. 

Friday, 25 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Nine

I had a very busy night. I had to guard the whole cheese party all by myself. I got cheese treats.

Our house was all full up. With lots and lots of people. Even a little little girl. I did not knock her over. Even once.

Everybody was all dressed up. Craig said Niamh's dress was nearly all gone. Oh well. 

We had lots and lots and lots of food. And even more cheese. I had tasty tasty cheese. From way far away Wales. Where all the very fierce dragons live.

But nobody can understand them. Nobody can understand the people who live in the Wales. Or the dragons. Oh well.

But they make way tasty cheese. I even had the way smelly cheese from Mister Nicastro's nice store. Maybe the dragons make the cheese. Maybe.

Everybody ate all our delicious pies and our special only Zita can make dessert. With the strawberries. Ha.

When everybody went home. We had to put all the secret presents under the Merry Christmas tree. It took a long time. Too many presents. I had a nice nap. Ha.

Then Craig forgot to read the Merry Christmas story. To Emmet and Niamh. He reads it every year. But he forgot. 

They had to read it themselves. After everybody went all too bed. Oh dear. Oh dear. That is not all right. And my friend Emmet had to leave Mister Saint Santa his treats. 

Craig and Zita just all forgot. Oh dear. Maybe they are now too old. Oh dear.  Am not so old. I never forget. Ha.

Mister Saint Santa brought me a brand new special toy. My old special toy is a bit too old. 

It is the toy I use when I have to make sure the house is all safe at night.  I have to go to every room. And even down the scary stairs to make sure my friend Emmet is all safe. 

We all went into the living room all together. After Zita made own made croissants. There it was on the floor. A secret present just for me. 

Mister Saint Santa brought me a brand new special toy. It is orange. Not green. My old one was green. I still have it. That is good. 

I got my friend Jamie a secret present. 

I got a Merry Christmas card from my friends from where the giant mountain are. Miss Gracie and Mister Elliot. I do not go to their house. It is way far away. 

I just see their pictures on the computer. Like Emmet friends from all over everywhere. 

Mister Saint Santa brought Zita another bottle of the way way old scotsman's drink. Maybe a new bottle is too much money for Mister Saint Santa. Maybe. 

I gave Zita brand new keep you all dry and toasty warm pants. For our nice walks. And don't fall down on the slippy sidewalks things for your shoes. That is good.

Emmet got lots and lots of books all about very old way far away Ireland. And the way old Gods. And brand new toasty warm socks. And giant boxes of chocolates. And more old books. For his nice university.

My friend Niamh got all the clothes in the world. And even more.

And not real money for the too much money coffee store. And new underwear. Niamh loves underwear. It is known.

And Craig got a brand new flat computer. It was a big secret. He was very surprised. And he got new shirts. With no holes. That is good. And more books. Ha. 

Craig's mother came to our house. In the not so fast chair. Zita pushed her. For our Merry Christmas time dinner. 

Then everybody was tired. Parties make everybody tied. Me too. 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Eight

It is nearly Merry Christmas Day. I was very busy. All day.

Zita and I got up way early to put the tasty pies inside our stove. 

Then Zita had to go and find even more food for the cheese party. For tonight's cheese party. And for our giant Merry Christmas dinner time.

It is way warm today. Not even a nice coat day. Silly weather. 

Lots of people came to our house. I had to guard the door all the time. 

My friend Emmet went to Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. 

He did not bring home more cheese. Only strawberries and the special eggs. Oh well.

Niamh and Cara and Lee put the table sheets on the dining room table. And all the very clean glasses and knives and forks. All wrapped up in pretty Christmas papers. That is good. 

Then I took them for a nice long walk. There are lots of people on my sidewalks. All visiting their own families. For Merry Christmas time. That is nice. 

It is not so dangerous to walk on the sidewalks when there is no way too much snow. That is good.

When we came home all the ladies made even more tasty treats for tonight. That is good. 

Craig cleaned the bathroom all spic and span. Not just neat and tidy. 

You have to have spic and span bathrooms when you have cheese parties. Zita told me. It is true. 

My friend Jamie came for a visit. Professor Jill brought own made donuts for Zita and Emmet. And maybe Craig too. Ha.

Jamie and Zorro and I cannot have the donuts. 

Jamie said they will make your tummy sick. Nobody wants a sick tummy when it is Merry Christmas time. It is known.

I cannot bark tonight. Even if I hear something. It might be Mister Saint Santa. Craig said. 

I would not like to scare him. Sometimes I am a bit scary. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

I will get secret presents anyway. Mister Saint Newton told me. 

Because I was a very good dog. All the time. Even when nobody was looking. That is true. Ha. Good for me. 

Mister Saint Newton looks all the time. It is known. He is a friend of Mister Saint Santa. Good for me. 

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Seven

Zita and I were very busy today. 

Making all the tasty food for our first cheese party. It is tomorrow. At night. Ha. Good for me.

We made our very special only we can make it dessert. Ha. Good for us. And all the tasty pies too. 

Then we went for a nice walk with my friend Jamie and professor Jill. It was nice day today. 

All not too cold at all. That is silly. It is winter. Winter is all full of too much cold. It is known. 

We do not have any snow for Mister Saint Santa's sleigh. Oh dear. 

Zita said it is ok. He has a magic sleigh. It makes its own snow. That is good. 

Then we had fat crunchy toasts with Craig. When we got home. For our breakfast. And coffees. 

Then Craig had to go out. Up to the very busy street. To get his last secret presents.  

When he came home wrapped even more secret presents. He is very messy. Oh well.

Niamh and Miss Rowan put all the shiny Merry Christmas decorations on our trees. To make our house all beautiful. 

And easy for Mister Saint Santa to find. It is known. 

If you do not believe in Mister Saint Santa he will not leave any secret presents for you. So you will not know you are all wrong. That is nice. 

Then everybody else gets more. Maybe. 

Zita had to go out to get more food for the Merry Christmas time. And a giant turkey. 

