Monday, 31 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Seven

It is the last day of the year. Emmet told me. I caught Emmet last night. Ha.

We almost ran out of my food. Zita had to drive and find some. That is good.

I saw the nasty dog on my corner. I barked at him and he went away. It did not look like he got any presents from Santa. That is good.

Zita says we will have a new year tomorrow. I do not know who brings it. May be Santa or Uncle Bill.

Craig said Auntie Louise got a big prize. She gets another name for herself. It is CC.

I do not know what she can see now, but Craig said it was very good. That is good.

Emmet says Auntie Louise makes really good potatoes. Maybe that is why she got the prize.

Uncle Bill makes good sausages but he did not get a prize. Maybe next year.

No cheese parties. That is good. I ate too much cheese. It is known.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Six

A quiet day because it is the Christmas holidays.  I helped Zita clean the driveway. It is very cold out. I was warm but my green ball got lost.

When I was in the house watching Craig drink his coffee I found my green ball. It was in the snow bank right in front of my watching window. That was good

We cleaned up the house and used the vacuum machine. It is very noisy. I went into the kitchen and had a nap on my kitchen bed.

This afternoon I went to Jamie's for a visit. I had lots of fun. I get snow between my toes and have to have help getting then out. Jamie's feet are smaller and he is from way way up north so his toes are better in the snow.  Oh well.  Jamie is a shy dog.  So is Zorro.

When I got home I was very tired and went to sleep on my big bed.  That is good.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Five

I had a very quiet day. We had even more snow.

We played throw the Red Ball in the snow. It gets lost in the snow. I have to dig for it. I slide a lot. I run into the gate. It is embarrassing.

Zita is off shopping so I am in charge. That is good.

Uncle Bill brought sausages over. He could not stay. Nowhere to park his truck. Too much snow.

I like snow. I jump in it. But it gets in my paws and it hurts to walk. Oh well.

When I come in from playing throw my Red Ball Craig and I have to use my towels to dry off. His tires get very snowy. He should go to Zita's tire store and get new tires.

Emmet slept all day. Silly Emmet.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Four

I am late tonight. They went out to a very long movie. I stayed here and guarded the house.

I thought the cheese parties were over but we had a little one last night. I was too tired and I just went to sleep on my duvet.. Too many cheese parties for me.

Craig said in the movies they saw a man had a bunch of guests. He did not invite them.

They ate all his cheese. No more cheese parties for him. He had to go off on an adventure with his guests. They must have still had the cheese.
It was a very scary movie Craig said. He jumped a lot. Niamh and Emmet and Zita said it is very funny to watch him at scary movies. I do not know. Dogs can not go to movies they said.

They cleaned off all the snow again. They did not use the scary, noisy machine. That is good. They would not let me help. That is sad.

Zita and I went on a car ride. We went to the tire store to her other tires put on. I helped a lot. We had a nice walk home.

There are lots of things to sniff at the tire store. It is good.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Three.

The cheese parties are all finished. Too many cheese parties. I was very tired. I fell asleep in the middle of the party. On Tara's feet.

We got more presents. Emmet got all the coke in the world. He gave Tara a hat. He found it himself in a ladies store. Emmet is brave.

Craig got something that flies. Maybe it is a dragon. Emmet says dragon fly.

We had so much snow I could not play throw my Red Ball. Too much snow. I was afraid I would loose it and the big red scary machine would throw it away. In little pieces. That would be sad.

Zita had to get the scary machine to move all the snow. It is very loud. I do not like it at all.

Zita and Niamh stayed out for a long long time with the scary machine. Emmet was asleep. Silly Emmet. Zita will pour cold water on him. Ha.

We watched my corner. The cars could not drive on it. They all got stuck. They were all cross. Ha.

Then they got out of their cars. They were still cross.Oh well.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty Two

We all slept in. Except Niamh who went shopping with Cara and Emily. They are silly.

We got lots of presents. I got a very big kong to chew on. It keeps rolling under things. I have to get help to get it back. Silly kong.