Maybe Uncle Bill will catch a turkey this year. With his flying motorcycle. Ha. Oh dear. Oh dear.

Maybe he will invite Mister Saint Newton to his famous Merry Christmas dinner. That would be nice. 

He can not invite the baby Jesus. Babies have to go to bed way early. Even on their birthdays. Too bad for him. Oh well. 

Everybody should have their Merry Christmas dinner with their friends. Even new ones. 

We have the baby Jesus and all his friends on the funny turn around bookcase. With a moose and polar bears and a buffalo. Even sheep. And a very nice dog. Just like me. 

And even two Scotsman with giant chop you all up axes. To keep the baby Jesus all safe. Because he is just a little baby. 

Zita and I made the house all spic and span. Because of all the parties. That is good. 

Niamh and Miss Rowan went to Cara and Lee's house. To make special all the way from way far away Italy Merry Christmas desserts. 

Like tasty chips but all covered in sugar. Niamh and Miss Rowan were covered in sugar two. 

We are all finished our secret presents shopping. I was finished first.  Ha. Good for me. 

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Six

I had a way busy day.  

Last night Zita and Emmet had a surprise for my friend Craig. When they went to see their movie. 

It was a special movie where every jumps right out at you. Oh dear. 

And they had tasty food right in the movie. Nice people brought the food right to their giant comfy chairs. 

Craig had way tasty toasty cheese sandwiches. I did not get any. 

I could not go. I had to guard the house and Niamh and Miss Rowan. All by myself. 

Everybody was way busy this morning. My friend Jamie came for a little visit. She wanted to say Merry Christmas to me. That was nice.

Zita and Niamh and Miss Rowan took all the big boxes of tasty food and secret presents to the big church. 

For all the people who do not have all full up refrigerators. That is good.

Emmet went shopping for secret present again. Way downtown. 

Craig wrapped lots and lots of secret presents in beautiful Merry Christmas paper. Now there is a big big hill just of secret presents. In the dining room. 

I got lots of secret presents for my family. I saw Craig put my own name of lots of the beautiful boxes. 

That is good. I like giving my family secret presents. I got lots for Zita. Ha. 

I do not know what they are. It is secret. Because of Merry Christmas time. 

Today is my very own anniversary day. Today day is the day I came to live in my house. With my own family. Ha. Good for me. 

I got a special cheese treat for my special day. That is good. 

Niamh and Lee and Cara and Miss Rowan took me for my long walk. Before our dinner.

We went to the store where nice dogs get treats. To get Craig more sticky tape. For the presents. Then Niamh had to go to her nice dentist. Oh dear. 

Lee and Cara and I went back to my house. By ourselves. We did not get lost. That is good.

Zita had to go to the tasty food stores to get all the food for all our cheese parties. That is good. I am a very good cheese party dog. 

We always have way tasty pies for all our friends. Right before Mister Saint Santa comes to our house. We cook them in kitchen so I can smell them. Ha. Good for me.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Five

I was not so busy today. That is good.

Zita and I had a nice sleep in. Even Craig was wide awake before me. Ha. 

I kept Zita all toasty warm. Until the coffee was all ready. Ha. That is good. 

It was not a nice day. Just freezy rain. To make everything too slippy. Oh dear.

I had a nice nap. On my comfy bed. In the kitchen.

Zita was very busy. Making new rules for the rascal ladies.

Craig had to go to do more shopping for secret presents. Niamh too. 

Craig said that I was all finished my shopping. That is good. 

Emmet had a long sleep in too. His nice university is all done. For a little time. So Emmet will have lots of sleep ins. It is known.

We watched a story on the television last night. All about famous castles in way far away Ireland. 

Craig and Emmet showed me all the castles they were in. They have been in lots of castles. 

All the castles were a bit all broken. I do not think ghosts would live there. 

Only one had a nice roof. Oh dear. The ghosts would be all soggy. Because it rains all the time in way far away Ireland. It is known.

Craig and Zita and Emmet are going to a brand new movie. Up on the busy street. 

All about wars in the way up sky. Not near heaven. Heaven is way way far away. Farther away than just the sky. Ha.

Miss Rowan is going to come for a visit and a sleep in until late tomorrow. Because it is Merry Christmas time.

I am going to stay here and guard my friend Niamh and Miss Rowan and all our secret presents. Ha. Good for me. 

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Four

We had a very busy day.

We were up way late last night. 

Somebody stepped on my friend Niamh's foot with way pointy shoes. At Zoe's very big party. Oh dear. She had to go to fast asleep with ice. On her toes. Oh dear.

Craig did not get up until way late. I had to wait and wait for him to play throw the ball. That is not right.  Too bad for me. 

I had to go into the bedroom and remind him. Zita told me to. Ha. 

Professor Jill won money. At the too expensive food store. I saw her picture on the little flat computer. 

It was not lots and lots of real money. Maybe money for brand new Merry Christmas treats for my friends Jamie and Zorro. Ha. That is good. 

We had a party. In the afternoon. We got lots and lots of pizza from Mister Tony's pizza store. 

Emmet and Niamh and Kieran and Aidan went shopping. In the way fast red car. 

Every year they go and buy lots and lots of food and secret presents. 

For some people who do not have lots of real money for Merry Christmas time. That is right. 

It is to make Merry Christmas time happy for all the nice people. That is everybody's job at Merry Christmas time. It is known.

Then they all came back to our house with the car all full up. They put everything in giant boxes. 

And then everybody ate the tasty pizza. From Mister Tony's. Me too. Ha. We had the special all the way from way far away lemonade. Good for us.

I am a very good party guarding dog. It is known. Zita told me. 

Craig gives me crunchy pizza bits. Because I am such a good guarding dog. Ha. 

Niamh and Aidan had to go and get even more boxes. Then they put even more presents into the boxes. 

Tomorrow all the Mahoneys are going to not too way far away to eat at a restaurant. I do not know why.  Oh well. Too bad for them.