Emmet got lots and lots of clothes to keep him warm. Zita says he is too skinny and will fly away when it is windy. He should take me along I am not afraid of the wind.

Emmet got a big chair for his table with all the computers. He has lots of computers. Computers like the basement he says. Emmet got a dragon too. Emmet likes dragons. I have never seen one. He says they are very big. His dragon is not very big though.

Craig got books and clothes. He has way too many books. He got ancient elephants that are only bones now. That is sad. I like elephants. They were with the Punics Emmet said.

Zita got things for her boots so we will not fall down on our walks. And special gloves so she can still give me On My Walk treats and keep her hands warm. That is good.

Niamh got a big thing to fall down on and not get hurt. That is good. Niamh got lots and lots of clothes and boots to keep her warm. She never wears socks. Silly Niamh.

We are having another cheese party tonight. All the Mahoneys are coming over to eat. The are very tall.  We laugh a lot when they are here. They are silly.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty One

I had a happy Christmas. I got a big red ball. Not a throw ball. It is a chase ball. It is hard to catch on the ice.

We got lots and lots of presents.

I hope you did too.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Sixty

We are getting ready for the nearly Christmas party.

We have the sheets on the table. That means we will have lots of cheese. I have to help.

Zita and I are going to bring Christmas presents for the cats who live with the people who leave treats for me. Christmas is a nice time. Even for cats. Not for squirrels. They do not get Christmas presents like me.

Merry Christmas from me and my people, Craig, Zita, Emmet and Niamh.

Do not eat too much cheese. I hope you were good and Santa brings nice presents for you.

Go to bed early. Morning comes faster that way. It is known.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Nine

I got a Christmas present from the nice lady from our newspaper and her dog Lady Herb.

It is a dog statue for our big green tree. Niamh put it on right away. What a nice Christmas it is.

We all slept in. Craig was still getting dressed when Uncle Bill came by to say happy Christmas. I went in and jumped on Craig to hurry him up. He is slow.

We gave Uncle Bill his Christmas present from Emmet. Emmet was still asleep. Silly Emmet.

Craig and Bill drank more coffee. They like coffee.  And cookies. 

Niamh is making peanut butter cookies. I love peanut butter.

I went for a run in the garden and got snow in my toes. I do not like that. I should get toes shoes like Niamh.

Craig spent all day wrapping Christmas presents. He is messy.

Zita is making pies for our nearly Christmas party tomorrow. More cheese I bet. I will be careful.

We are nearly ready for Christmas. That is good.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Eight

I am sorry I could not write my blog last night. I had a sick tummy and had to have a quiet time.

Craig said I ate too many things that fell on the floor at our Making a Better Christmas For Someone party.  He is right. He said he would not tell Dr. Smith. That is good.

I am feeling better now. That is good.

Craig and Zita went out early after our walk and came home with lots of bags of presents.

Craig's friend Rick gave him a box of candies he makes. It is a Christmas present.

Zita said that Craig can not eat Rick's turtles because they would poison him. Only she can eat them. Who would want to eat a turtle?

I licked a frog and it tasted very bad. Silly people. Zita will get a sick tummy too.

Emmet is out cleaning the driveway. He will be tired. Niamh is cleaning the cars. She will be tired too.

We will go to bed early tonight. Except Emmet who is silly. He will stay up way too late talking with Chris and Sava. It is known.

Some people said our world would be all done last night.

They were wrong. Zita was right. The world did not end last night.

When I got up there was more world than when I went to sleep. Zita had to move it with the scary blue shovel before our walk.

Emmet said some people thought space ships were coming to take us all away. If they came I know where they would take us. To the Dog Star. Ha.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Six

Very busy. It is the go and help people have a happy Christmas day. They are wrapping presents and looking at lists.

Craig and I played throw the Red Ball. Way after he made his coffee. He takes too long to drink his coffee. I even put my feet and his shoulder to remind him I was there. He still drank his coffee.

Zita slept in and I had to wait for ever for my walk. It was a very pretty day. You could hear all the birds. Zita said they were singing Christmas music.

There are no Christmas songs with dogs in them. Just donkeys and cows. That is sad. I bet there were dogs there too. Who could take care of a baby better than a dog? It is known.

Zita and Emmet and Niamh are off getting all the stuff to make people happy. All the Mahoneys are there too.

They are all coming here after for the party. They will laugh a lot. That is what you do at parties. And eat cheese.

We had Tony's pizza store bring us pizza. Cheese Piizzas.  Kathy likes cheese. That is good. There was lots of cheese. Some fell on the floor. Ha.

Richard and Zita like scotch.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Five

The present man did not come today. We must nearly be ready for Christmas. That is good.

We played throw my Red Ball a lot today. That is good.

Zita had to go to her university to do her big test today. She will be late. She will not be here for dinner. Oh oh.

I have to get Emmet and Craig and Niamh to share my carrots Zita said.

Emmet had to to go out to do more Christmas shopping. Maybe he got me a present.

I gave Lorraine a Christmas present. Smelly soap to scare away squirrels.

Lorraine lives in the wilds where there are kabillions of squirrels. She has dogs too. I hope they are big like me. I like Lorraine. She throws my Red Ball when she is here.

Emmet and Niamh and Zita and all the Mahoneys are going out tomorrow to get a big box of Christmas stuff for some people who need a bit more to make Christmas happy. That is good.

Craig said they do it every year. That is good. You should be happy at Christmas if you can. It is known.

They are going to come back here for a party. I bet there will be cheese.  The Mahoneys like cheese. It is Christmas. That is good.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Four

Another rainly-snow day. Too slippery. Craig and I watched all the cars not stop at my corner.

There are people sliding on the hill into the duck's pond. I do like the sleds. Sleds are for Jamie and Zorro to pull. Not people People are silly.

Emmet went Christmas shopping. He came home very wet and cold. He did not wear his big boots. Silly Emmet.

Craig was using the scary blue shovel and snow fell off my shed on to him. He was wet and cold too. Silly Craig.

Zita has her test tomorrow so she was at her university studying. She is tired of studying.

Niamh had to talk to people at her dance store so she can help out with all the dancing. That is good.

Emmet is very upset. People built an army store on top of one of his very old cities. Maybe the oldest city. Who knows. But they broke some of it and Emmet is sad.

He will talk to Uncle Bill. Maybe Uncle Bill can fix it for Christmas. Or make more sausages.

Zita says he makes good sausages. Too spicy for me Dr. Smith said. Oh well.

I like bean treats.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Three

More snowy rain. Too slippery. I can not catch my Red Ball because I slip and fall. That is sad.

The cars are all covered in ice. Zita and Craig and Emmet had to use the blue shovel that makes the scary noises to take away the ice.

Niamh stayed home. Too slippery for buses. Not too slippery for Uncle Bill. He came over to get Emmet awake and drink coffee. He and Emmet talked about the giant eagle movie.

Uncle Bill wants to go too. He will like giant eagles more than turkeys I guess.

Zita was at school studying all day at her university. Niamh was studying all day on her experiments.

All Craig did was make coffee and ask Niamh questions about her experiments. And made more coffee.

Zita forgot her coffee his morning. Oh well. She will not be happy.

We rolled my Red Ball on the ground so I would not slide into the fence. That is good.

I once hit the fence so hard catching my Red Ball that a piece of my nose came off.

Craig says I have a big nose. Ha. His is way to small to smell anything at all. It is known.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty Two

It was a very busy night with the ladies sleep-over. They did not drop much. Oh well. They laughed a lot.

Emily and Cara draw beautiful pictures. They do not think they are very good pictures. They are wrong.

I got to try all the beds. That was good. I slept on my own bed. Zita and Craig would not like it if I was not there to keep them company. It is known.

Emmet got in so late I was all asleep. He saw a movie with swords and magic and giant eagles. He said it was the best movie ever. No dogs though. Giant eagles would take care of the giant squirrels I bet.

Emmet is finished all his test. He is going to sleep he said. And drink ice tea. Ha.

My cheese friends sent more presents for Niamh and Emmet. It is Christmas time you know.  We get lots of presents.