Zita and Niamh will take all the full up boxes to the very big church. So the people will all have a big tasty Merry Christmas time. That is good.

Our cheese party friends gave a big present to all the nice people who take care of all the poor dogs who do not have nice people to take care of. 

It is Emmet and Niamh's present. Every year. That is good. 

I know because Emmet and Niamh got Thank You Very Much cards for their sing happy birthday day.  

Now all the dogs will have tasty treats for their Merry Christmas time. 

It makes Mister Saint Newton very happy when all the nice dogs have a very Merry Christmas time. He told me. 

Mister Saint Newton is a friend of Mister Saint Santa. For a long long time. It is known. That is right. 

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Three

Zita and I went for two walks this morning. Ha. Good for us.

We had snow last night. On the ground. Not so much snow. Just a bit. The sidewalk was all slippy. And dangerous..

We had one nice walk before my breakfast. 

Then we took Craig to his old friends breakfast. So he would not get stuck in the snow and just freeze all up. And be dead. 

Taking Craig to his old friends breakfast is my job. It is a good job. 

I always wait for him to go into the restaurant. Then I know he is not lost. And Zita and I go to visit the nice stores. On the busy street. 

I am always a big help. Zita told me. That is good.

It is a wear fat gloves cold day. Emmet went out in the cold. To buy his secret presents for everybody. Maybe me too. Ha.

Zita took the silver little car to get him. Way downtown. Where all the rascals go to work. So he did not turn into a frozen Emmet. 

Emmet does not like busses so much. Even when it is way too cold. Oh well.

Niamh went to Zoe's house. This morning. When she was all fast awake. To make it all spick and span. 

Zoe is going to have two parties tonight. A little one and a big one. 

I am not going. Zoe's house has cats. Oh dear. 

Niamh is going to both parties. Because she is Zoe's friend. For a long long time. 

Craig went to the neat and tidy store. After his nice breakfast time. For a haircut. Now he does not look like Mister Saint Santa. That is good. 

And he got brand new glasses. Too. Because his were way too old. And a little bit all broken. 

They Are older than my friends Emmet or Niamh. 

Now he can not see anything. Because they put special water in his eyes. Oh well. Too bad for him.

I will just look out my watching window for him. I am a big help. 

I will tell him if I see anything very dangerous. Like fierce wolves. Or noisy make the street all clean trucks. Good for me. 

I will get secret Merry Christmas presents. Mister Saint Newton told me. Ha. Good for me.

I do not think cats get secret Merry Christmas presents. Ha. Too bad for them. Or squirrels. Ha. 

Friday, 18 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Two

Everybody's school time is all done. 

So everyone can get all ready for Mister Saint Santa's day. Even me. That is good.

Craig brought Emmet home from his remember everything exam. Now is is very tired. 

Zita was very busy this morning with all the rascal ladies. From all over. 

Craig had to read lots more long stories for the nice queen. They were not very good stories. Oh dear. 

It is good that the nice queen did not have to read them. Only Craig. He will not chop off anybody's head. 

That is what queens do. Even nice ones. In their very big castles. In any far away. Oh dear. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk. We did not see my friend Jamie today. 

Professor Jill is way too busy reading all the remember everything exams. Before Merry Christmas time. Oh well. Too bad for Jamie. And me. 

Zita went out with her lady friends for a tasty lunch at her friends house. 

Because itvis going to be Merry Christmas time soon. When everybody sees all their old friends. To say Merry Christmas to you. That is good.

Craig and Zita and I watched the nice detectives last night. 

Emmet was way busy studying. And Niamh was fast fast asleep. Because of the nasty cough. They did not watch it with us. Oh dear. 

The very noisy make the street clean machine stopped right on my corner. That is not right. It is too loud. I had to sit in the kitchen. Just a little bit. Oh well. 

Craig and Zita went out this afternoon. 

I had to guard Emmet and the house and the just for Merry Christmas tree. And all the secret presents. I got treats. 

They had to do more Merry Christmas shopping. For secret presents. I got one. Craig told me. I do not know what it is. It is a secret. 

The present man brought even more presents today. He told Craig that he was way way busy. Because of the Merry Christmas time. It is known.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty One

Everybody was busy again today. 

Niamh had a remember everything exam today. Then she came home to go fast asleep. Because the nasty cough caught her again.  

She has to take more medicine. For the nasty cough. It makes her tired. Oh dear.

We had big crunchy toasts today. After our nice walk. We did not see any of my friends. Oh well.

Then everybody had to go to important appointments. I had to guard the house all by myself.

Miss Andrea came over to our house this afternoon. So we had a little cheese party. Ha. I got bagel bits. That is good. Bagels are good for you. 

She is going to take our secret presents to our cheese party friends. For their Merry Christmas tree. That is good.

Craig and Emmet watched the not too scary Viking program on the television. Last night. 

There was a very big battle. The very fierce man stuck the nasty Viking with a spear. Until he was all just dead. Too bad for him.

Emmet has two big spears in his comfy bedroom. They are not Viking spears. That is good. 

Vikings are too scary. And loud. They do not have nice squeaky clean baths so much. Oh dear. That is not nice. 

It was the last program. Oh well. Maybe next year there will be more Craig said. 

Niamh stayed up until way late. Because of her very long story for school. I helped. I slept on her feet. So she would not be too cold. 

Tomorrow Emmet has Professor Jill's remember everything exam. He has to remember some funny names. Of the people who forgot they lost the war. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

Then the nice university is all finished. Until after we find the brand new year. Again. 

We do that every year. I do not know why. I do not know where the old year goes. Nobody told me. Oh well.

We went for a walk in the dark tonight. I was a bit of a soggy dog. Oh well. 

I got new soft towels. For soggy dog days. That is good. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty

We had a very busy day.

I had to get up early to help Zita drive Niamh and Miss Julia to the very practice dance a lot.

Craig had to talk to our nice Queen's friends today. So he drove Emmet to his remember everything about reading old Roman exam first.