Auntie Jane sent presents. We will put them under the tree. I sniffed them. No squirrels. That is good.

Our tree is beautiful. We put lot of shiny balls on it last night and lots and lots of lights.

It is not nice out today. The snow is silly and make the ground very slippy. It freezes on my face. Then I look like Craig.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty One

My house is full of Niamh's friends. They are having a birthday sleep-over and I am invited.

Zita and I are putting the tree up. It is very big.  I like the smell of trees. No squirrels in the tree. I checked. You have to be careful with squirrels.  It is my job. I am good at it. I hate squirrels.

When we are finished all the ladies and I are are going to put all the decorations up and have pizza. I can't have pizza. I would get a sick tummy. Craig will give me bean treats.  That is good.

Emmet is at his university writing his dead kings and scary religions test. He and Chris and Sava are going to a movie after the test. I think he is hiding from all the ladies's party. Ha

They are making cookie houses. Maybe they will drop pieces. That is good.

Craig is hiding in the den. I will go keep him company when it gets too loud.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Fifty

Emmet and Niamh have a birthday party tonight and I am invited. That is good.  Emmet says they asked silly questions on his Punics test. Where was a dead Emperor born?

I think if he is dead it does not matter. Oh well.

Zita is still writing her Why Do People Do What People Do test. She has to look at pictures of people and say what they are thinking. They are asking where the dead Emperors were born I bet.

Craig says he got presents for me for Emmet and Niamh. I hope they are nice.

I bet they are going to have cheese to night. They put the white duvet on the table. That is how you know there will be cheese. It is known.

They are cooking I have to go to see if anything drops.

I got Niamh a movie about a princess with red hair. Niamh has red hair too. She could be a princess if she wanted to be.

I got Emmet a movie about the old war when they broke the american house. Zorro and Jamie will like that. 

Zoe brought Niamh a dog pencil sharpener. That was nice.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Nine

Guarding the house. All day. Everyone is busy. Emmet has his Punics and Lets Kill the Emperor test tomorrow. He has his All The Dead Kings test on Saturday. He is very busy.

Zita is at the university all day writing her test on why people think.

Craig drove Niamh to school this afternoon. She says she is feeling better. Craig does not believe her. I do not believe her either.

The present man brought a box so big Craig could not carry it. We hid it. Do not tell anyone.

It is Niamh's and Emmet's birthdays tomorrow. That is good. People say it is strange that they have the same birthday. It is not strange. My brothers and sisters have the same birthday as me. People are silly.

Craig is not silly he is stubborn. I had to wait and wait this morning until he made his coffee and then drank it. He had two cups. He drinks too much coffee. He needs to be outside throwing my Red Ball.

Lorraine threw my Red Ball. Lorraine does not drink coffee.

Jessie is coming over to help train Niamh's dragon to talk all about the planets. That is good. Some dogs talk to the moon. Not me. The moon never answers. It is known.

I am worried. I did not get Emmet or Niamh a birthday present. Craig said it was OK. He will get them something from me. Just like he does for his mother. That is good. I am still worried.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Eight

I had to have my Choke Me collar on because it is icy and I pull way too much. Zita is sad that we have to use the Choke Me collar. Me too. I just get to excited sometimes and I am too strong. Oh well.

Niamh still has a bad tummy and can only eat Cheerios and toast. I get the used pieces of toast.

She is learning all about planets. That is what stars are she told me. Stars are nice. They make the scary night not so dark. They are far away she says. Too far to drive.

Farther than even Ireland she says. They have all been to Ireland to see the castles and the cousins. Not me. Ireland is too faraway for me. I like here. There are no lions here.

Craig is going out for diner with his really old friends. At night. With the giant squirrels.

He said he will take his friend Winchester with him. He said giant squirrels will not bother him. 

Zita says he is silly. She says he and Uncle Bill are two of a kind.

She is wrong. Uncle Bill is not furry like Craig. Craig does not have a loud motorcycle. Silly Zita.

Zita and I are going to walk with him to the restaurant just in case. It is the smart thing to do I think.