Niamh had go to her new nice Doctor this morning. After dance a lot. Because of the nasty coughing. 

Then Zita and Niamh went to a way tasty restaurant for lunch. 

They make way tasty fat croissants. Right there. And lots of special tasty breads. That is good.

Zita brought a big box of tasty fat croissants home for our lunch. That is good. I like croissants. A lot. 

Emmet went for a walk to Mister Kettlemans to get a brand new never used bagel and special bagel cheese. I did not get any. Oh well.

Then Niamh had to go to her nice dentist. 

Now he is way close. Where all the brand new stores are. Beside the nice bank who gives nice dogs treats. I always get treats. Ha.

It is not so nice today. Just windy rain. And flat clouds. Not sheep clouds. Just all grey get do not move at all clouds. Oh well.

Our cousin Orlaith is finished all her remember everything exams. At her nice university. Beside the giant ocean. That is good. 

She can not get me a secret present. Because she lives way far away. Oh well. 

Your friends do not get you presents if they live way far away. Or do not have any money. 

You do not have lots of money when you are at your nice university. Just little bits of money for donuts and hot chocolates. 

And maybe some Scotsman's whisky. If it is way cold out side. To make you all warm inside. Zita told me. Ha. 

We brought our giant only for Merry Christmas time tree in to our house last night. 

Giant trees are a bit scary. I told my friend Emmet. So we had a look all over the giant tree. That is good. 

Giant trees do not scare Emmet. He has a giant axe. Ha. 

Then Zita and Niamh put lots and lots and lots of beautiful decorations on the tree. 

Even one for me. Ha. And lots of very shiney lights. So Mister Saint Santa knows where he should put all the secret presents. That is good. 

Now we can have the beautiful just for Merry Christmas time music on the music machine. That is good. Niamh loves the Merry Christmas time music. It is known. 

I went for a long walk with my friend Jamie and Zita and Professor Jill this afternoon. Before it was a too dark outside. Ha.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Nine

We had everybody at our sing happy birthday party last night. Our house was all full up.

We did not have any cheese. Just lots and lots of cake. And too loud exploding bottles. Oh well.

Some silly dog chewed on my friend Zoe's headphones. Oh dear. 

Maybe it was me. Oh dear. 

Craig had extra ones for her. That is good. Oh dear. Oh dear.

I gave Emmet a book. For his secret present. It is all about where to find all the way old God's houses. In way far away Ireland. It has lots of pictures. That is good. I like pictures. 

And I got my friend Niamh Christmas music. For her round and round music machine. Because it is Merry Christmas time. It is known.

Niamh loves Christmas music. Ha.

Miss Rowan slept here last night. In Niamh's big comfy bed. Because her house is way far away. I did not jump on them this morning. Good for me.

Niamh brought home a big bag of all her old long hair. She will give it to people who do not have any hair. Because they are sick. That is good.

Niamh has to go to her brand new nice Doctor tomorrow. Because the nasty coughing came back and grabbed her again. 

Zita says it is the same one as before. It did not go away. It just hid. Like the scary wolves in the bushes at night. Oh dear. 

Now she goes to Craig's and Emmet's same nice Doctor. Because now she is all old. Ha.

Zita had her very fierce talk with the silly lady. She will not talk to my friend Niamh anymore. 

Or it will be my friend Emmet's and my turn to be very fierce and scary. It is true. Craig said so. Ha. Too bad for her. 

The other present man came to my house this afternoon. With another secret present. It had a nice smell. That is good. Maybe it is for me. Maybe.

Emmet is very busy studying. The remember everything about old Romans writing is tomorrow. In the early morning. Oh dear. I did not like exams. 

Niamh is writing her very long story all about vegetables. I do not know why. You should not write about vegetables. You should eat them. Then you will not get sick. It is known. 

If you only eat too much ice cream you will just explode. All over. Oh dear. 

Monday, 14 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Eight

It is Emmet's and Niamh's own sing happy birthday day. Ha. That is good.

I got them secret presents. All wrapped up in beautiful paper. With my own name on them. Ha. So they will know I did not forget the special day. Good  for me.

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. It is still not so cold out. We did not see any of my friends. Oh well. 

Niamh is going to the make me beautiful store. Today. To get her hair cut. All short. Not so short as Craig's. Not all off. Just a bit short. Like me. But all red. Ha.

We have two special cakes. For our party tonight. 

Niamh's is made all of ice cream. Ice cream is Niamh's favourite food.

She says it is a vegetable. She is wrong. People are silly. 

Tasty green beans are vegetables. Not ice cream. I love green beans. I cannot have ice cream. I get a sick tummy. Oh well.

My friend Zoe came here for a visit last night. Because her friend Niamh was a bit sad. Oh dear. They ate all of Craig's chocolate. Ha. 

He said it was ok. It was only Zoe. Ha.

Zita was very fierce today. Because Niamh was a bit sad last night. 

Zita is going to have a fierce talk with someone. Oh dear. Oh dear. I do not know who. Maybe they do not have a name. Ha. 

If you are nasty nobody remembers your name. It is known.

Emmet and I were going to chop them all up with the giant Viking scary axe. Or maybe the old colonel's special for being brave sword. 

I was going to be the way scary very fierce Viking dog. Just like on the television. With my fierce bark. Ha. 

Emmet was going to take one of the way old Scotsman's shields off the wall. So we would be way way scary.

But Niamh said we could not chop them all up into just little piece. Too bad for us. Oh well.

Emmet looks like the man on the television. In the way scary wolves and dragons program. Not like a Viking. 

People are going to come to our house to have tasty cakes with us tonight. 

We will sing the happy birthday song. And we we will open all the secret presents. Ha.

They will be all my friends. Even Zoe again. It is known. Good for us.

Everybody from way far away called for Emmet and Niamh to sing the happy birthday song. On the telephone. That is good. 

Craig did not sing. That is good.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Seven

We had a very busy day.  Everybody was way way busy. Except me. 