Sometimes we go to get Niamh when she comes home from toe dancing at night. That is good. I am very brave when Zita and Niamh are there. It is known.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Seven

I caught Emmet last night. Ha. I won. Ha.

Zita had her big test this morning. Craig drove her and when he came home we played throw my Red Ball until we were too cold. Then we had toasts.

My cheese party friends sent Emmet and Niamh birthday presents. That was nice. It was a big box. It was full.

Niamh has a sick tummy and could not go to school. I helped her eat her Cheerios. I am a big help when one of us is sick.

Some girl knocked Niamh over and stepped on her shoulder in their run all around class. That would not have happened if I was there. I would have knocked the other girl down. That is why they need to take me along when they go out. Especially at night.

Zita says she might take Niamh to Mrs. Louise who fixes you when you get hurt. She is one of the Go-Away-And-Eat-At-Clean-Restaurants Ladies.

I get in trouble for pulling on my walks. Zita says I forgot how to listen.

Maybe I am getting old like Craig and Uncle Bill. That would be sad. They are very old. They told me so. They are so old they used steam engines. That makes Emmet laugh.

I did not tell them I did not know what an engine was. It is not important for dogs to know everything. We know what we need to know and then a bit more. It is known.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Six

There was ice every where this morning.  More trouble for pulling. The snow is very crunchy and I got very excited. I tried hard. Oh well.

Emmet had to go to the dentist today. He had to get up early. He was very tired. Silly Emmet. Craig drove him. Too much snow.

Uncle Bill brought presents over. For Niamh and Emmet's birthday.

Craig and Uncle Bill had strong coffee. Emmet listened to their stories. I went to sleep. They laugh a lot. I do not have to wake up. I know laughing is good and I do not have to worry about everyone when the are laughing.

Uncle Bill is fifty years older than Emmet. Emmet thought that was funny.

Zita was writing. I stayed on the bed to help.

The present man came again today. More presents I bet.

More nose collar tonight. It is sad. I got very wet and had to stay in the kitchen until I was all dry. Craig said I smelt like a wet dog. I was. People are so silly.

Craig said that Niamh has forgotten how to put on her socks. That is sad. She will get cold and her feet will fall off. I dont need socks.

The little machines that push the snow are going up and down my sidewalk. They are scarey. Maybe they will run over the squirrels. That is good.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Five

Dance party day.  Emmet and Zita and Craig went to see Niamh at her dance party. It is a party without cheese. What kind of a party does not have cheese?  Oh well.

I stayed home to guard the house.  I get a peanut butter treat when I guard the house.

My Red Ball broke my outside light this morning.  Zita and I were surprised.  I could not help clean up.  Zita was afraid I might cut my paws.  It is all right now. We need a new light.

I got in trouble this morning. Too much pulling. I had to have my nose collar. I hate my nose collar. I should not pull so much.  It is hard not to pull.  Oh well.

Emmet fell last night when he was trying to catch me. He hit his head. He had to use my ice to make is head better.  I was scared when he fell. I gave him kisses and put my paw on his shoulder so he would sit up. He is better now. That is good.

I will not chase him so hard. I will not tell him. He would be sad.  It is known.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Four

It snowed today. I can catch all the snow flakes I want. All by myself. I am good at it. Zita said so.

Niamh has her big dance party tonight. She is very excited. She has another one tomorrow. She is a very busy dancer.

She is nervous. She told me so. She had to get all her hair piled up on top of her head. She did not have to go to the make me beautiful store. That is good.

It would not be nice if Niamh had no hair like me.

Emmet and Craig went out with our newspapers. They left the chair in the kitchen. I did not like that. That empty chair is not right. There is no one to tell it where to go. It will not listen to me. It is only right when Craig is in it. It is known.

Emmet is studying about his Rome and all its emperors and who killed them. I would not like to be an emperor. I am happy being a good dog. Good dogs get to sleep on the nice and warm duvets all night long. I get all the peanut butter left on the knife when Craig makes his sandwiches. That is good.