Zita and Craig had to make Emmet's and Niamh's stories all beautiful. 

Niamh and Emmet were way busy writing more stories. 

We were too busy for our nice walk this morning. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

We had very fat crunchy toasts. We used the special tasty toast bread. That is good.

Then we had our nice Sunday lunch today. We had pancakes. Not just French pretend toasts. Ha. That is good.

Emmet and Zita had a nice visit with Jamie and Professor Jill. Outside on our driveway. 

I did not go. I was a bit in trouble. Because of being a digging a big hole dog. Oh dear. 

Jamie does not dig big holes. Zita said so. Oh well. 

Professor Jill is very busy. 

She has to read lots and lots and lots of long stories. Even my friend Emmet's long story. And all the remember everything exams. Ha.

Another music machine came to my house this afternoon. It is not black. I do not know why. It is just tall. Oh well. 

Tomorrow is Emmet's and Niamh's sing happy birthday day. 

I got them secret presents. Craig showed me. That is good. 

Emmet and Niamh are older than me. Not so old as Craig. Ha.

Niamh is so old now she can go to jail. Emmet told me. Oh dear. Oh dear. That is not right.

She would not go to jail. She did not steal Emmet's birthday. Emmet is wrong. It is known. 

He just says that. Because he is a big brother. It is his job. Oh well. 

I do not think I have a big brother. Just Mattie my way big cousin. 

I do not see him so often. Even on our walks. He moved to another house. Not so near me. Oh well. 

We will sing the happy birthday song tomorrow. Even Craig. I will help. 

We will have two cakes. One for Emmet and one for Niamh. That is good.

So Niamh will not steal Emmet's cake. Ha. 

Maybe we will have cheese. Maybe.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Six

It was a nice quiet day.

Saturday's are not so busy for me. 

The nice Queen and the rascal ladies do not call us on Saturday. That is good. 

Zita and I went for a nice long walk this morning. In the not so cold.

Craig had to go to his old friends breakfast all my himself. This morning. He knows the way. By himself.  That is good.

Niamh had to go to the dance a lot place way early. She nearly forgot to get up. Ha. Too bad for her.

Zita had to go to give more nice people their newspapers. And Emmet was writing another long story for his remember everything exams. 

It is still all about the old old mountain people. They did not like old Mister Pope so much. His helpers just wanted to burn things all up. Even way big stones. That is silly. Too bad for them. Oh well.

I had to guard the whole house. All by myself. For a long time. 

It was not so hard guarding the house today. The present man does not come to our house on Saturdays. 

When Craig and Zita were all back home they went right back out again. 

To see all of Niamh's little dancers. On the giant stage. With the very loud loud music.

Niamh only had one special dance. This year. Because she is the dance a lot teacher. Oh well. 

She is going to take care of some of her little dancers tonight. For real money. That is good. You need real money for the secret presents. 

Craig gets me my secret presents. To give to my family. I do not have any real money. Or pockets. 

You can not have real money if you do not have pockets. You will just lose it. It is known.

When Zita came home she put more Merry Christmas shiny lights on our beautiful trees. On the other side of our patio. 

Now the dangerous wolves can not hide in our bushes. 

And jump out and eat you all up. Just like my cheese treats. All gone. Oh dear.  

Now we have too many lights. They can not hide in the lots of light. Ha. Good for us.

Maybe we will watch the old detectives tonight. On the comfy rug in the den. Ha.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Five

I had another busy day. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is still not even put your hat on cold. Ha.

We got a present. From our cheese party friends. Not a secret present. 

A just because present. A new not so big pretend bear. We have lots of pretend bears. And two dragons. With funny names. Ha. Good for us.

I do not know the new pretend bear's name. 

All of Craig's bears have names. Some them used to be very fierce soldiers a long long long time ago. Fighting way nasty Pyrates. Ha. 

The Bears worked for Princess Patricia. And Mister Lord Strathcona. With Craig's very old Uncle Austin. They had giant horses. Oh dear. 

Horses are very big. And smelly. Sometimes they go for walks on our street. I saw them. 

Then our friend Mister Peter came to visit. And drink tea. His father used to guard the old old Mister Pope. That is good. He had a giant pointy axe. Ha. 

Mister Peter was Zita and Craig's friend from even before Niamh and Emmet where babys. A way long time ago. 

Mister Peter is going to fix the bathroom in the scary basement all up. So it does not wiggle. He is a way good fixer. 

Craig says it is because he is from the mountains way far away. Where they make all the clocks and chocolate in the world. 

They are not Emmet's way old people's mountains. Other mountains. 

Emmet went to his nice university to study for his very old Latin remember everything exam. Too bad for him.

Then two men brought the all red go fast chair back. All fixed up. And spic and span. That is good. 

More secret presents came today. Good for us. 

Zita was way busy with the rascal ladies this morning. And then she took all our newspapers to all the nice stores on the busy street. Maybe they will give her treats at the nice bank. Maybe. 

There are too many awful squirrels on my beautiful patio. Because we do not have any way too much snow. That is not right. 

I had to go and lie down in the kitchen two times. I hate squirrels. 

Another present man came this afternoon. With a special just for Niamh present.

Niamh is going to a way late bowling party tonight. 

She has to be home early. Because she has a giant dance show. 

For all her little dancers. Tomorrow. She has to get up early to help. Ha. Too bad for her. 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Four

I had a very busy day.

I was up late last night. Emmet was helping Niamh find a nice university. I guarded them. They had to make lots of tea.

Craig and Zita were all fast asleep.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is still not so cold at all.

We had very fat toasts for our breakfast. Ha.

Then the very big truck came. With all our newspapers. I did not bark so much today. Ha.

They brought lots and lots of papers into my side yard.

Then my friend Garry came. In his truck. To get lots of papers for his friends. 

He told me my cousin Mattie went to the make you beautiful store too. 

Because it is nearly Merry Christmas time. He did not want to scare Mister Saint Santa either. That is good.

Craig's all red go fast chair broke. Pieces fell off. And got all lost. Now it will not go fast anymore. Oh dear. That is not right. 

A man in his little truck had to come to our house. To take the all red go fast chair to the fix it all up store. He could not fix it here. It was too broken. Oh dear. That is not right.

Zita had to get the silver old not so very fast chair. From the basement. 

Craig told me you always have to have extra go fast chairs. Because they are not so tough. Not like Craig and me. Ha. 

And Zita had to take Craig's silver little car to the way too small office. Because the gold big car was filled all up. To the top. With our nice newspapers. 

It was a way busy day. 

Emmet is writing his long stories for his remember everything exams. 

It takes a long time. You can not make mistakes on your remember everything exams. It is known.

Niamh is being a helper teacher until late tonight. I will wait for her. 

It is my best job. Waiting for my family. And guarding the cheese parties. Ha.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Three

I had a long sleep last night. When I go to the make me beautiful store it always makes me very tired. Oh well.

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. Craig had a little sleep in. Ha.

Zita and her other lady friend went out. At lunchtime. To look at a nearly new house for the lady. She has a nice dog. He is not so big. 

The nasty dog was on my street again. That is not right. I barked and barked at him. Until I got in trouble. Then he went away. Oh well. 

He is a way nasty dog. I do not know why. 

He tried to bite me last week. Again. Zita did not let me bite him all up. Oh well. 

Zita said we will not go where he lives anymore. That is good. 

He is a nasty dog. I told Jamie and Zorro. Ha. They are nice dogs. And very furry. They are North Pole dogs. 

That is where Mister Saint Santa lives. Good for them. They always get nice secret presents. 

Mister Saint Santa does not give secret presents to nasty dogs. Or people. Just dirty pieces of old old rock. Ha. Too bad for them.

We always get beautiful secret presents. Good for us.

The present man brought a secret present for Emmet and Niamh. It was from my cheese party friends.

We got tasty presents for them. That is good. 

Emmet is writing two remember everything stories. 

About the way old mountain people. And another one about the people who forgot they lost a war. For Professor Jill. 

I had a nice nap in the den this afternoon. I kept Craig company. When he was reading his book. 

He is still a fierce Viking. He is not a nasty steal everybody's nice things Viking.  

He just wants his castle back. From the nasty Vikings who stole it all way. That is good. 

We watched the old detectives last night. I had a nice nap. In the hall. Where I can see everybody. That is good. 

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Two

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. It is still not so cold outside. 

Then we had our toasts. Good for us. 

Craig had to read lots and lots. For the nice Queen. 

Queen's do not have to read lots. That is why Craig works for her. So she does not have to read all the long stories. 

Zita went to visit Craig's mother. And take her for a nice walk too. Just like me. Ha.

Emmet had to go Merry Christmas shopping today. To find special secret presents for all his friends. And us. He was gone a long time. 

It takes a long time to find presents for friends. Because they are your friends.

When everybody was all away I guarded Craig. We played catch the ball. When he was not reading. For our nice Queen. 

We watched the old detectives last night. Even all of us. That is good. It was not scary. 

After lunch we went to the make me beautiful store. Oh dear. 

When I was in the make me beautiful store Craig and Zita had a tasty little lunch. And went shopping for secret presents. 

Because it will be Merry Christmas time soon. 

I did not see what they got. They hid it in the back part of the gold big car. Where the go fast chair lives. Oh well. I will see everything on Mister Saint Santa's day. Ha. 

They did not forget me. At the make me beautiful store. That is good. Sometimes I worry. Oh well. 

Now I am all beautiful again. I am not so very very furry. 

Craig said I looked like a bear. Oh dear. 

That is not right. Mister Saint Santa will not come to visit your house if you have a very fierce bear. Instead of a nice dog. Like me. It is known.

That is why I always go to the make me beautiful store before Merry Christmas time. So I do not scare Mister Saint Santa away. That is right.

At Merry Christmas time Craig gets my secret presents for my family. Because I do not have any real money. Craig has real money. The nice Queen gives it to him. 

You need real money to get secret presents. It is known. 

Monday, 7 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty One

Everybody had a very busy day.

Even Craig. He had to go to help the Queen. All afternoon. Downtown.  Ha. Too bad for him.

Zita took Emmet to his nice university. Early. Today Emmet's way interesting classes are all over. It is remember everything time again. Oh dear.

Then Zita and I went for a nice walk. It is not so cold today. Again. 

We had four very crunchy toasts today. When we got home. Good for me.

Emmet forgot all his money. At home.  Zita had to go to the university. So he could have some real money and go to Mister Horton's store and buy his donuts and tea. Silly Emmet. 

Then Zita had to listen to her important meeting. On the telephone. I was a big help. I did not bark at all. Ha.

I helped move the cars. Lots of times. Good for me.

Craig had to read lots. All morning. For the nice Queen. 

He forgot to have a tasty lunch. Too bad for me. Oh well.

After university time Emmet went to see Miss Sue. She is the  make your hair all beautiful lady. Miss sue made Emmet's hair all beautiful even when he was way little. 

Emmet has lots of curly hair. Just like me. 

So now Emmet is all neat and tidy for Merry Christmas time. That is good.

I am going to the make me beautiful store tomorrow. I do not mind. 

Craig and Zita will not just forget to bring me home to my own house. 

They always remember. That is good. I do not worry so much now. Just a little. 

Zita and I went for a long walk when Craig got home all safe.

We went to the nice bank again. I got more treats. I like that store. It is known. 

Niamh is teaching all the little dancers tonight. She will not have her tasty dinner with Craig and Zita and me. Oh well. Too bad for her.

The present man brought secret presents today. One was for me. Ha. Craig told me. 

I do not know what it is. It is a secret present. He hid it all away. Ha. 

That is what you do when you get secret presents for people. At Merry Christmas time. 

I know where he hid them. Good for me. 