Zita is very busy. Essays and tests and more essays. She drinks lots of coffee. Emmet drinks coke. Oh well. I like my water from the bath tub.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Three

I was very tired this morning and I went back to bed. Craig was still in bed so it was OK. It was OK to sleep in because Craig said this is an infamous day. That is good.

Emmet knew Mr Lee's middle name on his big test. He guessed it. He was right. His first guess was Elijah but Emmet could not spell it. Lucky Emmet.

He was very happy and told me twice. Before dinner he picked me up and we danced all around.  I had to scratch my ear. Emmet says you can not dance and scratch your ear at the same time. We had to stop. Oh well.

He was so tired with all his writing and studying about the Punics and Mr. Kipling that he did not wake up until it was nearly dark. Silly Emmet.

Craig was Christmas shopping again.  Niamh asked and asked and now we can have Christmas music. Niamh loves Christmas. It is known.

She is toe dancing tonight. With her toe dancing friends. That is good.
Niamh was happy too her test said she knew everything there was about her science. That is good.

I know lots too. Not about Punics or flowers. I know all about my family. That is very important too. It is known

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty Two

I am famous. Niamh wrote a letter for me to our newspaper. It is in the newspaper this time and there is a picture of me too. It is a picture of me when I was furry. I like my furry me better than my beautiful me.

I wrote a letter to thank the nice people who leave me treats in the little box when I go for my walk. I am glad it is in the newspaper so lots of people will know about the nice people. That is good.

Emmet took me for a walk tonight. he said I pulled. I was excited. It was the first time Emmet took me for my walk. I will try harder next time. I promised him.

More presents came today. Maybe some of them are for me. I have been very good this year. Santa knows dogs are always good all the year. He is sorry that people can not try as hard as dogs.  It is known.

Niamh says I sould let you see my letter. She says not everyone gets our newspaper. Oh well.

"Dear Editor,

I am Miss Poppy the dog.  Christmas is coming. I do not have money to buy presents.  That is sad.
If I had money I would get a very nice present for the people who leave me biscuits treats in front of their house.

Sometimes when I go for my walks in the morning we go down by the canal. That is where the people live, on the Colonel’s road.

That is where the treats are; right beside the path where I walk. In a nice little box with a lid, so the squirrels cannot steal my treats.

They have a cat. It must be a very nice cat. Nice people would not have a nasty cat like the ones who leave paw marks on my cars.

When I go for my walks I scare all the awful squirrels away from their house. I think that is why they leave the biscuits for me.

I do not like squirrels. Niamh says squirrels do not get Christmas presents. That is good. I get Christmas presents. That is good.

I do not eat the treat all at once. I get a bit. If I do not try to catch the ducks I get more until it is all gone. They are good treats.

Thank you and I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Your cat too.

Miss Poppy the Dog.

PS  If you have trouble with the squirrels leave a note. Craig will read it to me and I will come and help. I do not like squirrels. Either does Santa. It is known."

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty One

It is the newspaper day. It is early. I was surprised that they came and I wanted to help but I can not. I get too excited.

I worry too much Zita says. Ha.

That is my job. They do not make my job easy. They go out without me, they talk to strange dogs and they do not listen to me when I tell them to be careful. Oh well.

I saw Jamie and Zorro today. Zorro is very shy. Me too.

It is the day that the men come and take our garbage. We got up early because we could not sleep and walked in the dark. The garbage cans on wheels were every where. They did not get me this time. Zita said I was very brave. That is true.

Craig is very stubborn. It took forever to get him to throw my Red Ball yesterday. He always wants me to bring the ball to him. That is not fair.

Christmas is coming. The Christmas tree arrived. Craig and Paul got it. Niamh was afraid Craig would get a small tree. I do not know why. We always have great big trees with lots of presents. That is good.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Forty

Everyone is very busy. I hardly got to catch my Red Ball at all today. I was too busy guarding the house.

Uncle Bill and Emmet and Craig went to see the movie about the man who talked about the broken house.

They liked it a lot. Emmet said it was very good. Emmet said there was not one dog in it. It could not be a great movie with no dogs in it. It is known.