I will not tell anyone. I will just guard them. Ha. 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty

We did not have real toasts for our special Sunday breakfast. Just the toasts from way far away France. Oh well. To bad for me. 

I got Niamh out of her comfy bed today. Ha. So she could be all fast awake for our tasty breakfast.  I jumped right on top of her. Ha. 

Getting Niamh all out of her comfy bed is my job. It is a good job. I like my jobs. I am a way good helper. Zita told me.

Zita and Doctor Susan went secret present shopping. In Doctor Susan's red little car. After we had our lunch. That is good. 

And then Craig had to go too. In the silver little car.

I had to guard Emmet and Niamh. Craig asked me to. It is an easy job. 

Emmet is studying for his remember everything about reading old Roman stories exam. 

And Niamh is making her room all neat and tidy. It takes a long long time to make her room all neat and tidy. Ha.

Niamh put lots of Merry Christmas decorations in her comfy bed room. 

Niamh loves Merry Christmas time. Even a very little pretend Merry Christmas tree. Ha. 

Then Zita and Niamh went to Craig's mother little place. With decorations. More Merry Christmas decorations. 

So her little place will all ready for Saint Santa's day. With a way little Merry Christmas tree. That is nice.

Craig and I had real toasts. With peanut butter. When he got home from the secret presents shopping. Ha. That is good. I like real toasts. 

It is right to have real toasts. Not pretend toasts from way far away France. 

We stayed up late last night. To watch the writing on the television detectives. I had a long comfy nap.

I am going to the make me beautiful store soon. So I am all beautiful for the Merry Christmas time. 

I have to be all beautiful for all the special cheese parties. 

Everybody puts on all their beautiful clothes for cheese parties. 

Except for Craig. He just was neat and tidy clothes. Ha. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Nine

Zita and I went for just a little walk this morning. 

Then we went for the longest walk in the world. We took Craig to his old friends breakfast party. Because it is Saturday.

And we went to the give nice dogs treats bank and to the outside buy tasty food stores. And to see the all empty canal.

Then we came home. And I had a nice nap. Good for me.

And I had to guard Craig because Zita had to go secret present shopping and Emmet had to go to his nice university to read lots of old books. 

Because it is remember everything exam time. Again. Oh dear. 

Niamh had to go to show people she was the best dancer. 

They are going to have a way special dance with beautiful dresses and not so fast music. 

But you have to be a way good slow dancer. 

Miss Rachel was a beautiful dress slow dancer. A long time ago. She told my friend Niamh all about it. 

A way far away government asks special dancers to come to their big dance party. Every year. In a giant room. Way downtown. Full of famous pictures.

Then they can give money to people who can not find any money all by themselves. That is good. Then they can have a nice Merry Christmas time. 

It is not our government who makes the special party. It is another from way far away. 

They do not have a nice Queen. Or very fierce Scotsman soldiers. 

Just way tasty cake restaurants and lots of beautiful slow not so loud music. Too bad for them. 

Craig and I played catch the ball in the afternoon. 

It is still not so cold outside. Even with our all empty trees. That is not right. 

Zita is going to get pizzas from the fat pizza store. Way downtown. For our dinner tonight. That is good. 

I always get the extra hard bit of pizzas. That is good. 

Craig and Zita watched a brand new story on the television last night. All about lots of detectives. 

All their words were on the television. In letters.  

They could not speak like us. Oh well. They caught the nasty man anyway. 

Friday, 4 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hunded and Thirty Eight

I had a nice walk today. I brought Zita with me. Ha. Good for me.

We have the giant tree in the side yard. It is Saint Santa's Merry Christmas tree. 

We cannot put it in the house until after Niamh's and Emmet's sing happy birthday day.

Emmet told me Niamh stole his sing happy birthday day. That is not true. Niamh only steals ice cream. And towels. Ha. 

We can not have Merry Christmas music on the music machines. Until after we sing the happy birthday song. For Emmet and Niamh. It is the rule.

I do not know why it is a rule. Nobody told me. Oh well. 

Rules are confusing. It is known.

The present man brought a big box. It is a secret present. Another one. Ha. 

Craig forgot to give me my breakfast this morning. Because he had a little sleep in. Oh dear. 

I did not starve into nothing. I got cheese bits instead. Ha. Good for me.

Today is Emmet's eat donuts for lunch all day at his nice university.  Ha.

Craig's sister and Uncle George are coming for a visit. Before my dinner time. 

Not a cheese party visit. Just a little visit. Oh well. 

I like cheese. And parties. With all our friends. We have lots of cheese parties because it will be Mister Saint Santa's day soon.

Craig and Emmet watched the not so scary Vikings on the television last night. I help them watch.

Niamh and Zoe were too loud. Because of Niamh's brand new coat. And they were making music for Zoe's parties. Two parties. On the same day. Oh well. 

I could not have a nice nap. Because of the too loud music. So I went into the den. With Craig and Emmet. And the comfy rug. Good for me.

After our lunch Craig cleaned the living room all up. So nobody will know he is all messy. Even his sister. Ha. Too bad for him. 

We are all having a tasty dinner together tonight. That is good. Not with my friend Niamh. Oh well.

Auntie Jane and Uncle George brought us our Saint Santa's secret presents. That is good.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Seven

The present man came to our house today. Two times. Ha.

Another present man brought a giant box for my friend Niamh. 

It is not a secret present. Craig told me it is her brand new keep you comfy warm coat. It is a keep your bottom all warm coat. That is good. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk his morning. It was not way too cold. Just cold.

We do not have any too much snow at all. Ha. 

Craig was all at home this morning.  The nice Queen did not need his help today. That is good. 

We played catch the ball. Twice. Ha. Good for me.

I got a big cheese treats for not barking at the awful squirrels this morning. Good for me.

Craig and Zita went to the not so much money for breakfast store. To get our Merry Christmas tree. For Saint Santa's day. 

In the afternoon. After our lunch. I minded Emmet. Zita says I should mind Emmet. Craig says I should guard Emmet. They are the same thing. I think. 