Uncle Bill sent them home with his own sausages. They are too spicy for me he said. I like carrots and lettuce. They do not have carrot sausages. That is sad.

I have to wear my nose collar. I pull too much. That is sad. I hate my nose collar.

I will try not to pull. Sometimes I do not pull. But not all the time. Oh well.

Niamh is at her dance practice. There is a dance party soon. No cheese at dance parties. That is sad.

I do not get to go to Niamh's dance parties. Too many people there she says. That is sad. I am a good dancer too. I dance with Emmet.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Thirty Nine

I am not magic. My blue ball broke. I put a hole in it.  I can not carry it around anymore. That is sad.

Zita says that if I get Niamh to write my Santa list she thinks I will get a new big ball for Christmas. That is good. Maybe it will be Red.

Last night I chased them all around the house with my rope. I am much faster if I am holding something in my mouth. My blue bone works best. That is how I catch Emmet.

Emmet is studying for all his tests to see if he can remember everything. I know lots - Mr. Kipling was not a Punic and he did not break any houses. I listen when Emmet reads his essays. It is known.

I could go to the university if I could drink coffee.

It was so rainy yesterday that Craig only threw my Red Ball once. That is sad. Today he threw it lots. Then I had carrot treats.

Zita says I need a warmer cape. Maybe Santa will bring me one. I hope it is tartan so I can still  pretend to be Scottish. When I am Scottish I get to bark at all the English dogs Craig says. I don't know why though.

Barking is good. Zita says I bark too much at silly things. I do not

A man put up a sign on my corner and didn't ask if he could so I barked at him a lot. I got in a bit of trouble. Oh well.

Then he took it away so I barked at him some more. Oh well.

It is hard being a dog. Even for me.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Thirty Eight.

I am magic. I have turned my purple ball into my purple egg just carrying it around. Craig says it must be magic.  That is good.

Everyone is writing except Craig and me.  It is raining and there is no snow.  We have not gone for my walk. It is too wet and cold. I am having a nice nap instead.

I try to get everyone to go outside by looking sad.  Craig says my song should be "Sad-eyed lady from the lowlands.".  That is true.

Niamh's friend is very nice. She is a McDonald. She can pretend to be Scottish too.  I sleep on the bed between Craig and Zita's legs because I am not so warm after my make me beautiful day. Oh well.

There was a squirrel on my patio this afternoon. Emmet had to go out and scare it away for me.  I hate squirrels. Like the Romans and the Punics Emmet says. Emmet learns lots of stuff at his university.  He likes it. Some times I understand.  I liked the parts about the elephants. Zita reads her essays to me. There are no elephants or broken houses in her essays. That is too bad.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Day One Hundred and Thirty Seven

It was very cold today. Zita and I went for a very fast walk. No squirrels. Zita and I are very tired. We were up very late doing our essay. I had a nap on my warm bed duvet.

Uncle Bill came for for coffee and cookies.  He said I was very skinny. I must be. Uncle Bill does not lie. He was a policeman detective when he was young. Now he is old like Craig. 

He and Emmet and Craig are going out for a movie about Mr. Lincoln next week.  Emmet has a tall hat like Mr. Lincoln.

Emmet does not want to be a president like Mr Lincoln. He wants to be Pope. He likes the uniforms he says and the Swiss Guards. They must guard the Swiss chocolate that Zita gets.  He is silly.  You have to be very very old to be a Pope. As old as Craig or Uncle Bill. Or older. It is known.

Zita is at the university looking for better books for her writing. Emmet is taking the Gaul apart. Three pieces are best he says. Niamh is toe dancing. She brought her sparkly costume with her.

Craig is reading and throwing my Red Ball. We did not throw it so much today. It is cold. Craig like reading. He has lots of books. All about castles. He and I listen to music in the den. I get to sleep on the warm blanket. That is good.

Niamh friend from her school is coming over after dance and I will be very good. No jumping. No giving her my blue bone. They are going shopping. If they get lost Emmet and I will go get them Emmet says. Ha.