It is because Zita is from way far away. Craig says. It is confusing. It is hard being a dog in my house.  Oh well. 

Craig and I had a brand new still hot bagel. For our lunch. Emmet brought them home. From Mister Kettlemans bagel store. 

The present man comes to our house because it will be Merry Christmas time soon. AfterMerry Christmas is when we get all our secret presents. It is known. I always get secret presents too. 

Because I am the best dog in the world. Most of the time. Craig told me. Ha. 

And have all our tasty cheese parties. With all our friends. That is good. 

We get lots and lots of cheese from Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. That is good. 

Craig and Zita brought two Merry Christmas trees to our house. In the gold big car. 

One is for Mister Bill. He lives next door. The squirrels run on his roof. I can see them. I hate squirrels.

Zita is going to visit her lady friends tonight. They have a nice dog too. It is not so big. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Six

I had a very long day.

Craig drove Emmet to his nice university this morning. Early. 

Then he had to go and help the nice Queen. And he did not come home until way late. Even after my own lunchtime. 

We could not play catch the ball until way late. 

I sat at my watching window and waited and waited. For a long time. For the whole morning. That is not right. 

Zita had to give me my peanut butter treats. 

Peanut butter treats are not Zita's job. It is Craig's job. That is not right.

Then Craig and Emmet came home. I was way happy. It is known. 

I brought them my favourite green toy. They were way happy too. That is good.

Then Craig and I played catch the ball. That is good.

Emmet had to stay at his nice university today. To read an important book. 

The kind of book that has to stay inside the nice university. It was all about the long time ago live in the mountains people. 

Niamh has to write all about all the books she read. For one of her very interesting stories. It is very hard. She told me so.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. Before it was all too dark to see the wolves. Hiding in the bushes. Ha. Too bad for them. 

When we can see them they can not jump out of the bushes. And catch you. Ha. Too bad for them. 

Just like the big statues in Emmet's way scary television stories. I do not watch those stories. It is known. 

I was a little bit soggy. So I stayed in the kitchen to keep Craig company. He was not soggy. Just me and Zita. 

Craig was a little bit tired. Because of all the thinking for the nice Queen. Oh well. Too bad for him.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Five

It is not so nice out today. Just all dark. Even in the morning. And there was lots of cold windy rain. 

Zita and I went for a little so long walk. We did not see anybody. Just cars. Oh well.

We had toast and lots of coffees when we got home. Because it is not so nice outside today. 

Craig and I played catch the ball. Not for so long. Because of the windy cold. 

Then everybody was busy. Me too. 

There were too many dogs in the park. All running everywhere. I saw them. From my watching window.

I do not like that. They will get all lost.  

Then they will not find their own house. And they will not have their tasty dinner. And will be all sad. And cold. Oh dear. 

I bark at them. They do not listen to me. Too bad for them. 

Craig and I had a peanut butter sandwich for our own lunch. I like peanut butter. I always get all the extra bits. Ha. 

There is another silver little car. Just like Craig's. It is confusing. When it is on my street and Craig is in our house. That is not right. It is Craig's silver little car. Oh well.

Emmet was talking to Miss Rachel. Yesterday. On his little computer. With real pictures. 

She is still in way far away Ireland. She is going to the soon to be doctors university. 

Emmet said she is going to come home for the Saint Santa's days. Maybe we will see her. And have treats. Miss Rachel always has tasty treats.That is good.

Zita had to go to the way too small office this afternoon. Even in the nasty weather. Oh well.

Emmet had a bath. So he would not be all smelly. I am going to the make me all beautiful store. Soon. 

So I will be all beautiful for the Saint Santa's time. When we have all the cheese parties. 

You have to be all neat and all squeaky clean for our parties. 

Then you get lots of cheese treats. It is known. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita and I did not go for our nice walk this afternoon. Because of the too much windy freezy rain. 

We did not want to fall all down. On our bottoms. Because then you have all soggy bottoms. Oh dear. I would not like that. 

Last year I fell down and got a sore leg. I did not like that so much. 

I stayed in the house. So I could help Zita make our tasty dinner. I was a big help. It is true.  Zita told me. Good for me. I am a very good helper. It is known. 

Monday, 30 November 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Four

We ate our dinner in the den last night. All of it. In the den. Pizza and popcorn and Irish tea. Craig had special from way far away in Italy lemonade. Ha. 

Our team did not win. Oh well. Too bad for us. 

All the players were very sad. It is sad not to win. When you try very hard. Like catching the awful squirrels. Oh well. That was too bad.

Niamh only stayed to eat the pizza. Then she had to go away for a very special dance a lot practice. With her friends. 

For the special Saint Santa party at her dance a lot school. 

She did not sleep here. In her comfy bed. She slept in a friend's house. Beside her dance a lot school. Because they had to practice until way way late. 

Zita and I went for a nice walk this morning. It was windy cold outside. 

Zita does not like the cold so much. I like the little bit cold. 

Jamie likes the too much cold. Because he comes from the North Pole. He knows Saint Santa. 

Craig and Zita had to go the the buy way too much giant store. I guarded the house. 

We did not have any of the special just for the tasty pasta cheese. They had to get a way way big piece. That is good. 

It is Mister Saint Andrew's special day. He was a way old Scotsman. A long long time ago. Craig told me. 

All the Scotsman people have to only eat nasty Scotsman food today. And only play their bagpipes way too loud. 

Craig is only a pretend Scotsman. That is good. He can not play the bagpipes. We do not have to eat Scotsman's food. That is good. 

His grandfather was a real Scotsman. He is dead. Oh well. He did not have a nice dog. Too bad for him. 

Emmet is going to take talk old Roman again. After Saint Santa's Christmas time. So everybody will think he is a way old Roman. 

And then he can be Pope. And have an elephant. He will get it from the Punics. Ha. 

I will help him ride on top of the elephant. It is known. Because we are friends. It is known.